Your Horoscope For The Week of December 22-December 29, 2024
Everyone is eager to enjoy holiday revelry, but the Universe is warning us to practice moderation. On Tuesday, excessive Jupiter makes a tense square to stern Saturn at 4:59 pm, suggesting that our eyes may be bigger than our stomachs. An opposition between critical Mercury and lackadaisical Jupiter occurs on Thursday at 5:48 pm, causing people to do slapdash work. It’s probably better to postpone important tasks until 2025, when staff will fresh, energized, and able to attend to small details.
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Mercury squares Saturn on Friday at 2:29 am, making everyone even more resentful about working when they should be making merry. Another square between lazy Venus and strict Saturn occurs on Saturday at 2:42 pm, making the best course of action to rest, relax, and postpone chores for another day.
Faulty information could cause you to make an embarrassing mistake. Before starting work on an important project, double check that you have the correct materials and instructions. Resist the urge to gossip about a highly accomplished person. At first, this expert may seem snobby, but they’re quite nice when you get to know them better. Besides, this individual can teach you some valuable skills that will help you land high-paying work assignments. Wait until the New Year to splash out on a luxury item.
Erratic behavior can cause tongues to wag at work and among friends. While it’s understandable that you’re undergoing lots of mood swings, you must work to protect your reputation. Find a healthy outlet for your anger, sadness, or depression. You may resist the idea of spending money on therapy or medication, but these expenditures will save you a lot of aggravation. Talk to a friend who has undergone similar challenges. Their advice will be helpful.
A person you admire doesn’t seem to return your respect. Stop jumping through hoops for this individual. While it would have been nice to form an alliance with a fellow data junkie, you can still thrive on your own. One of the reasons smart people look at you with skepticism is that you’re endlessly optimistic. Looking at life through rose-colored glasses is a winning strategy for you. It never fails that you prosper while others struggle. Chalk up the difference to your positive attitude.
You long to get advanced training but the powers-that-be keep telling you to wait. You’re tired of postponing plans for the convenience of others. Take this opportunity to sign up for a course that fills you with excitement. It may take time to capitalize on your newfound knowledge, but that’s no problem. The simple joy of intellectual stimulation causes you to soak up this information like a sponge.
An offbeat approach to work could backfire. Someone who doesn’t approve of your playful attitude could complain to the management. Even if your boss thinks you’re doing a good job, they’ll feel pressured to reprimand you. This is a bad strategy. Nothing angers you more than being treated disrespectfully. Before you quit, give yourself time to find a better position. It won’t take much time at all.
A busy schedule has caused you to neglect your domestic life. Take this opportunity to cancel a few appointments for the sake of staying home. Someone at work may urge you to make a public presentation. Alternatively, a charitable institution could ask you to oversee a fundraiser. Be ready to refuse these requests, even you feel guilty for doing so. In truth, you’re long overdue for a break. Let somebody else do the heavy lifting for a change.
You’re extremely attractive, which makes everyone clamor for your company. Instead of accepting every invitation, be selective about the company you keep. This may cause offense, but it’s not your responsibility to make others happy. You may also be pressured to sign a contract that doesn’t give you much freedom. Wait out the clock until the New Year, when you’ll be able to negotiate a much better deal. The more elusive you are, the harder the other party will work to accommodate you.
You and your best friend, romantic partner, or business associate feel like you’re at odds this week. While you’d prefer to make exciting plans, they’re spiraling downward about old grievances. It’s not a rewarding dynamic. Take this opportunity to fly solo for a bit. Working on a creative project may not earn lots of money, but it will provide lots of emotional fulfillment. It’s important for a purist like you to have interests that have nothing to do with generating income.
Someone in your inner circle think you’re too kind, fearing your generous nature is draining your emotional and financial reserves. While it’s nice that they care about you, what you do with your resources is none of their business. It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Don’t feel pressured to answer calls and texts from relatives who get on your nerves. Taking a short trip out of town can provide a welcome break from all the drama.
It’s hard to feel cheerful when so many things seem to be going wrong. At times like these, trying to summon positive thoughts is futile. Detaching is more productive. Take a nap or meditate for a few moments. This allows your mind to wander and see possibilities that you’d otherwise overlook. It also helps to steer clear of colleagues who seem to delight in other people’s discomfort. Save the heart-to-heart conversations for likeminded friends.
Upsets at home make it difficult to bask in the glow of your accomplishments. Instead of sorting out fights between relatives or roommates, focus inward. Tackling a classic novel or movie will provide the intellectual stimulation you crave. After feeling stifled for many months, this material could change your outlook in an empowering way. Suddenly, the confines of time, space, and finances won’t seem nearly as burdensome.
You’re serious about reaching career goals, but it doesn’t seem like anybody else is interested in conducting job interviews or checking your portfolio. Lean into the holiday spirit and forget about work for the week. There will be plenty of opportunities for professional advancement in the New Year. Meanwhile, your home life requires attention. Take this opportunity to clear out the clutter and do some deep cleaning. It will be a lot more tempting to stay in when your surroundings are neat and clean.