Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Friday, October 11, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Four of Cups

You may find that someone you are very close to seems to be pulling away for one reason or the other. This may be a friend, relative, or partner. Regardless of the context, it is best to give them the space that they seek. I understand how that may feel like you’re being rejected but the Four of Cups indicates that it’s nothing personal. Sometimes people just need space for personal reasons that have nothing to do with you or anybody else. Don’t try and smother them if they seem to be distancing themselves. This will only push them away more. They will come back to you and things will be the same, they just need some time to themselves. 


Your Card: The Fool

If it’s change that you are after, then The Fool indicates two important things to remember. First, we must be willing to destroy the old to make room for the new. Second, you can’t expect change to happen by itself. Taurus, you must take initiative, or else life will stay the same for you. You have these great ideas and ambitions but when it comes around to starting, you continuously tell yourself that you’ll get to it later. But days go by and later never comes. Today you are being called to initiate action. No one is going to do life for you. It’s all on you. 


Your Card: Ten of Swords

You have no one to blame but yourself today, Gemini. Whatever situation, you’re the consequences of your actions. However, this is a good thing depending on how you choose to look at the situation. Even though whatever negative circumstances you find yourself in are your own doing, this means that you have the power to fix it. The situation is not out of your control just yet but take action now before things go from bad to worse. If you’re stressed and anxious over how fucked you are right now, wondering if you should just give up, the good news is that this predicament is a hundred percent repairable. You can still fix this. 


Your Card: Ace of Cups

Don’t worry so much about what others think of you today, Cancer. That is the message that comes with the Ace of Cups. If you’ve been preoccupied with trying to figure out others’ perception of you this may be to your detriment. While it’s good to want to improve ourselves, becoming too obsessed with what other people think only pushes us to lose our sense of self. It’s one thing to work on your flaws, but it’s another thing to obsess over making sure everyone likes you. You may find yourself fixated on something that someone says today. Someone may make an innocuous comment that they didn’t intend to hold any true weight or value that could cause you to spiral, trying to understand what they “really” meant by that. Just try you’re best not to overthink things such as that. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

It might work better in your favor today to be reactive and not proactive, Leo. If you’ve been pushing for a specific outcome in your life that has yet to happen, perhaps readjust your approach. Though there are moments to be assertive, you might be coming off as demanding at times. With that said, let things be. Let things work out the way they’re supposed to and trust that. The Eight of Cups can be interpreted as a sign to detach from your expectations and just take life for what it is. Becoming too obsessed with a certain outcome only leads to disappointment. Accept things for what they are and be willing to walk away or find a new approach. Not everything is meant to work out, and that’s honestly a good thing. 


Your Card: The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man tarot card indicates that you may be amid a spiritual reawakening of sorts. I don’t mean spiritual in a bohemian vegan, touch-grass, and live off-grid, type of way. What I mean is you’re in the midst of a journey that only exists in your head. Today, like the Hanged Man, you may find yourself suspended in a trancelike state that will shift your perspective on life and the way you’ve gone about living up until this point. This is a very profound and beneficial shift. Though at certain points during the day, you may dip into a slightly more existential train of thought, you will still feel grounded and tethered to reality only now with a fresh and enlightened outlook. You are shifting how you go about living in the world and how you perceive life. 


Your Card: Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles tarot card in certain depictions is deemed as the “Lord of Success Unfulfilled”. What this means is that the gratification we seek is contingent upon the amount of effort we dedicate. Don’t get impatient today, Libra. The Seven of Pentacles is a reminder to continue putting in that constant effort. To show up for yourself every single day. In today’s world of modern technology and a level of instant gratification that humans have never had before, people today are so used to getting things right away that they lack the patience certain things in life require. There is a saying in the music industry that I believe is quite relevant to you right now. “It takes ten years to become an overnight success.” In other words, when we see successful people around us or in the media, all we see is the final product. What we don’t see is the level of dedication, commitment, and sacrifices it took them to get to that moment. Your time will come, just trust the process. 


Your Card: Six of Wands

Today, someone may be receiving the credit for your hard work or undermining your level of contribution to the success of something in particular. Keep this in mind moving forward. Stay humble and gracious but don’t allow people to take credit away from you. Let your work and your knowledge speak for itself and people will realize who is deserving of the credit. 


Your Card: The Tower

The Tower suggests that something brewing within you may finally be erupting today. This may or may not be a good thing depending on how you go about releasing this pent-up energy. I suggest channeling it in a healthy way such as art, journaling, exercise, etc. But there’s a good chance this purging of emotions will catch you off-guard and once it comes out, you will finally be free of it forever. Perhaps there’s a secret that you know and it’s hard for you to live with it without telling someone. Or maybe someone has been mistreating you for a long time and you’ve been too afraid to say something and have allowed it to brew inner resentment. Perhaps even you find yourself replaying a scenario over and over in your head, wishing you said something more at the time. Regardless of the context, dynamics will shift, and you’ll be able to move forward. 


Your Card: Six of Cups

Old habits die hard, Capricorn. Lately, you may have been working hard to become this “perfect” version of yourself. The kind of person who always gets their work done on time, never misses a day at the gym, is completely healthy, and eats clean all the time. The thing is, that person doesn’t exist, and they will never exist. You’re never going to be that vision of perfection, and honestly, that’s good news. It means the pressure’s off. Embrace imperfection. Love the messiness of life. Romanticize the mistakes and the wrong turns. Everyone is always so obsessed with “doing the right thing” but sometimes that makes life this sterile environment where you’re not challenged and nothing is exciting, fun, or fresh. Then you get to a point in your life where you look back and wish you said yes more. Life is meant to be lived. Ignore the criticism you may receive from those around you. Whose life is it anyway? Not theirs. Enjoy the moment. Have fun. And give less of a fuck. 


Your Card: The Star

Today may leave a profound effect on you that you will never forget, Aquarius. I say this because The Star card is directly associated with your sign. You are the sign of hope. You represent the light at the end of the tunnel. You embody the spirit of faith. If things have been rough for you as of lately, today you might start the day feeling excited about something. As if you are anticipating something good to come. Almost the way a child feels the night before Christmas Day. Cling on to this feeling because it could indicate that something good is coming. Some sort of relief is waiting for you. Though times are tough, take your mind off of the negative and trust in the fact that this will pass. 


Your Card: Strength 

Today you are incredibly magnetic, Pisces. Radiating a level of confidence that others don’t normally see from you. A big part of your current personal journey and “story arc” [if you will] is your shift towards extroversion. You may be coming more and more out of your shell than before. The Strength card indicates that today you are projecting an energy that is hard to turn away from. You will be the most attractive person in every room you enter today. I’m not specifically talking about attractiveness as in looks (though that is too honest), I mean you will naturally attract many people to you with ease. You’re the most interesting person in the room today.