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Horoscope For Today: Friday, June 21, 2024

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Today’s full moon could be an answered prayer for the zodiac signs!

Mercury in Cancer forms a sextile to Mars in Taurus, which could inspire our confidence and light up our communication. These signs often enjoy slowing things down, so it may not feel as fast-paced as usual, but productivity is on the agenda. Later on, the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, which could cause some tension and disillusion surrounding our emotions. We may feel more anxious or uncertain about specific areas of life, and jumping to conclusions only adds fuel to the flame.

However, the moon moves into the sign of Capricorn, and we experience a full moon before the end of the day. This full moon can help us take practical approaches to release the blocks that hold us back from what we want and need and could provide opportunities that will push us in the right direction.

Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re feeling confident today, Aries, though you may find your mind wandering throughout the day. You could feel inspired and energized to take care of needed tasks at home or to take care of yourself through exercise and motivation to achieve goals you’ve put off. While physically, you will feel more energized, mentally, you may not know exactly where to put that energy, especially if you’re dealing with heavier emotions that are calling for your attention. Later in the evening, with the Full Moon in your 10th House, your confidence may increase as the spotlight centers on you, notably regarding your career and life path. Some opportunities to prove yourself or recognition for the work you’ve been doing could occur during this time, and it’s best to keep a level head; you could get carried away and cross over into arrogance, which could impact your connections to others in the future. 


You’re feeling more assured with expressing yourself, Taurus, though you may worry a bit about what others say. Conversations with those closest to you encourage and inspire you to express yourself more confidently or take charge of the version you project into the world. You could wrestle with deeper emotions rising to the surface, worrying that the people you associate with will think less of you if you are more authentic in your expression. However, with Neptune involved, remember that this could be more of an assumption you’re making rather than something grounded in reality. Later, when the full moon appears in your 9th House, this could signal you feeling more decisive in what you believe and your faith, regardless of what others say. 


Balancing your wants, needs, and finances with those you care about is a significant focus for you today, Gemini. You know money isn’t everything, but you still long to use your resources meaningfully, especially when people you love are involved or supportive. You may struggle with not knowing how to balance your career and influence with those you care for, or you may feel you’re letting people down while trying hard to balance everything in your life. When the full moon appears in your 8th House of Intimacy and Resources, an opportunity may test you in terms of supporting someone else who needs it, or you could use this period to settle some debts you’ve needed to pay. Learning the balance between using what you have effectively and simply giving things recklessly to make people feel better is a line you should work on navigating for your sake and your relationships.


Trying to get in touch with what you believe may feel more challenging than usual, but the people in your life are willing to help, Cancer. Encouragement and support from social circles in your life are sure to give you an extra boost of confidence, though the mundaneness of aspects of your life could make you feel restless, especially as you would love nothing more than to explore new ideas and concepts. As the full moon appears in your 7th House of Partnerships, you are reminded that you’re not alone, and others want to help you navigate these feelings and topics. However, it’s essential to balance your wants and needs with theirs. One-sided dynamics won’t take you as far as you’d like.


You’re longing to do and be more, but you’re frustrated about what is too much, Leo. Your desire to take action and make an impact could help you focus some of that energy on worthy causes or what is deeply impactful to you. Yet you’re also struggling with intense emotions rising to the surface, and it can be difficult to fully embrace yourself without coming across as too much or overindulging. As the full moon appears in your 6th House of Habits, Routines, and Wellness, this could mark a chapter for you to align your priorities and accomplish what fulfills you without fixating on how it comes across. You know what you’re capable of, and it’s time to prove it to yourself!


You could be feeling the pressure of those around you today, Virgo. Your faith and views could feel more significant today, and you may feel extra influenced by the people you interact with in these circles. You may strive to grow closer to the people you share experiences with, which isn’t bad. However, this could lead to some tension with those close to you who may fit into a different category. Trying to handle your responsibilities may leave you with less time or attention, and others may have something to say about that. When the full moon appears in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you owe it to yourself to let loose and have some fun expressing yourself the way you would like. You may be trying to do everything for everyone else, but it’s okay to give back to yourself sometimes. How else will you feel complete otherwise? 


Responsibility is weighing pretty heavy on you today, Libra. On the one hand, you know the work you’ve been doing within yourself is showing up in better ways, notably related to your life path and career. Yet today, it feels like you’re hitting a wall and unable to approach your work tasks easily. The pressure of caring for yourself and others can grow overwhelming when you’re working in a job or dealing with tasks that squander your potential. As the full moon appears in your 4th House of Home and Roots, this is not only a good time to relax and care for yourself but also prioritizing your home life needs that you’ve likely had to neglect some to keep up the pace with your work. Striking a balance between these two is necessary, and you may be surprised how much you’ve needed to restore that harmony for yourself. 


Today is filled with curiosity towards yourself, Scorpio. You may feel more inspired by conversations surrounding topics such as philosophy, travel, or faith, especially with those closest to you. You may find you want to open your mind to other ideas instead of rooting into what you usually cling to. You’re also struggling with whether your values and the things you give great importance to make you happy genuinely or if it’s simply what you think you should be doing. As the full moon occurs in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you may find that taking a short trip out of town to change your environment might help you clear your head and sort through these feelings a little easier. Staying in the same routines can sometimes hold back our growth in ways we don’t recognize, and all it takes is switching things up a bit to see what could be. 


Today could have you feeling like you’re doing the right things, but you’re unsure if they are for the right reasons, Sagittarius. You feel invested in the work and routines you’re building for yourself, and they even feel deeply personal as you connect with yourself inside and out. However, there could be some tension as to how this is showing up in your life as you try to express yourself fully and feel pushback from those you live with or perhaps family members who feel you should be approaching things differently or how they have in the past. As the full moon appears in your 2nd House of Income and Values, not only should you be on the lookout for new opportunities to invest in yourself, but also to really sit with your values and figure out what matters to you. Your core principles are the foundation that will guide everything else in your life, so take this time to build it. 


You may feel a pull between wanting to fully relax with those you love and believing you aren’t enough Capricorn. Your partners and friends delight in spending time with you, and vice versa, and today may foster excitement and opportunities to enjoy that. However, you may feel some self-sabotaging come about as you wrestle with believing you aren’t good enough or worthy enough to have these people close to you, whether it’s due to your past or that you are sure others can offer more than you. As the full moon appears in your 1st House of Self and Identity, it’s time to shed all the negative self-talk and remember who you are and your value. Shaking off the version of yourself that others expect and being who you are is essential to have and enjoy the types of connections you desire, so use this time to do so.


You have a lot on your plate, which could take its toll today, Aquarius. You’re feeling motivated to care for things around your home. Still, you’re also juggling expectations from others you’ve taken on, notably those within your community that depend on you. You may have bitten off more than you can chew, and setting some priorities when the full moon enters your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious is necessary. You want to be of service, and you can be, but it’s important to know your limits and what you can meaningfully offer rather than trying to be everything for everyone.  


You long to express yourself fully, Pisces, but it doesn’t feel easy to do in your day-to-day. You feel supported by those around you, but when it comes to your presentation on a larger, professional scale, you struggle with feeling you must hide aspects of yourself to be accepted. When the full moon appears in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, you may find opportunities that emerge that connect you with people who are similar to you or allow you to express yourself the way you desire. You could find that the fear of not being yourself is rooted in assumption rather than reality. You won’t know unless you get curious and look a little deeper.