Alexander Stemplewski

Horoscope For Today: Friday, August 23, 2024

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Today holds some positive energy for the zodiac signs!

We start today with invigorating energy surrounding the moon in Aries, forming a sextile to Mars in Gemini, giving us the drive to take things on and the desire to communicate with others about our goals and what we want. Later on, the moon forms a supportive trine to Mercury in Leo, further heightening our strong desire to communicate well with the boldness to do it—executing plans will likely go your way as you have good judgment and direction. 

Some tension does show up when the moon moves into Taurus and squares Pluto in Aquarius, which can make us more sensitive and aggressive, notably when someone pushes our emotional boundaries or tries to hold us back from what we want to do. However, a few hours later, the sun in Virgo forms a trine to the moon in Taurus, aligning us with our hearts and heads and giving us an extra boost of confidence that makes us want to enjoy life a little more.

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re feeling inspired today, Aries, and it’s worth leaning into! You’re experiencing more motivation to get things done and excellent communication to get your point across, helping bring your visions to reality. You may feel some frustration surrounding your finances and where you stand in terms of society, but by the end of the day, you’re reminded that your work ethic and ability to take on challenges mean something—you know how to take care of yourself.


Today starts very introspective for you, Taurus, but you’ll feel more open and confident by the end of the day. Reflection and self-assessment could lead you to recognize what matters to you instead of what you think should matter. Time to yourself helps clear your thoughts and pushes you to ask yourself the tougher questions. It can be hard to accept, especially when trying to carve out a place for yourself. However, you’re reassured with new confidence that who you are is exactly who you’re supposed to be—and embracing that reality is the best thing you can do for yourself.


The balance of time with others and time to yourself is necessary today, Gemini. You start off in high spirits, excited to connect and share ideas and conversations with your friends and other people you want to leave a good impression with. You could find you’re getting in your head a bit, especially when you long to explore more and take on every possible option. You could use the reminder today that rest and taking time to recharge are as important as socializing and trying new things—you can’t fully enjoy one without the other.


You have influence, and you want to use it wisely today, Cancer. You want to make an impact using your resources, and you have the support to bring that vision to life. However, deciding how to do that may bring some pushback, which can be frustrating when emotions are involved. The best thing you can do is crowdsource and make connections locally, even through volunteering your time and resources to help within existing frameworks, rather than trying to force something on your own.


Your values mean something to you, Leo; you’re willing to fight for them if necessary. You’re striving to make a difference and do something rather than solely talking about it. However, the ways you put yourself out there may not look the best to those you work with or people close to you. Rather than getting aggressive, remember that you can use your resources to make changes and give however you would like—and with your influence, speaking up and being authentic in what you’re feeling could be what makes all the difference.


You have lofty ideas of what needs to be done in your life, Virgo, but what are you willing to do to make them happen? As you learn more about yourself, taking time for yourself and being transparent about the issues and hardships you’ve experienced can open the door to helping others in the same situations, which you would love to do. The desire to go big in these areas could have you hitting a wall as you deal with the smaller details that must be sorted out first, but your enthusiasm isn’t dampened. You know how to inspire others to a cause and connect with other mentors to learn from the best how you should approach things moving forward.


You’re excited about the connection you’re making, but be sure it’s for the right reasons, Libra. You’re making new connections and meeting new people through your friend groups who could be people you want in your life for a long time—especially those who share your interests. However, you’re tempted to rush in and try to force things too quickly, which could send the wrong message. Ensuring you take things slowly and examining your underlying reasons for wanting to be closer to these people can help the relationships grow more organically. 


You’re taking on new roles at work, Scorpio, but keep your priorities in check. Today holds opportunities that give you more attention and potentially a financial increase, which is exciting. However, depending on how much time these extra tasks take up, you could experience some frustration from others who expect you to be around more for them. Naturally, you need to live up to your responsibilities, but it’s a good idea to sit down and talk to the people in your life about why you want to take on these new roles, especially if it can benefit everyone. You’ll want to weigh all the options before making a final decision.


You’re feeling inspired today, Sagittarius, and you’ll want to enjoy the moment while it’s here. Spending time with those you’re close to and exploring new opportunities makes you feel more alive and more like yourself than usual. The mundane tasks and chores of life can feel frustrating, especially when you’re having so much fun. By the end of the day, you’ll remember that you have to be able to balance work and play, but both are necessary for you to keep thriving.


Your ideas don’t have to remain small or practical to work, Capricorn. Today, you’re feeling the desire to take care of things around the house, and as much as you’d love to make bigger changes, you’re trying to be practical with your money—making “fun” purchases feels irresponsible to you. However, it would be best to remember that purchasing this every once in a while, especially regarding things that make you happy and can be used in your home, is worth the investment. Depriving yourself of everything won’t make you rich.


You have some ideas on your mind, Aquarius, and they are worth diving into. You start the day inspired by creative projects and conversations with those you love, which makes you feel the most like yourself. You could feel some inner frustration involving how easy it is for others to accept you and your ideas, even if it feels like your family doesn’t. However, your energy is better spent working towards healing in these areas rather than being angry and lashing out. Regardless of their reactions, your ideas and feelings are valid.


You’re working to invest in yourself, Pisces, but you have others to think about, too. You’re feeling more secure in your standing in terms of finances and your daily life. However, you may feel some guilt surrounding the idea of not doing enough for those around you. Grabbing some friends you’re close to and asking them to join you in helping out with your local community could be an ideal solution—and a fun way to go about it.