Astrology Predicts The Person You Should Watch Out For This Week (April 1-5)
Watch out for self-centered people who are going to put themselves ahead of you in every situation and refuse to take your feelings into consideration.
Watch out for manipulative people who are going to convince you to do what’s best for them, not for yourself.
Watch out for immature people who refuse to take anything seriously, even when you’re trying to have an important conversation.
Watch out for disloyal people who are going to sneak around behind your back and keep secrets, even when you ask direct questions.
Watch out for unreliable people who will make promises they never intend on keeping and end up disappointing you.
Watch out for toxic people who are going to take advantage of your kind and gentle nature without caring how they hurt you.
Watch out for stubborn people who are never going to meet you halfway and will demand to get their way.
Watch out for jealous people who are never going to be happy for your successes and will try to tear you down.
Watch out for dishonest people who will lie straight to your face in order to get what they want from you.
Watch out for lazy people who aren’t going to put nearly as much effort into the friendship or relationship as you do.
Watch out for bossy people who will order you around and act like they know so much better than you.
Watch out for greedy people who are never going to be satisfied with how much you give, even when you’re giving every piece of you.