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Horoscope For Today: Friday, July 19, 2024

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It’s a day to balance hearts and heads for the zodiac signs!

As we continue our journey through Cancer season, it can be easy to get caught up in the sentimental. However, today at 4:08 A.M. (EST), the moon moves into the diligent sign of Capricorn, bringing seriousness to our emotional state. 

Cancer and Capricorn exist on the same axis—both long for security. Cancer, the natural ruler of the moon, secures this through comfort, the safety of home, and expressing their feelings. When the moon is in Capricorn, we aren’t as forthcoming with our emotions, and we may even restrain them in the name of trying to get things done. However, this can be a good time to process emotional subjects through a logical lens.

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re focused on getting things done at work today, Aries! As the moon transits your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you’re throwing yourself into your work more than usual—and you may feel more sensitive if you’re not getting the recognition you deserve. You may not feel as secure in your standing today unless you get direct feedback, which can make things tense if it doesn’t happen the way you’d like. Trust in your work and your dedication because, at the end of the day, that’s what matters. 


You’re thirsting for knowledge today, Taurus, but you’re willing to play by the book to learn what you can. As the moon moves through your 9th House of Travel, Philosophy, and Higher Education, you strive to learn new pursuits and maybe even take some calculated risks. You know that while the tried and true methods are worth observing, it doesn’t hurt to keep accumulating knowledge, especially if it helps you get where you want to be down the line. You may feel more emotionally fulfilled by listening to new podcasts or reading literature on the concepts that interest you. You learn something new every day!


You’re ready to dive beneath the surface today, Gemini, but not in an obnoxious or overbearing way. As the moon transits your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you’re fixated on all things related to depth, and the emotions surrounding deep bonds and wounds could be more emotionally difficult than usual. With the moon in Capricorn, repressing or analyzing your emotions is tempting. It’s okay to lean into this a little today if you set aside time to feel your feelings. You’re no stranger to the fact that looking at things through new lenses can give you a fresh perspective, so take time to sort through all the facts before coming to conclusions. 


Relationships are at the forefront of your mind today, Cancer. As the moon moves through your 7th House of Partnerships, your emotional state is deeply dictated by the way your close connections—romantic or platonic—are going. You’re feeling a deep sense of responsibility to ensure the health of your relationships, and if things are in a tense place, you won’t feel at ease until the issue is solved. If things are going well, you may feel extra pressure to keep it that way. Know that you can’t force things and that trying to impose what you think is best on others will likely backfire in the long run. Just show up and let your people know you’re there for them—that’s the best thing you can do.


You’re committed to a game plan today, Leo. As the moon transits your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, you’re focused on whipping yourself into shape to accomplish things. If you have deadlines you have to make, a health goal you’re working towards, or a habit you’re trying to break, you’re pushing yourself more than usual to stick to the plans you’ve made. Remember that life can be unexpected—things can’t always go according to plan. If things get disrupted, don’t let it ruin your day, and don’t take it out on anyone else. There is always tomorrow!


You could feel inspired to tackle some new projects today, Virgo. As the moon moves through your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you may desire to focus on and perfect some creative endeavors you’ve been working on. The devil is in the details, and you may feel more attuned to tweaking, editing, or reassessing the way your creative expressions look. Remember that being overly hard on yourself won’t yield the desired results—learn to appreciate when you’ve done something worthwhile. Be proud of yourself!


You’re focused on your home life today, Libra. As the moon transits your 4th House of Home and Roots, you may feel less outgoing and more emotionally reserved. Taking care of things on the home front feels like a priority, and you may get the most emotional satisfaction by staying in and resting in the company of your loved ones. Keep in mind that while it’s good to own up to your responsibilities, you also don’t have to handle everything yourself. Be willing to ask for help and delegate!


Scorpio, you’ve got a lot on your plate today, but you’re not one to back down from a challenge. With the moon moving through your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may find you have more to do than you expected, and taking care of tasks and errands may eat up most of your day if you aren’t careful. The best thing you can do is prioritize the most important items and do your best. If you don’t check off everything on the list, it’s not the end of the world, so don’t beat yourself up over it. That’s not productive, anyway. 


You’re focused on building security today, Sagittarius. You may be known for your recklessness at times, and today, that might catch up with you while the moon transits your 2nd House of Income and Values. If your finances and budget aren’t where you would like them to be, it can potentially affect you emotionally. Today is a day to get things back on track and work out a new budget plan to get things in line. Working out a plan can help you feel more confident rather than fixating on what you don’t have. 


You may be too hard on yourself today if you aren’t careful, Capricorn. As the moon works through your 1st House of Self and Identity, you will likely take things more personally than usual. You link the view of yourself to your achievements, and if you aren’t doing as much as you feel you should, you could start harboring negative emotions about yourself. Know that being the best isn’t everything, even if it feels like it is. You have to take things one day at a time and not focus on what you aren’t—you have so much to offer, and it’s time to give yourself credit for that. 


You’re keeping your emotions tucked away today, Aquarius. With the moon moving through your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, you’re feeling particularly reflective and not the most open with your emotions. It’s okay to take time for yourself; honestly, it’s very needed today. Take care of your head and heart today—the world and all its demands will still be here tomorrow. 


You’re leaning on your friends today, Pisces. As the moon moves through your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you rely on dependable relationships to see you through. You may feel more focused on the kind of company you keep and who you choose to associate with. You’re more interested in connecting with those who are more grounded as you feel a stronger desire to focus on and see things through today. Strong connections are essential in this life, and it’s good not to take yours for granted!