Horoscope For Today: Friday, August 2, 2024

Unexpected turns of events can undermine our happiness, thanks to a tense square between laid-back Venus and disruptive Uranus at 9:26 am. It’s hard not to resent a unilateral decision that affects your personal life in profound ways. Instead of getting angry, pivot toward a better way of life.

At 9:31 am, the intuitive Cancer Moon trines structured Saturn, helping you find a job, place to live, healthcare provider, or relationship that lifts you up, rather than leaves you defeated.

Table of Contents


A financial setback is no cause for panic. You’ve always been able to manifest money out of thin air. Take this opportunity to concentrate on the endless bounty of the Universe. Imagine yourself swimming in a vast ocean that keeps you afloat with virtually no effort. Picture a park at the peak of summer with everything in full bloom. These images will realign your mindset so you can continue cultivating wealth wherever you go, regardless of temporary circumstances. 


Tiptoeing around a relative with delicate sensibilities has been exhausting. It’s time to take off the gloves and express exactly what you feel. It’s possible this family member will be so offended that they’ll try bad-mouthing you to others. Stay calm. You may not realize it, but everyone else shares your exasperation with this close-minded individual. Your collective frustration may even be the start of a closer group dynamic. 


It’s been difficult to sleep well, which interferes with your thinking. Instead of powering through another day, take some time off to rest. If you have insomnia, don’t beat yourself up. Simply remind you that keeping still can rejuvenate your cells and restore your health. Listening to an audiobook with a soothing narrator can be therapeutic. When you emerge from your trance, you’ll be in much better shape to give a public presentation.


You’re tired of making excuses for an inconsiderate friend. Stop feeling guilty for having better looks, more money, and a stronger immune system. In the end, your loved one has created most of their own problems. Take a step away from this relationship, even at the risk of looking mean. You’ll connect with other people who not only deliver on promises, but also praise the progress you’ve made. It’s so much nicer than being the object of resentment. 


A jealous rival will try to denigrate your work. You’re too confident to get thrown off your pedestal. Keep following your routine and don’t be tempted to defend your decisions. An impressive dividend will let you move on to greener pastures, where your colleagues will welcome your unique talent. Alternatively, your best friend or romantic partner will get a financial windfall, allowing you to take a much-needed sabbatical. 


An erratic supervisor has disrupted your inner peace. There’s simply no way to continue working with this ticking time bomb. Instead of simmering with resentment over the situation that has been thrust upon you, explore your surroundings. It’s possible that a customer or client would welcome working with you. Together, you can build a rival business that puts your current one in the shade. 


Somebody who made you feel secure could change their tune or leave their position. Instead of imagining the worst case scenario, rise to a new challenge. Carving out a new role at work without your mentor can cause you to soar higher than you ever imagined. If your relative or best friend moves away, you may join a brand new social circle that celebrates your life path. Has your employer gone under? A much better career opportunity is around the corner. Keep the faith. 


It’s impossible to get a straight answer out of a business associate or romantic partner. Don’t get angry; get even. Head off to a private hideaway where you can calmly reflect on this relationship. Within a few short minutes, you’ll realize exactly what needs to be done. Breaking this toxic union leaves you open to pursuing a much more rewarding one. Join forces with an accomplished person who lets their actions speak for themselves. 


An unpleasant situation prompts you to pack your stuff and peace out. Onlookers will accuse you of being immature, but this decision feels great to you. As someone ruled by the jolly planet Jupiter, you’re too smart to stay miserable. An opportunity to work remotely or operate out of a cozy workspace will fill you with joy. You’ll generate so much more business that you can raise your rates. It’s even possible you’ll double your income.


A relationship that looked promising has hit a snag. Although the chemistry between you and your love interest is undeniable, you do have very different values. Think carefully whether you want to invest more energy into this union. You’re not the type who enjoys a casual fling. Fortunately, there is someone in your orbit that does prize the same things. Furthermore, you find each other very attractive. Think about making a switch for the sake of long-term happiness. 


Painful memories from childhood make it difficult to settle down with a special person. Instead of getting pressured into making a commitment, spend some time on your own. Reflect on what you really want, whether it’s a steady income or a comfortable home or a stronger body. Then formulate a plan for manifesting your desires. Love will reappear when you’re ready for it. Keep the faith. 


Indulging your vices has taken a toll on your body. It’s time to make healthier choices, even at the risk of feeling deprived. Give yourself healthy rewards for getting more exercise and eating more nutritious foods. Take a day off work, buy yourself a new fragrance, or splash out on a sleek accessory. Then promise yourself more incentives for sticking to your new plan.