Maksim Goncharenok

Zodiacs Who Are Least To Most Likely To Cheat, Ranked

Let’s be very clear – any zodiac sign, just like any person, is capable of cheating or being a faithful partner! But some zodiacs, based on their astrological characteristics, are more likely to cheat than others. There are many other aspects to take into account when predicting the likelihood of infidelity, such as Venus and Mars signs, overall compatibility, and more. But your partner’s sun sign (the one most people know about themselves, based on their birth date) could give you an idea of their general behavior in relationships. Here are all 12 zodiac signs ranked from least to most likely to cheat in relationships, and how astrology explains their place on the list.

12. Virgo

It’s no surprise that the sign of the virgin is the least likely to cheat. Virgos are notoriously picky about everything, from their food choices to their home decor, and their romantic partners are no exception. It takes a lot to win over a Virgo, so once they fall in love, they are highly unlikely to risk their hard-earned relationship by cheating. Virgos are also rule-followers, so stepping outside of their relationship would be very uncharacteristic of them. 

11. Capricorn 

Capricorns are typically closed off and stoic, so it can be difficult for them to form romantic connections. But once they commit to someone, they are in it for keeps. They take their commitments seriously and will treat their partner with the same respect they want back. The only issue with Capricorns and cheating is their ability to compartmentalize their emotions – they can cheat without feeling guilt or showing any signs of what they’re doing, if they really want to. But most of the time, Capricorns don’t like the messiness that comes with infidelity. 

10. Aquarius 

One of the main reasons that Aquarians rarely cheat is that they are unlikely to enter into committed relationships at all. This zodiac sign cherishes their freedom, and it takes a very special person to make them want to settle down. And once they commit, they don’t want to jeopardize their rare connection by cheating. They are more likely to break up with you abruptly so they can pursue someone else instead of being unfaithful. And, if an Aquarius is going to cheat, it would probably be online (via text messages or dating apps) rather than in-person meetings. 

9. Taurus 

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, which means that this zodiac sign adores romance and is happiest in a committed relationship. Taurus people crave the comfort and stability that comes with having a steady partner, and they are exceptionally reliable lovers. They are unlikely to cheat because they cherish their relationship like a prized possession. But, if they do cheat, they are strong-willed and stoic: they will stubbornly deny any wrong-doing, even to themselves.

8. Cancer

Cancer is one of the most nurturing and loving signs of the zodiac, so they often fall into the caretaker role in relationships. They’re highly empathetic and never want to hurt their lover by being unfaithful. But, if they feel like they are being taken advantage of or unappreciated, they may seek validation and connection elsewhere. Cancers don’t let many people into their hearts, and they hate the idea of starting the dating process all over again with someone new. They may cling stubbornly to a bad romance, even while looking outside the relationship to fulfill their needs.

7. Scorpio

Scorpio rules the eighth house of the zodiac, which is the house of merging, intimacy, and shared resources. This means that romantic relationships are the number one priority to this star sign. They will do anything for their partner, but sometimes their efforts go unreciprocated. If Scorpios feel taken for granted or misunderstood in their relationship, they will start seeking attention and validation from others. Scorpios are also masters of revenge, so if they find out their partner is cheating, they may do the same in retaliation. 

6. Leo

Leos are among the most romantic members of the zodiac, and they have huge, loving hearts. They are fiercely loyal and, when fully committed to a partner, unlikely to be unfaithful. But if there’s one thing Leos might love even more than their partner, it’s attention. They can’t say no to flattery, and may develop a wandering eye if left to their own devices for too long. They also hate to let anyone down, so if they feel like there’s some expectation for them to cheat (like if their friends encourage them or they’ve been leading someone on), they will do it out of a strange sense of obligation. 

5. Libra

Libras enjoy being in relationships, but they are non-committal and change their minds frequently. A Libra can be falling in love one day and then crave their independence – or a different partner – the next. While they are sweet and thoughtful, they also have a people-pleasing streak that can get them into trouble. If they feel pressured to cheat, they might give in easily. Although Libras make fun, caring partners, they need to be firm in their convictions and deeply in love with their partner to avoid infidelity.

4. Sagittarius 

Sagittarians prioritize their freedom above all else, so they are unlikely to settle down in a relationship in the first place. They enjoy being single and playing the field. Once they find someone worth committing to, it can be difficult for them to break their old habits as a single person. Sagittarians are also bold and flirtatious, which sometimes gets them into trouble. Sagittarians need to find a partner worth sacrificing their single lifestyle for and change up their old routine to prevent them from cheating.

3. Pisces

Pisces people are incredibly romantic, the type who can sweep a partner off their feet. They love a whirlwind, fairytale romance, so sometimes they commit to a partner without really knowing them. Once something happens to shatter the illusion of perfection, all bets are off – they might feel betrayed by their partner for not being the person they imagined. Pisces people are also very accepting and malleable, so they can easily be convinced to cheat. A Pisces must have firm boundaries in place, and be in love with someone who fulfills their fantasies to avoid being unfaithful. 

2. Aries 

Aries people are passionate, impulsive, and reckless, which is the perfect recipe for infidelity. When they are in love and in a committed relationship, they only have eyes for their partner. They give everything they do 110%, including their relationships. But the second an Aries feels their love fading, they are on to the next new thing. They will pursue someone else to get that sparkly excitement of a new romance back, and they don’t always end their current relationship first.

1. Gemini

Geminis have such complex, multifaceted personalities that it’s difficult for one partner to satisfy all their relationship needs. They are also mercurial – Geminis can be deeply in love with their partner one day, then cold and distant the next. They believe variety is the spice of life, and have a hard time settling down with just one person. They are also masters of deception, so they can carry on an affair without anyone being the wiser. Geminis need a partner who can keep them on their toes and see through their tricks to stay faithful.