
Your Animal Oracle Explained, According To Your Zodiac Sign


Your animal oracle is the Ram. Hard-headed, the ram isn’t afraid of a fight. However, it uses most of it’s strength as a rough defense rather than fighting for the sake of it. When you see a ram, it’s telling you to be strong and fight for what you believe.


Your animal oracle is the Bull. Bulls don’t let anything get in their way and are the epitome of stubbornness. As soon as they see red, they’ll do anything to succeed. When you see a bull, it’s telling you that all your stubbornness is for a good cause.


Your animal oracle is the Chameleon. Ever-changing, the Chameleon can alter their presence to fit in with nearly any situation. When you see a chameleon, it’s telling you to make the social situation you’re in better by bringing everyone together.


Your animal oracle is the Crab. Feisty and fierce, crabs are equal parts fighters and worriers. They’ll either hide in their shells or catch you in their claws. When you see a crab, it’s telling you that something in your life isn’t as good as it seems.


Your animal oracle is the Lion. Kings of the jungle, lions not only are fierce and proud fighters, but they also demand to be the center of everything. When you see a lion, it’s your sign that it’s time to put what you’re proud of on display.


Your animal oracle is the House Cat. Loving routine, cats have their own ideas of what they want to do and won’t be swayed by the intentions of others. When you see a house cat, it’s your sign to stick to your guns and use your claws only when necessary.


Your animal oracle is the Deer. Deer are sensitive to their surrounding, reading the energy around them to know when it’s safe or when to bolt. When you see a deer, it’s your sign to double-check that you’re surrounding yourself with good people.


Your animal oracle is the Scorpion. When backed into a corner, the Scorpion will use its sharp, poisonous tail to defend itself to the death–but it’s never the one starting the drama. When you see a Scorpion, it’s your sign to be ready for a fight.


Your animal oracle is the Horse. While people can think they’ve tamed a horse, no one can truly tie down these strong, majestic animals. When you see a horse, that’s the universe telling you to do what you love, rather than going the way people guide you.


Your animal oracle is the Goat. Goats are resilient hard workers that can weather nearly anything. When you see a goat, it’s telling you to stand by your convictions and not to waver, even when outside forces want you to bend.


Your animal oracle is the Dolphin. Ridiculously smart, dolphins care so much for other animals and humans alike, going out of their way to help. When you see a dolphin, view this as a sign that you need to be selfless in order to protect the ones you love.


Your animal oracle is the Fish. Fish are adept at swimming close to the surface as well as plunging into the deepest depths, just like with your emotions. When you see a fish, this is your sign to look a little deeper to find your personal truth.