The Manifestation Ritual You Should Practice, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Calm, quiet, and zen meditation techniques don’t apply to you, Aries. You’re someone who is bold, holds too much energy, and whose natural impulse is to take action. Mars, named after the god of war, imbues you with drive, a competitive spirit, and passion. It’s your zodiac sign that rules over our physical bodies and determination. Developing an exciting, energetic, and fast-paced ritual that harnesses that fiery power within you would aid in your manifestation—one that involves getting physical and moving your body. One thing you can incorporate into your routine is to visualize what you want to manifest during your workouts. If you’re not exercising already, then add that into your daily life to unlock big manifestation potential. See yourself where you want to be and imagine that you’re already there while you’re running, walking, doing pilates, or you’re at your kickboxing class. Direct the energy moving with your body towards a specific outcome. Each time you reach a new milestone in your exercise, visualize yourself reaching a milestone that puts you closer to your dream.
Taurus, you’re ruled by Venus, the planet that oversees the pleasures associated with all five senses. Given your sensual and earthly nature, you need a space that is comfortable, grounding, and peaceful so you can be fully present when setting intentions. This means cleaning, organizing, and evenly lavishly decorating your home in whatever way it brings you joy. You’re highly keyed into your senses, so it’s all about meditation and visualization for you. While visualizing, it’s key that you implement aspects into your ritual that involve all five senses. For example, you can craft a playlist that evokes the feeling of your desired outcome, light scented candles associated with that feeling, sip a delicious tea, dig your feet into the ground—do whatever feels right to you. You’d also benefit from creating a prosperity jar and filling it with symbols of wealth, herbs, crystals, wishes, and whatever you see fit. As you add each item, focus on your intent for material success and financial stability. You can also manifest through sex magic, which just means focusing on your intentions as you build your arousal and climax, and visualizing yourself where you want to be as you feel the power of orgasmic energy moving through your body.
With your zodiac sign being ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, the most beneficial tool of manifestation for you is the writing technique, which can also heighten your intuition and push you to find your power. The first step is to really let go of any over-analyzation you may be tempted into while writing to the universe, so to speak. Put your hand to the pen and let whatever words flow naturally out of you do something magical for your world. As you write your intentions, think about how realizing them would make you feel. Think about why they’re already yours. Write with gratitude to send the message that what you want is already yours. Visualize your desires as a reality that’s coming to you soon. Incorporate more journaling and affirmations into your routine that articulate your goals.
There are a few manifestation tools that your zodiac sign would highly benefit from practicing. As a nurturing and domestic zodiac sign, and one associated with family and home, you’d find solace in home-based rituals. This could mean cooking a family recipe or one you created that’s special to you, and mentally setting your intentions as you prep the meal. As you cook, think about what actions you’re going to take to go after the object of your desire. When it’s nearly cooked and as you eat, visualize that you already have that thing and how having it will make you feel. Another manifestation ritual you can implement is creating a sacred altar in your home to call upon ancestor support. There is no wrong way to set it up—use photos, mementos, sacred objects, and whatever feels right to you. Your manifestation could also be aided by the Moon. This can be done by setting out a jar of water under the New Moon, and then drinking the Moonwater to increase creativity, healing, and inspiration. Visualize your specific intention with each sip.
Leo, you have so much powerful energy you can tap into. You’re governed by the Sun, who is a powerful force for manifestation itself. In order to heighten manifestation in your life, you’d greatly benefit from working with Sun. Try this: lay under the sun with your eyes closed, feel its warmth on your skin, imagine its rays hitting your body, and visualize what you want to manifest in your life. The Sun symbolizes your spirit, soul purpose, and joy—feeling this energy while setting intentions is key. You’re also someone who needs a lot of grounding energy, so doing exercises to ground you will help you let go of a lot of any blockages and frustrations holding you back. Embrace the earth by keeping a houseplant, connecting your feet into the soil, or hiking. You should also incorporate expressive practices into your manifesting rituals. One way to do this is to craft a vision board. Another way is to dance to an upbeat playlist and let yourself feel the joy and pleasure of all the things you’re trying to manifest—visualize how ecstatic you’ll feel when you have them as you let the music take over your body.
For better results when it comes to realizing your intentions, you should focus on doing less and attracting more. Surrender your meticulous plans, your timelines, and agendas. Let the universe know that you’re open to receiving what’s in your highest good, even if it’s a different route from what you envisioned for yourself. You work so hard and hardly ever allow yourself time to rest and just be. By nature, you tend to gravitate towards organized and detailed approaches, so maybe writing a step-by-step that aligns with your aspirations can aid in manifesting your dreams, but stop there. The important thing is for you to be able to carve time where you’re focused on being rather than doing. When you let yourself unwind, you’re more able to tap into your inherent power of attraction. Your manifestation ritual should serve to relax you, to let you be present in the moment, and to soothe you. Since you thrive off routine, you could make it a daily practice. This can include meditation, affirmations, guided visualization, gratitude exercises—anything so long as it relaxes and centers you. You can even plant a new garden or try your hands at herbs if you want something more hands-on—it’s highly therapeutic. As you work the soil, visualize your desired outcome.
You’re ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. You’re a romantic, have a sense of balance, and highly appreciate art. You’re also someone who has curated a specific aesthetic and who has an artistic flair. Being that you have an affinity for design, visual techniques, like vision boards, are key to your manifestation. Gather some magazines and books, collect some visual representations of what you want to bring into your life and what inspires you, gather words and quotes, and make your vision board visually appealing to you. Make sure its essence is all you and that its images and textures align with the emotions you wish to experience when you manifest your desires. Visualize yourself having what you want as you construct your vision board. Hang it in a prominent area in your home or in a room where you feel the most inspired. Alternatively, you can create a piece of art that evokes the energy you’re calling into your life or that depicts your desired outcome. Filling your life with more creativity will help make you feel more confident about what you’re putting out into the world.
You’re associated with the eighth house, which is all about the occult, witchy, spiritual, and taboo. Your ruling planet is Pluto, which represents death, rebirth, transformation, metamorphosis, destruction, and the underworld. Both govern sex. Scorpio, you’re filled with powerful transformative energy. Use a fire ceremony to transmute old and dead energy into something positive and new. Like the Phoenix, you were made to rise from the ashes. Start by writing a letter to or a list of all the things that no longer serve you, make you happy, or help you grow. Think about everything that’s holding you back that needs to be shed. It can be relationships, toxic habits, addictions, self-limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, painful memories—it can be anything. Once you’re done, take some time to visualize how much lighter you will feel without these things and all that you can become without them. Safely burn the piece of paper you wrote on. As it burns, visualize these things being purged from your being. Imagine them becoming transformed into something stronger—something you can bend to your will and use to make your dreams a reality. You could also highly benefit from sex manifestation—setting an intention as you build your arousal and visualizing your desired outcome as the orgasmic energy runs through your body.
With lucky Jupiter on your side, you have great potential and an innate ability for manifesting, you just have to be willing to try. For a free-spirited person like you who is constantly chasing new experiences and knowledge, what works are expansive rituals involving wisdom-seeking, travel, and novelty. Unlocking your most powerful manifestation abilities comes through immersing yourself in freedom and exploration. You need to feel inspired, so you need to put yourself in places that make you feel emboldened to bring to fruition your desires. Establish consistent rituals that push you outside your comfort zone. This can include going to a concert and visualizing your desired outcomes as you dance. Going on a hike and setting your intentions once you reach the peak. It could mean traveling, whether it’s far or nearby, or just exploring new places. View each experience as a sacred component of your journey towards your desired fate. Meditate on the deeper meaning behind everything you want to accomplish. Visualize yourself letting go of everything blocking you from your manifestations and welcoming in all that you want for yourself. Embarking on adventure is your direct path to accomplishing your dreams.
Your manifestation and spiritual healing could be heightened by tapping into your earth element. One way to do this is to utilize crystals, herbs, and oils in your craft. Carry your gem around with you, light your aromatherapy and take your baths, all while meditating on the result you desire. Focus your intentions and instill them into whatever tool you’re using. Another highly powerful ritual that you can make a practice is planting seeds—yes, literally planting new seeds or plants. Your zodiac sign rules over what is tangible and you’re a person who is all about results. Plant something that represents what you want to manifest. You can even choose a specific plant that symbolizes or that evokes a certain emotion or outcome. It can be feelings of love, safety, abundance, or whatever you’re trying to attract. Treat your seeds as a symbol of everything you’re calling in. As you’re burying them in the soil, set your intentions. Name your new growing plant after your desired outcome, even. Each time you water it, speak words of affirmation to it. Tell it all the things you wish to hear. Visualize the plant and yourself growing roots that get stronger and stronger. Think of your gardening time as your magic manifestation time.
As one of the witchiest signs of the zodiac, you have strong manifesting and generating capabilities. You can make things happen simply by setting clear intentions and taking action. You’re a visionary that is known of being capable of visualizing any possibility powerfully enough to make it a reality. All you need to manifest is your mind and imagination. You visualize it as if you’re already living it, and then the universe usually just takes care of the rest. You can create a grounding manifestation routine for your mornings that will help you attract beauty and abundance. Practice it alone as you get ready for the day. What you would benefit most from is a manifesting circle, or a spiritual coven of sorts. Put together a gathering where you meditate, get and give readings, talk about what inspires you, and where you connect. Bring your energy together with that of others and manifest miracles. Joining forces to set your intentions, speak your ideas, and recognize your role within the collective is much more powerful than trying to bring magic to life alone.
Pisces, you’re highly creative and imaginative and need an outlet for your rich inner world. The manifestation ritual you should make your go-to is turning your dreams and emotions into beautiful art forms. Channel your energy of creativity into what you are attracting and manifesting. Being that you’re ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, inspiration and mysticism, you’d benefit from a manifestation ritual that allows you to access a transcendent state while remaining tethered to the physical world. You need to be able to hover over the spiritual and material realm, while harnessing your intuition. Setting intentions and visualizing while you’re creating art unlocks great power for you. Paint, write poetry, write a song, collage, sculpt—your options are endless. Think about what you want to bring into your life and practice gratitude for what you already have as you create. Let your works of art be infused with your desired energy. Treat them as sacred, magical tools. Meditate in front of them. Let them in and absorb them. Life imitates art, after all.