Emre Can Acer

Your Horoscope For The Week Of October 13-October 19, 2024

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This week will feel like a wild rollercoaster ride. The action starts on Sunday, when a square between picky Mercury and oppressive Pluto at 10:03 am. At 3:23 pm, the impulse to achieve perfection will give way to a need for passionate engagement when Mercury moves into intense Scorpio. All drama gives way to happiness at 11:52, thanks to a trine between the fun-loving Sun and upbeat Jupiter. 

Tempers will run high on Monday, due to a square between the egotistical Sun and combative Mars at 4:15 am. Later, vain Venus opposes impetuous Uranus at 6:22 pm. Loud arguments and bitter power struggles could make this the hardest day of the week.

Thankfully, seductive Venus forms a flirtatious trine to idealistic Neptune at on Tuesday at 8:49 pm, giving everybody a chance to abandon themselves to art, love, and beauty. On Thursday, the Full Moon in Aries at 7:26 causes a domestic standoff. Fortunately, reassuring friends come to the rescue thanks to a supportive sextile between loving Venus and healing Pluto at 8:30 am. When Venus moves into Sagittarius at 3:28 pm, we get the courage to stand by our convictions about both love and money.


There isn’t much opportunity to express your true feelings in love or work this week. The best way to find relief is by diving into a passion project. A financial setback helps you reset your priorities. Pursuing a spiritual path will be a welcome relief, letting you abandon a role that no longer serves you. Grab the chance to take a trip you’ve dreamed about since childhood.


An unfulfilling work situation could prompt you to binge on food and drink. Instead of trying to numb your pain, ask your business associate, romantic partner, or best friend for help applying for jobs. You could land a dream plum position with the encouragement of someone who knows how to market your unique talent. A shameful secret could come to light, allowing you to make a fresh start in a supportive community. 


A toxic relationship has run its course. An engrossing job gives you a chance to make a clean break from a possessive partner. Your boundless optimism paves the way for a loving romance or successful creative project. A reluctance to talk about private matters could lead to unhealthy behavior; confide your problems to a trusted friend. Confession is definitely good for the soul this week.


You’re tired of adjusting your behavior to appease a hypercritical relative. Summon your courage and set some healthy boundaries. Striking out on your own will give you a chance to heal from some painful childhood memories. Resist the temptation to lash out at an unrepentant perpetrator; they’re not worth the energy. Leaving an unrewarding job will give your health a big boost.


It’s a good time to update your resume and compile an attractive work portfolio. A well-connected friend can help you land a job that lets you showcase your creative. Don’t let an erratic authority figure scare you into staying in a dead-end living situation. You could find a much nicer place to live, perhaps in a place that is radically different from your current home. Be willing to take a big risk.


Don’t let a love interest pressure you into lending them a precious possession or giving them money. If you do get a big raise, keep it a secret. You have every right to use this extra income for your personal benefit. A stressful legal matter makes it difficult to enjoy your favorite hobbies. Let your best friend or romantic partner whisk you away on an exciting adventure. Beware of someone who expects you to bail them out of their mistakes. 


Depressing surroundings are clouding your thoughts. It’s time to strike out for a beautiful environment. It may be necessary to dip into savings to finance this transition, but the financial outlay will be worthwhile. If you’ve always longed to live overseas, now is the time to do so. A resentful ex could rear their ugly head; don’t feel pressured to give them the time of day. It’s time to put this painful romance in your rearview mirror.


You’re no longer willing to keep up appearances. Leaving a stressful relationship, job, or living situation will make you feel reborn. Take this opportunity to sneak off to a private hideaway where you can reconnect with your spiritual side. Veering out of the fast lane will improve your health. At first, you’ll miss the drama of your old life. Never fear; you’ll soon gain a deeper appreciation of simple pleasures like good food, caring company, and beautiful surroundings.  


Financial constraints make it difficult for you to go out with friends. Don’t be shy about asking your loved ones to help you find a better-paying job. It’s also possible you’ll meet an affluent love interest. After joining forces, you’ll never have to work for a living again. Unhealthy habits could strain your system to the point you need special treatment. It’s time to clean up your act and behave more responsibly. 


Your superior talent will cause problems with an authority figure at work. It may be wise to look for a job that awards you for being the best in your field. Someone could throw a childish temper tantrum in a public place, causing you to reconsider your friendship. Pouring your frustrations into a journal could pay off handsomely. Think seriously about turning these pages into a novel or screenplay. 


Keeping secrets makes you feel guilty. It’s time to come clean about a troubling matter. Unburdening yourself paves the way to a romantic encounter; it feels great to connect with a witty love interest. An unexpected domestic emergency makes it hard for you to focus on work; you might want to take some time off to solve this problem. Your social circle will experience a shakeup when an old friend decides to make a major lifestyle change.


A friend will try pressuring you to spend money you don’t have. Stay true to your priorities, even if it means going without expensive status symbols. Behaving in a financially responsible manner could pave the way for an exciting move. Don’t be surprised when you get the chance to relocate to a much bigger home that costs a lot less money. A lucrative job could end abruptly, prompting you to pursue a more rewarding career path.