4 Zodiacs Who Are Going To Make It Through Their Latest Challenge
Your challenge is affecting the way you see yourself, Sagittarius, and there is nothing as precious as your relationship with your own identity. As daunting and overwhelming as your current circumstances are, it’s critical that you hold onto your sense of self and cling to it while you weather this storm. And not just the parts of yourself that are built to handle this, but the fragile, sensitive parts, the parts it would be easy to assume won’t make it and discard. Your convictions, your belief in honesty, in justice, in fairness, in being rewarded for hard work. Just because the world has let you down, just because you’re deconstructing and shedding light on it’s flaws, doesn’t mean you need to let go of your own worth.
You’re losing trust in yourself, Pisces. In your judgement, in your feelings, and in your choices. But the only way you are going to get through this challenge is to remind yourself of all the times you’ve been right, all the time your intuition never led you astray. The ways it protected and guided and supported you, even when everyone else had different ideas about what to do. Your heart, your gut, are more than enough compass to guide you through this. No matter how dark, how bleak things may get, you are equipped with everything you need to make it to the other side of this experience. There are brighter days ahead, and all you have to do is keep following your own signs.
You keep telling yourself you’re not cut out for this, Libra, that you don’t think you can do it, but this challenge is here to prove once and for all what you’re truly capable of. Fear and trepidation have been your guiding light where bravery belongs instead. You will overcome this stage fright and imposter syndrome, but you’re going to have to learn how to leave your comfort zone first. Once you acknowledge the part of you that actually wants to try, that actually wants this, you’ll be able to give over to that urge and take the plunge. What’s waiting on the other side will be worth it, will make having waited this long to try seem so silly in comparison.
So much in life has come easily to you, Leo, that when you encounter a challenge like the one you’re facing now, it feels like something is wrong. Like you’re not meant to be here or take this on. But in reality, that’s exactly the reason you need to be where you are. It’s time for you to grab this bull by the horns and see just how strong you really are. You can be tested and pushed and prodded and still stand on your own two feet. You can handle the stress and still find a way forward toward peace. A temporary battle is worth it for the thrill of victory. It will be sweeter than the many awards you won by default.