Yuli Como

4 Zodiacs About To Start A New Life Chapter In August


Scorpio is starting a life chapter that is all about self-forgiveness. They are finally going to let go of the guilt and shame they’ve been carrying around over minor infractions and learn to see themselves in a brand new light. Admitting their faults was the first step in the growth journey, but now they are finally able to see how these mistakes taught them lessons they would not have learned otherwise. Sometimes you have to fall to learn to get back up. So too did Scorpio need to live these experiences to learn how they would handle them differently in the future. Once they realize the have only done the best they could, can they make a commitment to just doing better moving forward without dwelling on the past.


Cancer’s new life chapter is about letting go of an old secret. They have carried around this hidden truth for so long, they are used to living what feels like a lie, because everyone else has believed something different up until now. Sharing the burden seems to have lifted the weight off of them entirely, and they can now be their true authentic selves. They don’t have to cover for anyone anymore, or worry about the impact the truth will have on others. They may even decide never to put themselves in such a tough situation again. Once they see how the truth improves their life to the fullest, will they realize that hiding it all this time was the real mistake.


Aries’ new life chapter is about doing the things they’ve been dreaming about for years. About not waiting for the right moment, but making the best of every moment they can. Getting on the plane, making that homemade pasta, taking a nap in the middle of a Sunday. They’ve told themselves they can relax when all the work is done, never realizing there will always be work to do. They’ve told themselves they can take that adventure when all of their responsibilities are seen to, not realizing they deserve to enjoy each day. Life requires breaks, requires setting down what’s hard and taking a bite of something sweet. Aries is finally done waiting for someone else to call that break for them.


Pisces’ new life chapter is about seeing themselves as the expert. Sharing their opinion, even when nobody’s asked them, making a plan even when no one has put them in charge. Pisces needs to believe in themselves without asking permission to do so, and once they change their mindset, life starts kicking into a whole other gear. They wake up ready to face the day. They no longer hide in the corner of parties or company meetings. They put their best foot forward with pride and eagerness, ready to take advantage of the opportunities life puts in front of them. It’s the kick in the pants they needed to take their daydreams and turn them into their reality.