Why Your Life Feels So Stagnant, Based On Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: The Star, reversed
There are crushing disappointments you’ve experienced that have left you feeling unfulfilled. Your life feels so stagnant because you’re lacking a sense of purpose. This has robbed you of the faith in yourself. Don’t let these challenges defeat you. Instead of letting hopelessness overtake you, reframe your hardships as lessons. What have they highlighted about your strengths? How do you need to course correct? Nurture your optimism instead of feeding into your fear. Just because things haven’t worked out the way you’ve wanted to, doesn’t mean you should stop trying.
Your Card: Seven of Pentacles
You currently feel stuck because you’re being extremely too impatient. Just because you’re not where you ultimately want to be, doesn’t mean that you’re not advancing. Be proud of your progress. It may feel slow, but your hard work is paying off every day, whether it feels that way or not. Keep being persistent, Taurus, and try practicing patience with your goals. Pause and reassess your efforts, if you need to. As long as you keep a plan in place, you’re going to land where you want to be. You just have to keep persevering.
Your Card: Six of Pentacles
You might be able to make more progress if you were to simply reach out and ask for help in the area that you need it. Gemini, you don’t need to go at it alone—not in your personal, professional, or academic life. If you’re struggling with your mental and emotional health, talk to a friend to let it all out, or make an appointment with a therapist to nurture your well-being. At work, try to delegate, work more as a team, or ask a coworker to pitch in. Do whatever you need, just remember that you don’t have to carry your burdens on your own.
Your Card: Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is a sign that you’re going to make a breakthrough, so don’t give up hope. The potential is there, you just might have to tweak your planning or work a bit to bring your vision into focus. Take a pause to gain some clarity. Be radically honest with yourself about what you want and what more you need to do to obtain it. Nurture any new ideas you might have. Make sure the way in which you move forward aligns with your desires and values. Cut out any preconceived notions, self-defeating beliefs, or doubts that are keeping you from making progress.
Your Card: Eight of Wands, reversed
Your life feels so stagnant right now because the pieces just aren’t coming together the way they should. There’s a lot of stalling. It feels like it’s one delay after another, and one obstacle after another. It’s making you extremely frustrated and wearing away at your patience. Maybe things aren’t aligning because the timing just isn’t right, or because you need to go about things differently. Stop and reassess your plan. Is it time to take a new approach? Are you just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks? Is the problem maybe that you need to slow down instead of trying to rush things?
Your Card: Page of Wands
Everything feels so stagnant because you’re lacking the enthusiasm and energy you need to push you out of this rut. You’re going to have to find your inspiration again, only then can you regain the passion you’ve lost. The case might actually be that there’s an idea you’ve been mulling over, but you keep talking yourself out of. If so, then you need to embrace wonder and clear out any blockages or inner conflicts that are keeping you from pursuing it. You’re going to have to allow yourself to believe in the possibilities, Virgo.
Your Card: Seven of Cups, reversed
You’re going to have to gain some clarity and start making some better decisions for yourself. The first step is to clear out any distractions in your life to help you sort out through any confusion. Ground yourself, do a little bit of soul-searching. Focus on what you find meaningful and on what fulfills you. Remember that it’s crucial not to let yourself get stretched too thin by things that aren’t actually important to you. You’ll stop feeling so stagnant once you find that sense of purpose for yourself.
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles
Life feels so stagnant right now because you’re not putting in the consistent effort required to get you out of this place you’ve been stuck in. You need to demand more from yourself, Scorpio. You need to focus entirely on pushing yourself ahead, whether the issue is in your personal or professional life. As long as you remain determined and dedicated, you can change your situation. Refine your skills. Write out your intentions. Get rid of what no longer serves you or is in alignment with your ultimate desire. Do everything you have to do.
Your Card: Judgment, reversed
Right now you’re lacking self-awareness. Your refusal to take responsibility for your own life is what makes you feel so stagnant. It all starts with the willingness to learn the lessons from your mistakes. How have you allowed yourself to veer off your true path? What could you be doing better? What inner conflicts keep you from moving forward? What is the root of your negative mindset? You must do some self-evaluation and get rid of any self-doubts. You hold all the power to make the positive changes in your life.
Your Card: Five of Swords
There’s some type of hostility or conflict that you’re refusing to let go, even when it’s causing so much stress and negativity in your life. This dispute is starting to take control of your life, Capricorn. You need to let go of your pride and look at the bigger picture. Realize that it would benefit you greatly if you just release it. It doesn’t have to mean that you’re willing to forgive and forget, just that you no longer want it to have any power over you. Assert your emotions and needs around this issue with whoever you need to, and move on.
Your Card: Four of Cups
There’s something causing you to feel disconnected from your own life, your passions, your aspirations, your goals, and yourself. You’ve been feeling completely unmotivated lately. It’s up to you to find inspiration again, Aquarius. The feeling of discontentment that you’re carrying now will disappear when you do. Try to remember what it is about your path that brings you excitement, instead of looking at all the mundane aspects. How can you work towards feeling more fulfilled? In what areas can you challenge yourself? Where is there room for more growth?
Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed
It feels as if the Universe is conspiring against you right now, but that’s not the case. You’re the one who has been confining yourself, Pisces. There’s a self-imposed restriction you’ve put on yourself that keeps you from reaching new heights. You need to get to the root of the problem. What fears, anxieties, self-doubts, self-defeating thoughts, or preconceived notions keep you from moving forward? Why are you so afraid to push forward? Your life is stagnant right now because you’re keeping it that way, and it’s up to you alone to get things going.