
How People Perceive Your Strengths, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Your indestructible sense of self is the first thing everyone notices about you. How even when completely out of your own element, you never lose sight of who you are or what you want out of life. Nothing can throw you off balance.


You know how to make a killer first impression, Leo. Something about meeting you, no, just being in the same room with you immediately grabs people’s attention. You radiate a warmth and a magnetism that people can’t get enough of.


People are constantly asking themselves where you get the courage and the self-esteem to be so contrarian. How effortlessly you can disagree with others without a shred of fear for the consequences. How you don’t let other’s fragile emotions stifle your own.


You are always visualizing the bigger picture, Libra. When work gets too stressful, you remember family and friends. When you’re trying to save money, you find joy in free activities. You never let one aspect of your life overpower the rest.


You’re so good at connecting with others, Scorpio, and in a way that is anything but superficial. You really listen, ask the right questions, give people the time they need to warm up and get comfortable with someone new. You make them feel seen and valued, because you don’t go through the motions.


Your intention is the quality people remember you for. The way you can wake up and decide to book a trip to a country you’ve never been to simply because you have the guts to follow a hunch you’ll like something through to the end.


Your proficiency never fails to capture the notice of those around you Capricorn. The way you break down an ability into smaller skills, and practice each of them until you’ve mastered the approach. How you never stop until you’ve pushed yourself to the max.


You do the things people never even try, because they give up before they’ve even started. Your strength is your faith. A wide eyed, realistic and unending belief that the effort is worth making. That the world can inch closer to the way things should be.


You notice the way everything is connected, Pisces. You see patterns, repetition, similarities in this crazy, shared experience called life, and you’re not afraid to feel as well as see the meaning held within it. Aging, growing, changing. You don’t shut yourself off to all of the emotion they contain.


You’re so brave, Aries, in the kind of way where you face what’s most terrifying head on, with your chin held high. You exude a strength that says, “I’m not giving up without a fight”, and inspires those around you. You’re the type whose locker room speech brings the team almost to tears.


You have a way of deriving and projecting value for yourself and others in a way that is quantified without a single number. There is no score, no grade, no dollar amount that encompasses what you or the people around you bring to this world, and you let everyone know it.


You know how to make room, Gemini. Room for more work, more people at the table, more emotion, more fun, more stress. You stretch, you push yourself further, you demonstrate what it is to soak up as much of life as you possibly can, like the shamwow of the zodiac, and I mean that as the highest compliment.