
A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before July 22


Your card: Ace of Cups

This card signals the start of a new emotional connection. Often it means that you’ll meet the next love of your life. Or maybe you’ll have a stellar first date that makes you daydream of all the future possibilities. This week, leave your heart open to finding an amazing new person.


Your card: 8 of Wands

You usually hate change. You’d prefer for things to just stay the same, thanks. Alas, that’s not how life works. This week, you’re going to have to make a quick decision and, either way, things are about to change. You can totally handle what happens next.


Your card: The Empress

Get out of the house this week. And before you say, “Okay, I’ll go to the bar/club/restaurant,” that’s not what this card is suggesting. Instead, spend at least some of today out in nature. It’s the middle of summer–you may as well start enjoying it in full.


Your card: 10 of Cups

You’ll be feeling particularly peaceful and happy this week–especially if you’re looking for that peace from within and not relying on other people or outside stimuli to create your happiness for you. Remember that you have all you need.


Your card: King of Cups

Try to be balanced this week when it comes to your emotions. You may feel an urge to go off the handle in your uniquely fiery way, but that won’t do anyone any good, including you. Instead, take a deep breath and think twice before you say something you can’t take back.


Your card: The Fool

You’d like to think that you can handle everything alone without having to ask for help. Alas, that’s not true. You’re just as human as everyone else. This week, accept that you might need assistance with something–and then ask for it.


Your card: 10 of Swords

This might end up being a bad week for you. Life isn’t going the way you planned, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Even if nothing new is happening right now, there’s a chance you’ll be in your head about moments from your past.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

If you’ve been wanting something to change when it comes to your job, this is your week to make it happen. Rather than quietly seething about everything you have to put up with, change it. Quit your job and start fresh, ask for a raise, or apply for the role that intimidates you. Manifest your goals during this powerful week.


Your card: Temperance

Chill out this week. While you might feel compelled to do something a little adventurous and potentially dangerous, this card is urging you to take a step back. There’s a very real chance of dire consequences if you’re not careful.


Your card: Justice

You’ll have an opportunity to choose a few different options this week. When you’re not sure, go for the just and fair approach. While you could probably do something that helps you out, it could be at the expense of others. Skip that route as it will do bad things for your karma.


Your card: 4 of Wands

It’s time to plan a get-together. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a night roasting marshmallows under the stars, or a classic game night, start your planning process now. Invite all your favorite people and create some lasting memories.


Your card: 3 of Pentacles

Work as a team this week. Of all the zodiac signs, you’re probably more likely to be okay with a group project than many of the others. So talk to your friend or coworker or fellow student and make something cool together. Why do it alone when you can get it done faster and better with someone else?