Scott Broome

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before April 1


Your card: 4 of Cups

You’re feeling just plain icky this week, and you may not even have a reason why. It’s that apathy and disconnection that can catapult you into a bit of a depression. You may find ways to combat the doldrums, or you might just have to ride it out.


Your card: The High Priestess

You have a mystery to solve this week. It could be something to do with someone you know, but more likely it’s a mystery within yourself. Take a deep look at how you’re feeling–you may have a gut feeling that you’ve been ignoring. Stop avoiding your intuition.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

This is the perfect week to treat yourself. Splurge on something fancy, buy a round of drinks for your friends, spend a night in a decadent bath eating your favorite chocolates. You’re worth it, so why not spend some fun money on yourself?


Your card: Knight of Cups

Follow your heart’s lead this week. While there’s merit to being logical and analytical, this card is calling for the opposite. Be dreamy and silly. Frolic through a meadow, paint something wild and free, and make decisions based on your heart, not your head.


Your card: Death

Rather than focusing on the end of something, this often misunderstood card more signals the start of something new. You’re in a transitional period this week, but a new path is just on the horizon–and it could be good.


Your card: 7 of Pentacles

If you want good things to happen in your life, you have to work for them. That work can be tiring (and maybe a little boring), but if you persevere, you’ll eventually reach your goal. This week, just keep working hard and you’ll be one step closer.


Your card: The Moon

It can be difficult to listen to your intuition when you’re full of anxiety. After all, is it your gut talking or just worry filling your head with nonsense? This week, try to parse what is real versus what’s just your anxiety urging you to self-sabotage.


Your card: The Empress

This is a great week to make art. Nurture your artistic and emotional side. Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, that doesn’t mean you can’t let go and mess around with some paints or pencils. Create something, even if it’s just for yourself.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

This week, avoid going solo. This card is encouraging you to work as a team or in a partnership. While you might think you do better alone, we all need people every now and then. And this week is your time to do just that.


Your card: The Tower

Something’s coming completely out of nowhere this week that will surprise you to your core. You didn’t see this coming. While you could focus on your surprise, it might be easier to choose acceptance instead. Roll with it and you’ll be a lot better off.


Your card: The Emperor

This week, you’re in total control. With this power, you can make pretty much anything happen this week as long as you’re willing to do the work and make big moves. Will you manifest this power for good or will you aim for something more selfish?


Your card: 7 of Cups

If you’ve been feeling a little aimless lately, this week is the perfect time to gain some perspective. Do some soul-searching to figure out what you want out of life. Don’t put any limits on yourself. You’re far more powerful than you give yourself credit for.