Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope for Today: Thursday, March 14, 2024

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Today’s Taurus moon paints a serene atmosphere, encouraging us to place our emotional bets on what secures us. However, unpredictable Uranus is in the mix, conjuncting or blending energy with our luminary as it travels the cosmos. Although we crave stability, it’ll become clear that we need to embrace an unexpected change. 

As much as we want to be cool, calm, and collected, our nervous systems are briefly hijacked. Breathe deeply. In and out. When we regulate intentionally, we allow unease to leave as quickly as it came to us. 

Read for your Rising and Sun sign below for your daily forecast.


The Taurus moon conjuncts unpredictable Uranus today in your financial sector. When the planet of disruption is activated, it’s always best to prepare for the unexpected. Bills, payments, or other expenses may pop up out of nowhere. Feelings of self-worth may fluctuate, as you wonder if you have what it takes to deal with loose-ended situations. Stop the spiraling before it happens. One set back cannot deter you from everything you’ve accomplished. Let the pieces fall where they may and try again tomorrow. 


As the moon dances through your sign today, seeking to create a calm atmosphere, you feel empowered. However, unpredictable Uranus is also in the mix, challenging the constructive energy in the air. As this energetic signature hits your life path and individuality sector, don’t fret. It’s okay to change your mind about what you want. Who you are can be different than who you were five minutes ago. Have grace that you’re an ever changing human being. You can only learn as you experience life firsthand. 


Your subconscious mind is activated. While your mind is running a million miles per hour, on the surface you likely seem put together. Today’s Taurus moon is challenged by disruptive Uranus. As much as you crave stability, it’s realistic to admit that you might not find complete satisfaction today. Healing is a process, and it’s certainly not linear. Give yourself grace as unexpected feelings arise in your heart, and breathe them out of your chest. The past is not your burden to bear anymore. When a situation arises that reminds you of what you’ve outgrown, walk away.


Plan on miscommunications today. That way, you won’t be disappointed when the Moon activates disruptive Uranus today in your social life sector. When you challenge yourself not to assume the worst case scenario, you allow yourself to prevent unnecessary conflict. Hear others out. Ask clarifying questions. Especially if you’ve feelings of insecurity, distrust, being excluded or not belonging have been triggered. Although people change their minds and plans change, it doesn’t always mean that harm was intended. Life happens. 


It’s tricky to remain calm when your feelings of security are triggered. Today, the Taurus moon is triggered by unpredictable Uranus. As the planet of disruptions challenges your career life sector, give yourself ample time to complete tasks. It’s all too likely that information has been misinterpreted or misrelayed. Or, on the other hand, you may simply find yourself confronting imposter syndrome in your role. Regardless of the specific manifestation, hold on tight to the promise that your long-term progress cannot be lost in a day. Don’t abandon your goals now, and they won’t leave you.


Today’s Taurus moon seeks peace, but disruptive Uranus is activated and has other plans. While you’re eager to connect the dots and make sense of situations, Uranus plays mind games. Relax. Release. Let go. It’s okay to admit you don’t have all of the answers. You’re a human and have blind spots. It’s also perfectly normal to turn to others with more experience to mentor or advise you. Get out of your head and explore the opportunities awaiting you in your environment. Soothe anxiety by challenging outdated beliefs.


You cannot run from your true innermost desires if you tried today, Libra. The Taurus moon transit is challenged by disruptive Uranus. While you’re craving emotional mastery today, it’s wise to just let it all out. Cry, dance, yell, release. As pent up emotions flow out of your heart like a river, you find that it’s okay to not be okay. In fact, when you allow yourself to be human rather than presenting as perfect, you’re also far more relatable and trustworthy to outsiders. Rather than performing being put together, set the intention to come off as unapologetically authentic this Thursday. 


Today’s stable Taurus moon is hijacked by reckless Uranian energy. Your relationship sector is challenged today, bringing unexpected conversations or challenges to the forefront. At the end of the day, we all just want love. Even when our egos get in the way, try to envision the inner child of whoever you’re disagreeing with. Don’t fall into the rut of sweeping it under the rug. Don’t choose defensiveness. The connections that can talk about anything and everything stand the test of time. When communicating, seek compromise over being proven right. You’ll thank yourself later.


People are happiest when they know their work is meaningful and making a difference. Today’s stabilizing Taurus moon is turned inside out by unpredictable Uranus. As much as you want to continue doing things how they have been done, it will not remain relevant today. As your to-do lists are challenged, be open minded. Change doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. If you’re going through work life shifts today, be present. Comparing what you’re doing to what you have done or some imaginary ideal is sure to always steal your joy. 


Although things aren’t perfect, every problem hasn’t been solved, there’s still a way to make time for happiness. Today’s stable Taurus moon is challenged by disruptive Uranus. Your romantic sector is shocked, and you come to find that you need more action. Turn to your special someone with the same special attention you gave them in your courting days. For single Capricorns, don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve with a crush. Life is too short to calculate your every move. Play. Ebb. Flow. Dance. Go after what you want, even if its unpredictable.


As the Taurus moon is activated by unpredictable Uranian energy, your personal life is impacted. You may find unexpected disruptions in your home pop up, or other domestic matters. Your roommates or family may be distressed. Regardless of what’s thrown your way, remain grounded. Trace yourself back to a time in your life when chaos ensued but you preserved. Your strength is greater than any challenge. 


Communication is the key to doors that obstruct your way to understanding. Fighting words will only push others further away. Lay your defenses down. As the stable Taurus moon is confronted by disruptive Uranus, it’s crucial to be mindful today. It’s not always what you say, but how you say it. Your body language speaks before you ever open your mouth. When you chat today, spend most of your time listening. That way, you ensure you’re actively comprehending rather than assuming.