A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before May 13
Your card: 6 of Wands
There are times when it’s better to be humble, but this isn’t one of those times. Celebrate all that you’ve accomplished this week. Large or small, the cool things you’ve done need recognition. If that means talking to your boss in the hopes of getting a promotion or planning a party for yourself, by all means go ahead.
Your card: The World
Get out of the house this week. Find the good in all the little ways you can remove yourself from your comfort zone. Go places you’ve never been. Visit that museum or park or beach that you’ve always wanted to see. Say yes to wild plans with friends. You might have a little anxiety at first, but you’ll be happy you went.
Your card: Queen of Wands
Don’t give up this week. When that little voice in your head tries to encourage you to procrastinate or stop going for what you want, don’t listen. This week, big things can happen–but only if you put in the work. Keep your positivity high and continue working hard.
Your card: 8 of Swords
You’re feeling powerless this week. There’s odd comfort in feeling like your fate is out of your hands, but how true is that really? Truth is, you have way more control over your situation that you’re giving yourself credit for.
Your card: Ace of Wands
Look for little ways to get inspired this week. Your creativity is at its peak, and it would be a shame if you just ignored it in favor of sticking to your routine. So make art, take pictures, listen to your favorite playlists, and go where the creativity takes you.
Your card: Wheel of Fortune
You’re luckier than ever this week, but only if you look for the small opportunities to find that luck. If you do good things, that good karmic luck will find you. But if you keep your head down and do the same things you always do, good luck will pass you by.
Your card: King of Cups
Search for balance this week. Since Libras are known for balance, even having scales for imagery, you’re the best suited for this kind of role. When people in your life are struggling this week, be the emotionally stabile presence they need to feel better.
Your card: 5 of Cups
You’ll be thrust into a dark mood this week, whether because something is happening in your life right now or you’ve been reminded of a past hurt. Dwelling on the negative isn’t the right move right now, but sometimes you just can’t help it.
Your card: The High Priestess
Pay attention to your intuition this week. Something may be going on that will leave you confused, but your subconscious knows how you really feel. Listen to your gut when logic doesn’t do the trick.
Your card: The Hermit
Some parts of life don’t need to be discussed or dissected with the help of everyone you know. You’re a strong person and can come up with the right decision all on your own. If you’re struggling with that this week, feel free to be by yourself for a while.
Your card: The Empress
Find ways to get out into nature this week. Don’t just sequester yourself at work and at home. Your soul needs a breath of fresh air and some time among the trees and streams and wildlife. And you’ll feel so much better if you do.
Your card: 4 of Cups
This just isn’t your week. You’re feeling apathetic and down. Even when good things are happening around you, they’re not giving you the boost they normally do. Just keep plugging along and hope for a better mood next week.