The Zodiac Sign You Probably Don’t Get Along With, Based on Your Sign

Aries & Cancer

Aries, you might find it challenging to get along with Cancer. Your bold, direct approach to life can clash with their more sensitive and emotional personality. You’re all about taking action and moving forward quickly, while Cancer tends to be more cautious and needs time to open up. Your impatience might make them feel pressured, which can cause tension between the two of you, while their emotional side is something you might find hard to understand or deal with. Accepting their preferences and acting with caution around Cancer may help you strengthen your bond and resolve your differences.

Cancer, your nurturing and sensitive qualities don’t always align with Aries’ impulsivity. You value security and consistency in your relationships, while Aries is the exact opposite, thriving on spontaneity and adventure. Their brashness can come off as insensitivity to you, making you feel unappreciated or misunderstood; this can cause you to falter when trying to connect with Aries. The two of you can learn to understand each other, but it’ll take time, empathy, and patience.

Taurus & Sagittarius

Taurus, Sagittarius’ love for freedom and adventure might clash with your need for stability and routine. You find comfort in the familiar, while Sagittarius is always looking for the ‘next big thing’. Their spontaneous nature and ever-changing list of wants can make you feel unstable, while your grounded personality might feel stifling to them. You value practicality and consistency, two things Sagittarius can’t always provide. Still, agreeing to an adventure every once in a while isn’t a bad thing; it might help you understand Sagittarius a little more. 

Sagittarius, Taurus’ desire to stay within their comfort zone might cause some misunderstandings between the two of you; you crave freedom, while Taurus finds comfort in predictable routines. You usually don’t mind taking a break, but your differences might cause you to feel at odds with Taurus. When your personalities naturally split in different directions, building a solid connection may feel impossible.  Though Taurus may not always understand your need for space and freedom, that doesn’t mean connection is impossible – focus on meeting them where they’re at and enjoy accepting the comfortable.

Gemini & Capricorn

Gemini, Capricorn’s serious and disciplined nature might clash with your playful and spontaneous personality. You’re all about living in the moment and enjoying life, while Capricorn is focused on the future and achieving their goals. Their need for structure can feel restrictive to you, and your unpredictability can be a source of stress for them. You need someone who can keep up with your ever-changing interests, and Capricorn’s steadfast nature might just be too rigid for you. There’s some hope for you two when it comes to academics; Capricorn’s patience and your love for intellectual debates could make you a good pair if you try talking things out every once in a while.

Capricorn, Gemini’s changeable and sometimes flighty nature can be a source of frustration for you. You crave stability and always need to have a plan, while Gemini lives for variety and doesn’t like to think ahead. Their lack of commitment to one path can seem unreliable to you, while your seriousness about everything might feel suffocating to them. They may also find it hard to read past your stoicism, which can cause them to close themselves off around you. Do your best to engage them in a topic you’re both interested in, and don’t be surprised if they jump around from topic to topic; it’ll be a good chance for you to go with the flow and enjoy the moment.

Leo & Scorpio

Leo, your relationship with Scorpio can be quite intense. You love being in the spotlight and receiving admiration, while Scorpio tends to be more reserved and mysterious. Scorpio’s secretive nature might make you feel left out or unimportant, as you prefer openness and instant connections. Additionally, both of you have strong personalities and a desire for control, which could lead to power struggles in your interactions. If you’re able to see past this and give Scorpio the time they need to open up to you, you might be able to create an unstoppable (and unusual) duo.

Scorpio, Leo’s need for attention can be overwhelming for you. You prefer deeper, more intimate connections, while Leo thrives in the limelight and may sometimes come off as self-centered. Their love of the spotlight isn’t something you can understand, which might cause you to misread them or even dislike them at first. For a sign that always trusts their intuition, you might intentionally avoid connecting with Leo based on first impressions. Additionally, their extroverted nature might clash with your introspective and intense personality, creating misunderstandings. If you find yourself able to connect with Leo on a deeper level, you might be surprised at the exciting conversations and generosity Leo has to offer.

Virgo & Aquarius

Virgo, you may find it difficult to connect with Aquarius. Your practical, detail-oriented approach to life contrasts with their big-picture, innovative thinking. Aquarius can come across as aloof and detached, making you feel unappreciated or misunderstood. You hate not being able to read people and prefer it when others dedicate time and attention to their relationships with you – when you don’t receive the same level of commitment from your friends, family, and partners, you take it as a bad sign. You also tend to seek consistency, while Aquarius thrives on change and unpredictability. Their unconventional ways might clash with your need for order and practicality. Regardless, learning to understand Aquarius could give you a solid work partner and visionary to be inspired by.

Aquarius, Virgo’s focus on details and routine might feel limiting to your freedom-loving nature. You tend to think conceptually and prefer to see things from a birds-eye view, while Virgo is more concerned with practicality and precision. Their need for order can feel restrictive to you, and your unpredictability is likely to throw them off balance and stress them out. When you’re feeling inspired, stressed, or involved with your work, you tend to take a step back from your personal relationships, which is something Virgo may struggle to understand. If you’re able to dedicate a little more time to them, you may find yourself appreciating their perspective and even enjoying philosophical conversations with them, as you both tend to appreciate philosophy. 

Libra & Pisces

Libra, your relationship with Pisces can be filled with misunderstandings. You seek balance and fairness, while Pisces operates from a more emotional and intuitive space. Pisces’ tendency to retreat and avoid conflict might leave you feeling frustrated, especially when you’re focused on resolving the problem at hand. You thrive in social settings and value clear communication, while Pisces often requires solitude and can sometimes be vague in expressing their needs. Accepting that Pisces needs to think things over when presented with conflict might allow you to appreciate their ability for introspection – you could even find yourself impressed with the ideas they come up with after some thought.

Pisces, Libra’s need for social interaction and balance might clash with your more introverted and fluid nature. You crave deep, meaningful connections, while Libra thrives in social settings and may sometimes come off as superficial at first glance. Their desire for harmony can sometimes lead them to avoid addressing deeper issues, which can be frustrating for you. You tend to gravitate towards those who understand your emotional depth, and Libra’s light-hearted approach might just be too surface-level for you. Coming to terms with Libra’s direct nature could give you the benefit of a secure friendship – as long as you’re able to resolve your misunderstandings.