Ekaterina Mitkina

A Tarot Reader Predicts What Every Zodiac Can Expect In July 2024


Your Card: The World

There’s a sense of completion coming for you this month, Aries. You may find yourself closing out a cycle of your life or finishing up a goal you’ve been hard at work on. The nice thing is that this is the kind of chapter ending that usually leaves you feeling fulfilled and content, because you’ve put in the work, gone through the journey, and are ultimately better for it. Your next chapter will start soon—for now, just enjoy the success you’ve found and the accomplishment you feel.


Your Card: The Magician, reversed

You may find yourself struggling a bit this month, Taurus. You’re full of potential, but for some reason, you’re unable to fully realize it. It may feel like no matter how much work you put toward your goal, you’re unable to see any progress; on the contrary, it may be that you’re struggling to work toward your goal at all. You may feel like you don’t have the resources, or it may just be that you don’t have the energy or motivation right now. This energy is frustrating, especially for someone as hardworking as you are, but take it as a sign: this might be a time to step back, rest, and get your ducks in a row before you move forward.


Your Card: Ace of Cups

This month might bring forward a new emotional beginning for you, Gemini. You may find yourself falling in love with someone—or something, like a new hobby or a piece of art—or simply looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. You might even learn to appreciate yourself on a new level, finally tapping into the self-love you deserve. Whatever it is, embrace these emotions this month, and wherever they may take you, be sure you lead with love.


Your Card: Six of Cups, reversed

You may find yourself stuck in the past this month, Cancer, unable to fully move forward the way that you should. This may include ruminating over past mistakes and punishing yourself for things you can no longer change. Instead of connecting with your inner child and nourishing them, you’re looking at your life with hindsight instead of with empathy. Remind yourself that you did the best you could with the information you had, and instead of spiraling about them, learn to love yourself through these moments. Every day is a chance to be better; every day is a chance to extend love to the person you were and honor them in the ways you can. It’s just important that you keep moving forward, one step at a time.


Your Card: Eight of Swords

You may feel stuck this month, Leo, as if you have no way forward. It’s normal to feel stagnant sometimes, but it’s also important not to beat yourself up over it too much. Sometimes we get so stuck in our heads about our progress that it makes moving forward seem almost impossible. Take a step back; look at your situation from the point of view of an outsider. More often than not, our roadblocks are more mental than physical, and we are the only things holding ourselves back. Are you getting in your own way? Is there another path? Is it possible you simply need a break to scrounge up the energy you need to keep going?


Your Card: Three of Pentacles

This month will bring a lot of collaboration your way, Virgo. You may be working with others on a big project for work or school, or you may find yourself banding together with friends or peers to bring a vision to life. This can be difficult for the perfectionist in you, who can sometimes struggle to work with others who may have a different view of how things should go. Remember that sometimes collaboration means giving up some level of control, and that it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Focus on harmony, on creation, on community—if you let those values take the forefront, you may be surprised at what can come from it.


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed

This card often comes as a warning, or perhaps even a validation: If an opportunity arises but it doesn’t feel right, or if something seems to good to be true, it may be a good time to trust your intuition, Libra. You love entertaining new ideas, but don’t be surprised if your plans fall through this month. If you’re struggling to move forward, take this moment of stillness to consider if this is really a path you want to take and, if it is, if there are better ways to go about it. Trust yourself and your gut feelings here.


Your Card: Seven of Swords

Someone is trying to get away with something this month, Scorpio. Is it you? Or is it someone around you? If it’s the former, know there’s only so much you can get away with before you’re found out, and the punishment may be greater the longer you let this go on. If you aren’t the one in question, know that it’s possible someone in your circle might not be being totally honest with you or may be trying to use you in some way. If someone’s intentions don’t seem completely honest, they may not be. This month, choose the truth, even when it’s difficult to swallow.


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

There’s a sense of conservatism for you this month, Sagittarius—something that often isn’t associated with you. With Jupiter being your ruling planet, you’re used to expansion, but something has you holding back, whether that be monetarily or emotionally. Is it possible now is the time to implement a budget? Or are you being unnecessarily stingy about something? On the other hand, you may find yourself holding parts of yourself back emotionally, unwilling to be totally open and honest. While conservatism isn’t necessarily bad—it can certainly be healthy—make sure you aren’t constricting yourself for the wrong reasons.


Your Card: Six of Pentacles, reversed

This month, it’s important to start investing in yourself, Capricorn. You’re an incredibly hard-working person who will do anything you can to provide for the people in your life, but at times, this can be at your own expense. Are you treating yourself as well as your loved ones? Do you have a tendency to deny yourself nice things every now and then simply because you don’t feel like you shouldn’t be wasting time and money on yourself? Self-care is important, and this month is all about making sure you’re as taken care of as everyone else in your life. Put yourself first for once.


Your Card: Nine of Wands

You’re so, so close to reaching the end of something this month, Aquarius—but you’re not quite there yet. The final stretch can sometimes be the most difficult to make it through, but it’s important to keep your eye on the finish line up ahead. This isn’t the time to give up or get lazy about your goals—on the contrary, it’s important you keep putting in the same energy as before and continue to defend yourself when necessary. Keep going—you’re almost there!


Your Card: King of Swords

This month is about stepping into your power, Pisces. You love to go with the flow, but it’s important to remember that you’re in control of your own life, that no one else can take that from you. You may find yourself in a leadership position or taking control of a situation, and you might even surprise yourself to learn you’re actually pretty good at it—right now, you have the insight to know what to do, and you know how to cut past the fat of the situation and get right to the meat of it. This is a great position to be in—take advantage of it while you can.