4 Zodiacs Who Will Cause A Scene Over Thanksgiving Dinner
Karolina Grabowska

Each Zodiac Signs Most Polarizing Food Opinions That They’ll Defend To The End

Everyone has that one food hill they’re willing to die on. Whether it’s the belief that pineapple does belong on pizza or that cilantro tastes like soap and deserves to be banished from all kitchens forever, food opinions can get as heated as a Michelin-starred chef’s stovetop. Have you ever wonder why your friend will passionately defend the honor of well-done steaks as if their life depended on it, while you’re ready to start a campaign for the supremacy of medium-rare? The stars might just hold the answer.


Aries champions the cause of pineapple on pizza. They argue with the intensity of a thousand suns that the sweet and savory combo is a match made in heaven. “Fight me,” is their motto on this hill.


For Taurus, it’s all about insisting that well-done steak is the only way to go. They value the texture and “safety” of a thoroughly cooked piece of meat, despite the gasps of horror from medium-rare enthusiasts.


Geminis are in the ring fighting for the acceptance of dipping fries in ice cream. They love the mix of salty and sweet, and will passionately defend this habit as the peak of culinary innovation.


Cancers are ready to defend to the death that homemade food trumps anything you could ever buy. “You haven’t lived until you’ve tried my grandma’s pie,” they’ll say, holding back tears of culinary pride.


Leos are all about declaring brunch the most important meal of the day – and not just any brunch, but an extravagant, bottomless mimosa-filled affair. “Brunch without mimosas is just a sad, late breakfast,” they’ll argue, with the drama turned up to eleven.


Virgos hold the controversial opinion that avocado is overrated. They’ll list reasons why it’s not the superfood everyone thinks it is, prepared with charts and articles to back up their claim.


Libras are convinced that the fork-and-knife method for eating pizza is superior. They argue it’s all about sophistication and avoiding mess, while casually ignoring the eye rolls from the hands-on pizza lovers.


Scorpios will defend to the death the idea that cilantro tastes like soap filled death and has no place in any dish. They’re convinced it’s not just an opinion, but a fact of life, and they’re ready to bring the science of genetics into the argument.


Sagittarians are the ones arguing that traditional breakfast foods can and should be eaten at all times of the day. “Pancakes for dinner? Revolutionary,” they’ll say, ready to upend societal norms one meal at a time.


Capricorns controversially claim that matcha is just as good as the freshly brewed coffee. Efficiency over everything is their motto, even if java connoisseurs everywhere are cringing.


Aquarians are on a mission to convince the world that vegan cheese is just as good as dairy cheese. They’re all about the future of food and sustainability, even if it means enduring skeptical looks at their dairy-free cheese board. What you DON’T like cashew blend cheese?


Pisces passionately defend the opinion that adding milk before cereal is the only correct way. They argue it prevents the cereal from getting soggy too quickly, invoking a near-mystical experience of perfect texture with every spoonful. “Trust me, it’s a game changer.” said every Pisces ever.