Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
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Your Card: The Devil
Take The Devil as permission from the Universe to let your hair down and live on the edge. If there was ever a time to be indulgent, succumb to temptation, and break some rules, it is now. Just be certain that you’re well equipped to face any consequences you may encounter. If you can’t afford any distractions right now, then take this as a warning to resist the desire to walk on the wild side. Instead, keep your eye on the prize and free yourself from whatever binds you from making progress.
Your Card: Nine of Pentacles, reversed
If there’s one thing you love, it’s the fine things life has to offer. You work hard, Taurus. You certainly deserve to reward yourself for it, but if you’re honest with yourself, you could admit that you’ve been overindulging a bit too much. The reversal of the Nine of Pentacles urges you to stop and think before doing any shopping these next few weeks. Do you really want it? Do you really need it? Or is there a void you’re trying to fill right now? Cut back on the impulsive buying for just a little bit and seek within for what you’re really out to find.
Your Card: The Empress
The Empress wants you to live a softer, more romantic life—one in which you celebrate every bit of beauty this world has to offer. Think about what brings meaning, pleasure, and happiness into your life, and incorporate more of it. Buy yourself some flowers today. Cook a nice meal. Take a walk around the neighborhood. Find magic and wonder in the mundane. Don’t forget to make more time for nurturing your closest connections. Welcome this reminder to create a life full of love and abundance.
Your Card: Three of Cups
The Three of Cups wants you to seek some fun times and make time for the friendships that mean the most to you. Hit up happy hour after work, make a dinner reservation, let yourself stay out a little late. Whatever you do, engage with your most meaningful connections. If you can’t today, a simple phone call will do—but make sure you make plans for later on in the week.
Your Card: Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is a huge wake-up call. There’s something in your life that needs to change or that you need to accept, Leo. Stop skirting around the issue and stop making excuses. It’s time to face reality, no matter how harsh it may be. It’s not going to be easy, but the longer you wait, the worse and harder it will be. You can get through this dark period. You can handle whatever loss, disappointment, or heartache awaits you. What you can’t keep doing is delaying the inevitable and living a life that’s so much less than what you deserve.
Your Card: The High Priestess, reversed
Listen to your intuition and start trusting yourself more, Virgo. There’s something that your gut has been telling you that you’ve been ignoring—pay attention to it. You can’t avoid it for much longer. Stop gaslighting yourself into believing you’re wrong. The strong feelings you have about this particular situation are there for a reason. If something feels off, it’s because it is. The very least you owe yourself is digging deeper into the matter.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles, reversed
The reversal of the Two of Pentacle shows up when you’re overwhelmed and struggling to manage various aspects of your life. What you need to do today is take a step back and reflect on what matters most. What should you be prioritizing? Where do you need to be cutting back or delegating? What can you be doing to reduce or better manage your stress? What areas in your life have you been neglecting in favor of others?
Your Card: Seven of Wands, reversed
Despite what you’ve believed your entire life, it’s not you against the world, Scorpio. You need to turn to your friends and family to help you get through whatever is currently afflicting you. The reversal of Seven of Wands indicates that you’re overwhelmed, either emotionally or by life’s demands. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to ask for an ear or a shoulder to cry on. It’s okay to admit that you’re struggling. You don’t have to carry this burden on your own.
Your Card: Three of Pentacles
In order to work well today, you’re going to have to collaborate with others. Combining your talents and expertise will help you achieve something far greater than going at it alone. Be willing and open to hear the ideas of others. Try to remember that you don’t always know best. You each bring something unique and special to the table. It might feel trying, but keep in mind that at the end of the day you share a common goal.
Your Card: Justice, reversed
Forgive yourself for your mistakes, Capricorn. All that’s important now is taking accountability for your actions and doing better moving forward. Whatever is weighing heavy on your conscience, it’s time that you make things right. That horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach isn’t going to go away until you do. So, make the apologies and amends you need to make. Take responsibility for your errors and the ways in which you may have hurt someone else. There is no running away from your guilt until you do.
Your Card: The Star, reversed
Don’t lose hope, Aquarius. Your story is nowhere near finished being written. This might feel like one of your darkest moments, and it may feel as though you’ll never escape it, but you can see your way through. Even though you doubt it right now, you are on the right path. You need to have faith in that, and most importantly, have faith in yourself. Don’t let life’s hardships, blows, and disappointments keep you from creating something beautiful. You can and will rebuild, you just need to let go of your fear.
Your Card: Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups wants you to make a wish. It can be yours, you just have to be intentional and action-oriented. Clarify your dreams and desires today, Pisces. Write them down. Make a vision board. Journal about it like it’s already yours. Visualize it. Put it out into the Universe. Then, make moves towards accomplishing these things. The life of your dreams can be yours, you just have to pursue it.