Astrology Clock
Andrea Piacquadio

Each Zodiac Sign’s Survival Guide For Venus In Leo Retrograde

Venus in Leo has officially gone into retrograde.

Venus — the planet of love and beauty — has been in Leo for a few weeks now, providing us with the confidence to express ourselves. However, on July 22nd, it started its shift into retrograde (and it will continue in this backspin until September 3rd).

Despite the fearful language surrounding retrogrades, know that this doesn’t spell doom. With this specific retrograde taking place while Venus is in Leo, we may find ourselves reassessing what we want and need in our relationships.

Retrogrades are all about slowing down and sitting with our thoughts and feelings rather than continuing on autopilot. It may shake things up a bit, but it’s often the wake-up call we need to ensure we aren’t settling.

Each zodiac sign will have a different experience with this retrograde, so check your Sun and Rising signs to discover the best way to navigate this Venus in Leo Retrograde.


As Venus moves through your 5th House of Romance and Creativity, it’s possible that you will feel some nostalgia and insecurity. You will need to re-learn some lessons about how to express yourself artistically and romantically. However, this retrograde will push you to fully embrace who you are, rejecting the versions of yourself you create to impress others.

What to watch out for: Exes reaching out or the urge to reach out to an ex. Obsessing over past rejections could cloud your judgment.

What you can do: Reflect on the past and focus on the lessons you have learned as a way to move forward. Embrace new forms of creativity: paint a masterpiece, write a poem, or sing karaoke.


Home is where the heart is—and where your focus is during this Retrograde. Some deep-seated emotions regarding your childhood may surface. If you’ve been holding onto some unfinished business with those in your home, those conflicts may come to a head during this time.

What to watch out for: Projecting your past issues onto current partners or connections. Taking on giant home improvement projects that are costly or overwhelming. Responding in passive-aggressive ways to those you live with instead of starting a worthwhile conversation.

What you can do: Reflect on patterns and wounds you have noticed in your past relationships and work towards ways to heal them. Be open and direct about any conflicts you’ve been avoiding—no need to be harsh (just transparent). Make some small, non-permanent changes to your home decor, such as peel-and-stick wallpaper or new wall art.


It never hurts to learn how to communicate better. You may notice that the ways you choose to communicate aren’t coming across the way you like. You may also feel a strong pull towards your old friends or those who are in your local social circle (even if you haven’t spent much time with them recently).

What to watch out for: Miscommunications and misunderstandings, especially via text or other methods that can weaken your ability to say things appropriately. Old friends you’ve since outgrown resurfacing and stirring up some old feelings. A desire to romanticize your hometown.

What you can do: Slow down and think before you speak. Take your time when communicating about significant issues, and pay attention to others’ responses. Feel free to reconnect with old friends and catch up, and enjoy being nostalgic for a while.


If you need a reminder of your worth, this retrograde is here to help you out, Cancer. Venus will be moving through your 2nd House of Values and Material Possessions, which will lead you to reassess the things that are most important to you. Financial issues may arise during this time, and you may benefit from adjusting your budget.

What to watch out for: Feelings of insecurity surrounding your earnings and work ethic. A desire to spend to feel more secure. Fixating on your value and what you bring to the table. 

What you can do: Cut yourself some slack in terms of the money you’re making. Sit down and work out a new budget without racking yourself with guilt. Feel free to treat yourself a little but don’t overspend.


Things are about to get personal, Leo. With this retrograde showing up in your first house of Self and Identity, you may be struggling with your image and your relationships. You may have trouble presenting yourself the way you would like, and you may wrestle with some insecurity about who you are.

What to watch out for: Overwhelming insecurity and a few identity crises. People who are intimidated when you embrace yourself fully.

What you can do: Don’t be afraid to indulge in some self-love during this time. Play around with your image but don’t do anything permanent; avoid wild haircuts or impulsive tattoos. Give yourself a little grace and remind yourself of your strengths.


You may be feeling even more introspective than usual, Virgo. With this retrograde showing up in your 12th house of Isolation and Subconscious, your desire to disconnect is stronger than ever. It’s okay to embrace some solitude and reflect, but don’t stress yourself out over the past. You could have some significant revelations during this time, so be open to any epiphanies.

What to watch out for: Wild dreams or consistent signs that you feel are important but can’t quite place. Energy vampires looking to disturb your peace. The urge to shut anyone and everyone out and handle everything on your own.

What you can do: Don’t be afraid to embrace some meditation. Spend time on your own, and don’t be afraid to say no — especially to people who are extremely demanding of your time. However, don’t shut everyone out, and remember that you don’t have to process everything on your own. There are people who care for you and want to show their support.


You might be feeling some tension in your social circles, Libra, but try not to stress too much. As Venus retrogrades through your 11th House of Friendship and Networking, you might be feeling the need to reevaluate and reassess your current connections. You might also feel the need to reflect on the type of energy you’re attracting (especially if you feel as though the people around you don’t have your back ).

What to watch out for: Those who pretend to be your friend but tear you down when you aren’t around. Jealous colleagues who may try to sabotage new connections.

What you can do: Take the time to reevaluate your current friends. Ask yourself who genuinely seems to support you and who seems to merely tolerate you. Fight the urge to get caught up in drama that isn’t yours. Don’t be afraid to branch out and meet new people, but be careful before fully offering your trust and support. 


You may feel like the world is watching you lately. This retrograde is showing up in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, which might have you rethinking your current profession or life path. You may be feeling disconnected from what you do for a living.

What to watch out for: Feelings of insecurity surrounding your job. Fear of judgment from people who are paying more attention, especially if you’re doing well. Feeling unsure if you’re in the right profession.

What you can do: Don’t stress about what other people think of you—you know who you are and what you can do. Ask yourself if this is the career you want for the long haul. If not, figure out what the next steps are.


You may be feeling a call back to some older schools of thought, Sagittarius. This retrograde is working its way through your 9th House of Philosophy and Travel, and you may revisit some former belief systems you have since outgrown. You also could experience some miscommunications surrounding travel plans (though this doesn’t automatically spell disaster). 

What to watch out for: Plans, especially travel-oriented ones, falling through. Feelings of restlessness and stagnancy. A desire to engage in long-distance connections — potentially making promises you can’t keep there.

What you can do: Don’t be afraid to revisit old beliefs and reflect on what good things you may have taken from them (even if you don’t hold those same ideas now). Be extra thorough in communicating your travel plans, and be prepared with backup options if things take a turn.


This Venus retrograde is focusing on your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, which could leave you feeling more vulnerable and aware of your dependency on others.

What to watch out for: The desire to cling to attachments that aren’t right for you anymore. Potential miscommunication involving bonds (legal or emotional) that you’ve made with others.

What you can do: Remember that vulnerability is not a negative feeling or an undesirable weakness. Be willing to let things go. Don’t be afraid to make room for new connections, but don’t feel the need to rush in.


You might have relationships on the brain quite a bit, Aquarius. With Venus retrograding through your 7th House of Relationships, all your personal connections are on the table—romantic, platonic, and even business ones. You may experience unresolved conflicts.

What to watch out for: Relationship issues coming to the surface. Misunderstandings between you and your inner circle. Old enemies making a comeback.

What you can do: Do your best to communicate clearly and intentionally with the people you love. The more you avoid conflict, the more it will return with a vengeance. Take time to think through your expectations and desires for friendships and relationships, and determine if you’re getting what you need from your current ones. 


Your routine is likely experiencing a shakeup, Pisces. You may not feel as inclined to do your normal rituals, and you may feel insurmountable pressure to do everything all at once.

What to watch out for: A strong desire to procrastinate, even if you feel you shouldn’t. Struggles to maintain a routine, even if it has worked for you in the past.

What you can do: Ask for help when you need it. Allow time for procrastination, and know it’s not the end of the world. Reassess your typical habits and figure out if there are ways you can improve them