Dmitriy Ganin

Tarot Tips For Bringing Joy To Each Zodiac

The world feels upside down and stressful right now. It’s not lost on me how many reversals I pulled – or that the only upright card is an upside down one (Hanged Man!). We could all use a bit of lift right now, and joy is a great stress reliever. 

Here’s advice from the tarot on how each Zodiac sign can invite more joy!


Your Card: 4 of Cups (Reversed)

In turbulent times, it’s easy to get trapped in self-reflection and miss the opportunities around us. There’s a fine line between stillness and stagnation. Right now, instead of feeling enlightened, soul-searching makes you feel stuck. Yet you are surrounded by chances for joy – so take a good, deep breath and choose a direction. If you look carefully and with an open heart, you’re bound to see your way to it.


Your Card: Ace of Wands (Reversed)

Feeling uninspired? Unfocused? Perhaps even a bit burned out?  Give yourself the patience and loyalty you’d give to others, and have some faith in yourself. Change is always just around the corner, so give yourself the mental space and rest to prepare. Once you’ve given yourself some grace, you’ll be able to reconnect to your inner fire and light your way towards joy.


Your Card: 7 of Wands (Reversed)

It’s emotionally draining to feel misunderstood!  Don’t forget – you deserve happiness and joy and you have the right to defend yourself against those who take it from you. Don’t internalize the strife they want to bring you – become your best advocate and strongest ally. Create healthy boundaries between you and anyone who would steal your joy.  The most beautiful and brave thing you can do is to be yourself, despite it all.


Your Card: The Hermit (Reversed)

Being empathetic in turbulent times like these can make the decision to withdraw seem like an easy, sensible one. Be careful that you don’t take a time out for too long. You are your best inner-guide and a time of contemplation and meditation can help you center yourself. The answer is within – don’t be afraid to take time to seek it!  Just remember that the line between being alone and lonely is a fine one.


Your Card: 10 of Pentacles (Reversed)

It might feel like a distant dream to be surrounded by the abundance described in the 10 of Pentacles, or it might feel like though you’re surrounded by it and you just can’t FEEL it.  Sometimes, it’s easier to experience joy with someone else – and the abundance in the 10 of Pentacles is best when shared. If you still feel disconnected, ask what is so different between where you are from where you want to be?  


Your Card: The Hanged Man

Sometimes you have to let go of a little control so you can see things from a different angle. This might really chafe you, in particular, Virgo. It’s hard to cede control, especially when things seem so chaotic. Remember that surrendering for a moment, and allowing things to just flow isn’t a passive choice! Seeing things from a different perspective and just chilling out and letting life happen will let some joy in. 


Your Card: 8 of Pentacles (Reversed)

Usually you have things in balance, but there’s something off-kilter in your work habits right now, Libra. You might be impatient, obsessive, or addicted to the feeling of success. Regardless of how your scales are being tipped, the imbalance is likely to be frustrating. You are skilled and adept, and do not need to work hard to prove that to anyone. Bring things back into balance. Prioritize your self over the unending tasks, and joy is sure to follow.


Your Card: Ace of Swords (Reversed)

You’re sharp and don’t miss much, Scorpio, but it can also get you caught in analysis paralysis. Perhaps your head and your heart feel conflicted, or perhaps you’re missing a key piece of information. Regardless, your mental energy feels stuck and it’s leaving you with a chaotic feeling. You’ll find joy by clearing your head and creating space for yourself so you can reconnect with your internal compass.


Your Card: 3 of Swords (Reversed)

It feels easier to shut things out than to allow things in after heartbreak and grief. Betrayal or absence leaves the heart tender and aching. The path to joy won’t be found by shutting yourself off, nor will it be found by beating yourself up.  Try your best to reframe the situation as a chance to grow and learn, and allow yourself to reconnect. Yes, your heart is tender and opening it can be scary – but it’s also the way towards joy.


Your Card: King of Cups (Reversed) 

Normally you’re able to navigate turbulent waters with your emotional intelligence, but instead you feel blocked and overwhelmed.  Your wisdom feels awash in turmoil, and you feel like you’re letting everyone, especially yourself, down.  It feels like there is simultaneously too much and not enough. In all this overwhelm, there’s simply no room for joy, so take a deep breath and give yourself some space to let love, and joy, back in.


Your Card: 3 of Pentacles (Reversed)

It feels like progress is slowing down and communications are blocked. A time of collaboration has turned into one of fierce competition. Everyone has their own special wisdom to bring to this moment, and to get things done will take communication and alignment. Instead of allowing egos to clash, take a moment to listen – to others and to yourself. Building understanding is your first step towards building joy.


Your Card: 10 of Wands (Reversed)

Everything feels so heavy, and with your attention divided and stretched thin, it’s hard to see where joy could fit in.  With everything weighing on you, it’s hard not to go past feeling burdened to overburdened and from there it’s easy to slip into exhaustion. Before your thoughts spiral into feeling helplessly crushed by the oppressiveness of it all, remind yourself you don’t have to sacrifice yourself. Eliminate the unnecessary and make room for yourself – and for joy.