Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, March 16, 2024
Table of Contents
Your card: 6 of Pentacles
Shift your focus away from yourself today and instead look toward the people in your social circle. Does anyone need your help? Maybe a friend has been going through a stressful time at work or home and could use a hand. The more you can help with concrete problems–like money, food, or errands–the better.
Your card: Knight of Wands
Don’t sit back and watch the world go by today. When you get a pull to take action and do something interesting or spontaneous, go for it. While it might mean you have to take a step outside of your comfort zone, you never know what cool things you could experience.
Your card: 9 of Swords
Your dreams have been more vivid than ever lately and you might even have woken up today with a gnarly nightmare this morning. While you could glean some information that your subconscious is trying to tell you through your dreams, remember that it could just be your sleeping self letting off steam and means nothing at all.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
Do what makes you happy today, and spare no expense. (Within reason, of course.) If that means springing for your favorite meal or taking yourself to the movies, go wild. You don’t even need to spend money. Time could be the most valuable expense today, like spending the night in a decadent bath reading bawdy romance novels.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
It’s really hard to achieve your dreams if you’re not doing anything to actively make them happen. Rather than just daydreaming about a possible future, do something today to make it happen–something concrete and measurable. Ask the questions, sign up for the classes, and make it work.
Your card: 3 of Cups
You sometimes get so caught up in your own life that you don’t notice the world around you. Today, celebrate the accomplishments of someone in your life. Maybe a friend got a raise or ran a race. Take them out and buy them a drink and celebrate how awesome they are.
Your card: Judgement
Take a moment today to evaluate where you are in life. Have you been going after what you want? Have you been a high quality friend? Are you dating people who you love and who deserve you? Sometimes it’s nice to just check in with yourself and see if you’re going in the right direction.
Your card: The Fool
You’re at the beginning of a very important journey. It can feel weird to be new at something, almost like you’re starting over. But the cool thing is that you have a world of possibilities ahead of you. Today, focus on all the cool things that could happen, and not the ways you might not have the experience yet.
Your card: 6 of Swords
While you’re not the type who needs everything in their life to stay the same, even you can feel stressed out by change–especially if it wasn’t something you wanted for yourself. Today, focus on the aspects of this transition that could act as a release for you. What negativity are you shedding? Go the optimistic route.
Your card: 8 of Pentacles
If you’re not already signed up for classes, today’s a great day to look for one. We’re not talking mandatory classes for school, but the fun community ed classes that teach you skills you always wanted to have, like baking bread or painting watercolor portraits of your friends. Have fun and learn something new.
Your card: 3 of Swords
Try as you might, you’re going to have a hard time keeping your mind on positive things today. Ghosts from your past keep intruding on your present life whether you like it or not. Rather than wallowing in past hurts, try to remember the ways you’ve grown and changed since then. You’re a different person now.
Your card: 7 of Cups
You might be stuck trying to make a choice today. On paper, all your options have reasonable pros and cons. You could go the concrete route to decide, but your heart knows what you really want. Go with your intuition rather than trying to choose what other people might think is right.