Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Friday, December 29, 2023

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Today holds some tension that could lead to impulsive decision-making, as well as some potential relationship and creative shifts!

On December 29, 2023, the Moon in Leo forms a square to Jupiter in Taurus—which can lead to our emotions causing us to jump the gun and make impulsive choices if we aren’t in control. It can also make our usual excitement for opportunities and the day ahead feel muted, meaning making any long-term decisions isn’t in our best interest. 

Additionally, Venus moves from introspective, reserved Scorpio into adventurous Sagittarius, starting a new chapter for our love life and our creative pursuits. We may feel more daring and longing to expand and explore, but remember that this transit will last for weeks—no need to dive all in today. 

Check out your signs (Sun and Rising) below to see what today has in store for you! 


You’re feeling a bit indulgent today, Aries. With the Moon in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance squaring Jupiter in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may feel a little reckless regarding spending habits and making bets you can’t keep. If you work in a creative field, you may struggle with not making as much money from your passion projects as you want, but this doesn’t mean you should abandon your creativity. Ensure you aren’t writing checks you can’t cash, especially if you’re emotionally overwhelmed—it comes back around eventually. 

Additionally, Venus shifts into your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, which could lead to a restlessness in wanting to explore and expand. You could be itching to travel or try new things—after feeling reserved for weeks, you want to break out of your shell. It’s a good instinct, but keep your expectations in check today. You have time to do what you want. 


You want to be yourself, but it isn’t easy today, Taurus. With the Moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots squaring Jupiter in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you are feeling the heaviness more than ever on expressing your individuality, but your family may disapprove of the person you want to be. That tension is more apparent, and you must make decisions aligning with your authentic self. If you keep choosing to hide parts of yourself away to appease others, it will eat away at you internally—it’s not sustainable forever. You don’t have to be cruel, but you have to sit with what it means to be your fullest self and who can accept you for it. 

Meanwhile, Venus shifts into your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, making today a potential beginning for new opportunities in your business life through social connection or your more artistic passions overlapping with your financial ties. You may also examine what it means to be vulnerable and who you choose to be this way with. 


You’re struggling with some negative self-talk today, Gemini. With the Moon in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community squaring Jupiter in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, the feelings of negativity and self-sabotage feel all-consuming—but caving into it won’t solve anything. You may feel anxious trying to balance the desire to match your intuition to something tangible you can point to as proof, but that doesn’t always happen and will make you more stressed if you fixate. Take a deep breath, and know that these feelings will pass. You don’t need to make reckless choices to distract yourself—sit with the emotions and see what they are trying to tell you.  

Additionally, today marks a new chapter for your relationships with Venus in your 7th House of Partnerships. You could feel the sparks with someone new or feel a new energy in your current connections. It’s okay to lean on people for support when needed—people want to be there for you. 


Cancer, You feel at odds with society and your social circles today. With the Moon in your 2nd House of Income and Values squaring Jupiter in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may feel what you value isn’t the same as your friends or the world around you. You could feel isolated or shouting into the void regarding what matters to you but know you aren’t alone in your feelings. You may also desire to spend or make reckless choices today to impress others or make a name for yourself, but it won’t achieve the long-term notoriety you want. If you must empty your pockets just to be involved in the groups, they aren’t the right places for you. Know your worth. 

Additionally, Venus in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness may open an opportunity for you to find your people, at least business-speaking. You may find you can connect more with coworkers or those in your line of work. You may also find more social community in wellness areas where you’re trying to improve your mind and body, so if you venture out today with some new goals, keep an eye out for friendships that could take root.  


You feel tension between who you are and who you feel you must be, Leo. With the Moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity squaring Jupiter in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, the person you have to be in public or at your job is more tame than who you truly are, and it may feel more polarizing today than usual. Whether you feel you aren’t moving up in the world due to your bold expression or you feel restrained in your current environment, it’s not easy to feel you’re not valued for who you are. Today could prove beneficial for making decisions on your legacy and what you want long-term career-wise. 

On a positive note, Venus moves into your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, spicing up the possibility of new love interests if you’re single or new excitement to your current relationships. You could feel more inspired than ever in your creative projects, and pleasure is more than just an idea during this time. Lean into the things that bring you joy and express who you are—you need the release today. 


You could be struggling in a spiritual sense today, Virgo. With the Moon in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation squaring Jupiter in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, today you could feel tense regarding what you have been taught to believe and what you know deep down to be true. It’s hard to explain these things; if these beliefs are at odds, you could feel uncertain about which to follow. You know the answer underneath all the haze, but taking time to sit with it may help clear things up. You may long to explore other options and feel restrained, but what you can’t do today, there is always potential for tomorrow. 

Also, Venus moves into your 4th House of Home and Roots, which could lead you to want to create a more distinct, aesthetic space for your home—some rearranging and redecorating could be on your mind. Just be aware of going overboard financially, as the Moon and Jupiter square could lead you to buy things out of emotion rather than benefit. Making a Pinterest board of decor ideas could be for the best today. 


You’re feeling the tension between introspection and the wider community today, Libra. With the Moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking squaring Jupiter in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, it can feel like you have to give much of yourself, whether financially or emotionally, to belong to certain groups or circles. You may also feel that doing the necessary self-work to understand yourself more alienates you from those who want to keep things light and simple. Know that these people may have a place in your life, but this season may require finding others in the same place as you—you know how to make connections, so look around and see who you can connect with on a deeper level. 

In fact, your hometown or current community could be of help now that Venus has moved into your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community. Finding others through hobby meetups or other local social gatherings may help you find the people you need right now—so put yourself out there. 


Your relationships and your career may feel at odds today, Scorpio. With the Moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image squaring Jupiter in your 7th House of Partnerships, your relationships feel more important than ever, but your job does require your attention and dedication, too—which may lead to some uncomfortable discussions about how to manage them both. You may even feel distinct pressure from your job to devote more time to be favored, putting you in a tough spot. You ultimately know where you want to end up in your career path, so ask yourself whether coming out on top right now is worth it. If it is essential, you need to have an honest discussion with those you love—but don’t be willing to take risks you can’t live with. 

Additionally, Venus moves into your 2nd House of Income and Values, giving some positive energy in terms of your finances and collaborating with others in creative pursuits. Expressing yourself artistically could be key to making things happen for you, so be open to the idea. 


Your heart lies in exploration, but your day-to-day is feeling more urgent, Sagittarius. With the Moon in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel squaring Jupiter in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you long to expand and learn, but your daily life—and the mundane tasks that come with it—feel like they are dragging you down. Know that your current work is necessary, whether to pay the bills or get where you want to go. Don’t stop dreaming, but remember there are other ways to open your mind and explore new horizons. Leaning into more practical modes, like reading or listening to podcasts, may ease the tension. 

Additionally, Venus in your 1st House of Self and Identity gives you a confidence boost in the self-esteem department. If you feel like playing around with your style or appearance, you may find a new look agrees with you. 


You don’t know whether to dive deep or lighten up today, Capricorn. With the Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources squaring Jupiter in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, you’re feeling divided between the desire to explore emotional depths and let loose without a care in the world. Trying to lean too hard to either side is a recipe for disaster. It’s important to read the room today: trying to become the party animal or the one too weighed down by their emotional discoveries will isolate you. Meet in the middle.

As Venus moves into your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, you could feel the need to keep some relationships or new connections you’re making a secret but know that everything comes out in time. It’s also a time when you may want to keep your creative projects to yourself, which isn’t always a bad idea. What will you make if you’re not worried about what others think?


Your home life and your connections may feel at odds today, Aquarius. With the Moon in your 7th House of Partnerships squaring Jupiter in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you could long to spend more time with your partner or friends, only to feel your responsibilities at home cutting into that time. It could feel deeply personal to your connections that you’re choosing to take care of what you need to do at home, but provide some reassurance today if there are things you can’t escape. It’s not always easy to juggle our time and energy, but some kind words may help ease things. 

As Venus moves into your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may notice a shift in your social calendar—suddenly, you’re being invited out much more than usual. It’s good to connect and put yourself out there, even if you aren’t always sure how the night will turn out. Be open to new experiences! 


You may feel some tension between your work and your skillset, Pisces. With the Moon in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness squaring Jupiter in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may become more aware that your current job doesn’t fully make use of your skills, or it doesn’t feel exciting doing the same tasks every day when you know you could do more. If you feel open to more responsibility, say so. You may also feel mentally overwhelmed and that your habits aren’t helping—it could benefit you to get some rest today when you get the required tasks out of the way. 

Additionally, Venus moves into your 10th House of Career and Public Image, and you may notice a shift in the attention and connection you make at work. You may find more favor with authority figures in your career path or those who influence spaces you want to be in—it’s good to make the most of opportunities you’re invited to. It could take you places down the line.Â