Horoscope For Today: Friday, January 24, 2025
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Today feels a bit push and pull for the zodiac signs!
The sun in Aquarius forms a sextile to the moon in Sagittarius, which helps us start the day feeling balanced and level-headed. We can balance our heads and our hearts and approach issues rationally. It can feel like others are in your corner, and everyone is on equal footing.
Later, things shift when the Moon in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini. This may bring up conflicts and disagreements and pit our hearts against our heads—we desire to go in two directions and feel stretched trying to make it all even out. We may also try to overindulge or go too hard in one direction to feel better, but it can backfire quickly if we aren’t careful.
Check your signs below (Rising and Sun) to see what today has in store for you!
You feel confident in where you’re headed, Aries. Being surrounded by people who share your visions and thirst for adventure is enough to light a fire under you—you feel you’re heading in the right direction. Later in the day, though, you realize there can be too much of a good thing. Your heart may want to explore, but the opportunities presented here could feel impossible to walk away from, especially if nostalgia is involved. Don’t make any big decisions until you’ve had time to think things over.
You’re excited to be moving ahead in your career, Taurus. A promotion or a new opportunity to advance feels within your grasp. You deserve to celebrate this, but be careful of flaunting your new status, as people may use your win to take advantage of you. You don’t have to put yourself at risk because you’re doing well.
You’re learning more about yourself with the help of your relationships, Gemini. You feel excited and desire to explore and see what the world has for you, and the people closest to you are able to provide wisdom and assurance for you to do so. However, later in the day, you may struggle with how much of your needs should take priority—it’s easy to get sucked in and act out in ways that only care about your feelings instead of others. Remember that your desire to learn and try new things is good, but don’t neglect the people in your life to do so.
You’re working through some emotional baggage today, Cancer. You’re making positive strides as you take time to uncover the hidden issues and sit with those feelings—it’s easier to find where things stem from. Later, though, you may feel overwhelmed by other issues that you aren’t quite ready to unpack yet. This can leave you feeling vulnerable and wanting to throw yourself into busy work or other tasks to escape the emotions. Remember that you don’t have to magically fix everything at once, but trying to push feelings down will have you right back at square one.
You’re feeling excited about your close relationships, Leo. You feel a fresh dose of confidence and passion in your romantic connections and your friendships are starting an exciting chapter that allows you to be yourself. Later in the day, you may feel pressure to set aside the authenticity to connect with people who may help you rise to more prominent spaces. Networking is good, but you may be willing to go too far to impress people, and it could leave you burning bridges faster than you realize.
You’re feeling good about your home life, Virgo. You have a routine in place, and everything feels easier to manage—you may even want to start on some home improvement projects to improve things. However, opportunities to advance at work or turn your focus elsewhere could have you biting off more than you can chew. Remember that you can’t do everything at once, so prioritize what needs to happen rather than trying to handle it all alone.
You’re feeling seen today, Libra. You feel inspired and supported in your choices and feel at home with yourself. Later, though, temptations stemming from others who are “doing more” come back to haunt you—the grass is greener syndrome can get you in hot water quickly. Ground yourself by looking around and recognizing the value in what you already have. Even if it feels like others are “ahead,” know that your path is its own journey that doesn’t have to match anyone else’s timeline to be what you need.
You’re getting things in order for yourself, Scorpio. You have a good head on your shoulders and you’ve been able to take care of yourself—you should be proud. Later, the pressure to feel as though you owe others something feels heavier than usual. Even if you are thriving and successful, it doesn’t mean people are entitled to what you have. Remember that you don’t have to let people walk all over you—people who genuinely care about your well-being won’t do so.
You’re feeling nostalgic today, Sagittarius. You’re excited to step into a new chapter of your life, but reflecting on what helped you get there has made you appreciate your local community and those you were raised alongside in a new light. Later, you could feel the pull between what you need and wanting to live in the past, versus people who want to help you move forward into the future. Know that you need both to be happy, so don’t discard one in favor of another.
You know you need a day to take care of yourself, Capricorn. Taking alone time to process and sit with your feelings and rest is necessary for everyone, you included. Later, though, you may get ahead of yourself and lean into taking on too much additional work to “make up” for time lost. You don’t always have to be working to be productive; taking time to rest will benefit you more than any tasks you may try to do to feel better.
You know the power of being supported by others, Aquarius. You’re able to place other’s needs ahead of your own in a positive way, and it feels good to be there for people in the ways you would like them to be there for you. Later, you may struggle to feel like you’re not getting what you need, or that others’ approval is guiding your choices. You shouldn’t do something because others will praise you for it, but because it’s genuinely your choice. Don’t let anyone else convince you otherwise.
You want to take care of everyone today, Pisces. You feel strongly about using your influence in ways that inspire and help others, and opportunities to make that happen could show up for you. Later, you may feel a pull to “take care of your own” rather than help others. While you want to ensure you and your loved ones are cared for, it doesn’t mean you can’t help others, too. There is a way to do both.