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The Strategy That Could Change Your Life, Depending On Your Zodiac Sign

Every zodiac sign possesses inherent qualities that one might consider both strengths and weaknesses, depending on the circumstances. In childhood, our physical, emotional, and mental expressions of these traits are often bold, excessive, and in a sense, rather endearingly pure. We have not yet learned to restrain ourselves; we are not yet civilized.

In adulthood, some individuals continue to operate at an emotionally unintelligent level, showcasing the worst manifestations of their sign. Those who harness their unique, sacred gifts in a constructive and meaningful way are inevitably more likely to succeed in their professional lives. More importantly, they will find personal satisfaction, too.

The cultivation of daily, consistent inner peace, undisturbed by external crises, is one that many find challenging. Consider some of the following suggestions. They can be applied just as easily to your sun and rising sign; the former reflects our vitality and drive, while the latter concerns our physical bodies.

Aries: physical exercise.

Active movement can help the naturally athletic Aries quiet their restless mind, shrinking their massive world down until it enables them to focus on a small, singular goal: the jogging path ahead or the muscle tone they’re determined to gain. Endurance sports like long-distance running satisfy the Aries compulsion to always be on the move, while providing a healthy outlet for their obsessive competitive drive; movement work like yoga and pilates encourage the Aries to gradually push their body to extreme physical limits.

Taurus: collage art.

The stubborn Taurus might find traditional journaling too tedious. On the other hand, collage and “junk journaling” provides an opportunity for the diligent Taurus to work with their hands, crafting something meaningful and timeless while also receiving all the cathartic benefits of journaling: documenting memories, purging emotional pain, and beautifying blank pages.

Gemini: words of affirmation.

The average Gemini is chasing several dozen trains of thought at any given time, so they can get a little overstimulated. Talking through their mental process is not only intellectually stimulating for the Gemini, but psychologically healing, too. They may be unaware of their deep need for reassurance. If you can get a word in edgewise, offer some supportive and kind words.

Cancer: time with family.

Cancers never meet a stranger. Even the most introverted Cancer feels revived when they spend time with their loved ones, treasuring their family above all: those who are blood related and those who have become grafted into their circle. Intimate gatherings enrich the Cancer’s experience of life and fill their spirit with hope and optimism; they appreciate any opportunity to be of service and make someone feel comfortable in their space.

Leo: narrative therapy.

Popularized by the newly launched Plotline Journal, the concept of narrative therapy essentially allows the individual to flip the script on negative events that occur in their daily life. It’s the ideal guided journal for the type of person who envisions their life as a movie, complete with a soundtrack and a series of romantic tropes. By using narrative therapy to write one’s own story, the Leo satisfies their natural desire to express creativity throughout the day and be the main character.

Virgo: blackout poetry.

Virgos are always ten steps ahead of the average reader, mentally editing and revising texts as they go. Their intense focus at work, often on very small details that others miss, makes them excellent colleagues; the problem arises when they bring their obsessive-compulsive tendencies home. For the Virgo whose brain never stops even when they’re off the clock, blackout poetry is an ideal creative hobby that allows them to exert their need for control by creating unique and beautiful through the destruction of something else.

Libra: moodboards.

Whether they’re actively creating art or simply consuming it, the Libra is always searching for aesthetic beauty, even in the mundane. Rather than scrolling Instagram for hours with envious eyes, Libras should occasionally take a break from traditional social media to indulge in some healthy romanticization of their own life. An alternative to Pinterest is new on the scene: Cosmos, an ad-free platform that advertises itself as “a discovery engine for creatives.”

Scorpio: shadow work.

Scorpios are unafraid to explore the darkness within themselves and others. While the term “shadow work” is often associated with witchy New Age practices, it actually has its roots in analytical psychology, where the shadow is personified as a sort of trickster. In order to get familiar with one’s shadow, you must humble yourself enough to recognize your traumas, triggers, and hidden resentments that prevent you from becoming self-actualized. The emotionally aware Scorpio knows how to integrate their shadow into their larger concept of self.

Sagittarius: Stoicism.

No one likes adventure more than a Sagittarius, but sometimes their impulsivity can lead to disastrous consequences. The Stoics, whose philosophical school of thought thrived in Hellenistic society, understood the value of self-restraint. They emphasized virtue over vice, believing that mastery of your own hedonistic impulses was necessary for a fulfilling life. Sagittarians are naturally inclined to study philosophy and theology for its own sake, and will likely find the teachings of the Stoics to be helpful at reining in their recklessness.

Capricorn: bullet journaling.

Capricorns don’t feel right unless they’re standing on business, and being able to feel as though they are in control of their own daily routine and lifestyle choices makes them feel empowered. The strategic, refined format of bullet journals enable Capricorns to feel productive even in their planning process, which is vital to their sometimes intimidating victories in the business world. The admirable Capricorn work ethic is evident even in their private life, where they slowly but surely build a foundation for success with longevity.

Aquarius: synchronicity seeking.

While Jungian psychology is no longer in vogue as it was in the 1960s, traces of Jungian thinking remain prevalent in the collective today. The quick-thinking, cerebral Aquarius can satisfy their desire for meaning-making through studying the concept of Jungian synchronicities. Once their mind is open to the possibility, the patterns that serve as guideposts in our daily reality will begin to reveal themselves.

Pisces: music.

Whether composing their own music or curating atmospheric collections of songs, the Pisces is naturally attuned to the musica univeralis. The most emotionally intelligent Pisces finds escapism in creativity, using their spiritual gift to fill the world with more harmony in sound and space. Music is a safe space for the Pisces to explore their desire to get lost in the void.