Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, November 9, 2024
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Knight of Pentacles
It’s a day for putting all the work in to get the job finished. An ambitious project of yours is in need of some consistent, conscientious focus to see it through to completion. Be tenacious! Embrace your methodical side, set yourself some clear goals, and then get out of your own way and let yourself feel the flow, Aries. Emphasize dependability and patience, and don’t try to shortcut the work that you need to do. It might feel slow to take such tiny, careful steps forward, but that’s just the sort of progress you should focus on today.
Three of Pentacles
It’s going to take a group effort to make the sort of moves you need to make today, Taurus. Oftentimes skills are built through cooperation. Pooling strengths is an effective way to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Growth, especially for businesses or commercial endeavors, is often built through networking and collaboration. Achieving big goals requires a broad range of skill sets, and understanding who to have on your team is as important as mapping out what work needs to be done. It can be tricky to get a team all working towards a single vision, but it’s magical when it works.
Three of Swords, Reversed
Betrayal and loss are difficult feelings to work through, and it can be surprising to get on the other side of those feelings and find out what life is like after the heartbreak. In the midst of it all, it’s impossible to conceive that life could go on and yet it does. Just as surgery is often painful and necessary, sorrow can be the same way.There’s an opportunity for healing to be found, Gemini, but it’s mixed in among the feelings of sadness and grief. Finding it is going to take a lot of emotional work on your part.
Page of Pentacles, Reversed
There’s untapped potential around you, especially when it comes to a new job or other financial prospect, but the trick will be in making it happen. You’ve felt like you’re just a bit off, Cancer, that you’re so close to getting things moving and yet frustratingly far. Feelings of disappointment and disempowerment arise from feeling disconnected like this. Think about what you could do that would lead to what you’re hoping for. Consider how you can align yourself so that you can land exactly where you want to be. There’s a way to balance the practical with the ideal.
Eight of Pentacles, Reversed
Focus and precision are needed for you to level your skills up, Leo. The best way to create mastery is through repetition and practice of the fundamental skills. You are being given an opportunity to deeply engage in just that. Don’t allow yourself to become uninspired, or let perfectionism get in the way. Enjoy the process, and take care not to burn out or give up. This isn’t the time to let your mind wander. It may feel monotonous at times, but the person you’re hoping to become is worth the commitment.
The Hierophant, Reversed
It’s time to take a look at your beliefs and traditions and ensure that they support who you are and more importantly – who you want to grow into. While systems and traditions of faith are important, they can often cause trauma and disillusionment. Instead of insisting that you conform to something that doesn’t work for you (or worse, works against you), examine what is meaningful to you. Give your personal rituals and practices as much reverence as you give traditions and dogma, Virgo. You may find that what you build based on your wisdom is more meaningful than anything you’ve experienced before.
Justice is a great card for you, Libra, and you may find yourself feeling in your element today. Truth, impartiality, and fairness are big themes of the day. Be mindful that the sword of Justice is double-edged, and a balanced view is important so that the sword can be wielded well. You can’t go wrong by carefully aligning your actions with your moral compass. It’s a good day to do the right thing and your objectivity, perspective, and sense of accountability will guide you to do just that.
Nine of Wands, Reversed
You’re in a tricky position but it’s important to remember that there’s a difference between keeping your guard up and being taken over by paranoia. You’ve been working hard, Scorpio, and your persistent progress has been hard fought. You’ve been through so much to get to where you are, and it’s understandable that you’d be possessive of what you’ve gained. Be sure to keep your responses balanced. Don’t allow your resilience to go overboard into isolation or your experience to turn into being hijacked by old stories. Beware of self-fulfilling prophecies.
Six of Pentacles, Reversed
There’s something out of balance around you, Sagittarius. In situations of charity and help, there’s a give and take. When there is an imbalance of give and take it can drain gratitude away leaving regret and resentment in its path. It’s hard to move forward or progress when you’re entangled in those feelings. If you are the giver, be present for those who are in need. If you are receiving help, center your gratitude and allow yourself to accept help. Once you address the imbalance, it will be easier to maintain a generous and gratitude-centered mindset.
Seven of Swords, Reversed
Imposter syndrome is hard to deal with, and it’s easy to allow our inner critic to talk us into it when we feel uncertain about a situation. It can be easy to feel like some sort of a fraud when things seem stuck. Consider your intentions, Capricorn, and how you can align your actions with those. If you can align your intentions with your moral compass, you’ll have an easier time dismissing that imposter syndrome narrative. Instead of ‘coping’ with the consequences of your harsh feelings towards yourself, address them head on. This might take you on a long – but worthwhile – journey.
Six of Cups, Reversed
There can be undeniable comfort in reliving memories and examining things past, Aquarius. The rose-tinted colors of nostalgia can lessen the sting of prior experiences and act as a salve to the worried mind in the present. Don’t allow dreams of yesterday to get in the way of living today. Use any daydreams of the past to remind yourself of just how far you’ve come and as an invitation to think about the lessons you’ve learned. Everything you’ve experienced has led you to where you are now and what you decide now will lead you to who you will become.
You’ve had some big revelations about who you are and how you should move forward. You are being invited to make some huge shifts in your life, Pisces. Acceptance – of who we are and circumstances that we find ourselves in – is important, as there can never be growth or self- awareness if we’re incapable of taking a fearless moral inventory of who we are. You’re receiving a call to make a drastic change. It can be scary, but you are being offered the chance to transition into a life more suited to your calling.