A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before July 8
Your card: Page of Swords
You’re the type to follow any whim you have. Rather than talking yourself out of it or putting it off, you jump in immediately. This week, do just that. When you get a cool new idea, just go for it. As usual, things will all work out in the end.
Your card: 8 of Wands
Your week won’t end the same way it started. Whether it’s a change that you’ve been working toward or something that will come at you unwanted, a transition will occur at some point this week. You may have to make some quick decisions along the way.
Your card: King of Swords
This week, search for the truth. This could mean skepticism when someone says something to you that just doesn’t feel right. It could also mean a search for truth within yourself. After all, sometimes we hide away our feelings even from ourselves.
Your card: Ace of Cups
This card is hinting at the beginning of a wonderful new relationship. It could mean a classic romantic relationship or becoming closer with a new platonic friend. When given the chance to socialize or go on a date this week, take it.
Your card: The Emperor
Don’t give in this week. You’re the boss of your own life yet you may feel the urge to let others dictate where it goes. Don’t do it. Ultimately, you’re the one that benefits from the good things and has to live through the setbacks. Steer your own boat this week.
Your card: 7 of Cups
You’ll have the opportunity to make an important choice this week. While you’d normally want to spend time researching options or weighing the pros and cons, you may not have the benefit of time for this choice. Sometimes you just have to take the leap.
Your card: 10 of Swords
Your mood may be in the dumpster this week. Whether you’re actively going through a loss or your mind is stuck in past hurts, you’ll have a hard time enjoying the things around you that would normally make you happy. Hopefully next week will be better.
Your card: 5 of Swords
Conflict seems to be following you where ever you go this week. Whether you’re the one instigating it or there just seems to be fiery electricity in the air, it’ll be nearly impossible to get to the end of this week without a fight. You may want to steer clear of people entirely.
Your card: Knight of Wands
Lead with confidence this week. Know that whatever happens, you can handle it. When you’re feeling your best–especially about yourself–almost nothing can stop you. So channel that self-love energy and go forth with positivity and bravery.
Your card: King of Pentacles
Take on a leadership role in your life this week. That could be a literal leadership role at work or it could be more of a metaphor for how you tackle your personal life. Will you let things happen to you, or will you make them happen yourself? Take the lead.
Your card: Page of Cups
Let your dreamier, artistic side out this week. You sometimes get stuck in the logistics of life and don’t always let the less concrete aspects win you over. Enjoy the little things and know that your life will look just a bit bright when you do.
Your card: 7 of Pentacles
Rather than worrying as much about the past or present, shift your focus to your future this week. What long term goals do you want to achieve? What could you do now to make them happen? Start manifesting them now so you can get there even sooner.