Nataliya Vaitkevich

Horoscope For Today: Friday, October 11, 2024

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Today, the Moon enters Aquarius. As the sensitive luminary transits detached Aquarius, we may feel more rational and level-headed about sensitive matters. However, it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s okay to feel whatever we may. Find a balance between intellectualizing your emotions and allowing yourself to process and embody them.


As the Moon transits Aquarius, you’re feeling drawn to socializing. Your circle is on your mind. If you have any friendship issues you need to resolve, wear your heart on your sleeve. The last thing you want to do is appear indifferent, uncaring, or lacking compassion.


Your career life is on your mind today. Your emotions are tied to your sense of purpose, making you more susceptible to imposter syndrome. Take up the space you deserve. Make your intentions known. As others see you in an honest, human light, you’re more likely to gain trust with relatability.


Your philosophy guides you today. The Aquarius moon asks you to be intellectual and intentional. Your values cannot be discarded. Follow your moral code to ensure you’re setting your decisions up for longevity and success.


You may feel more emotional than most today, Cancer. When there’s an Aquarius moon, people appear more detached. However, with your transformation sector hit, you feel emotions that will alter your direction. As you observe others, trust your intuitive insights. They may appear careless, but they likely care more than they show.


Your relationships are a focal point of today, Leo. You’re asked to make sense of your emotions, which isn’t always the easiest. However, it’s time to try to express your innermost feelings with open dialogue, providing context and understanding as much as possible. Don’t detach from loved ones.


You’re looking to grow in practical matters today. The objective Aquarius moon lets you see matters clearly, especially regarding your obligations. To tackle your responsibilities, ensure your systems and routines are down pat.


There’s growth potential in your romantic life today, Libra. The Aquarius moon transits your pleasure sector, making you feel intent on pursuing your happiness. You may share creative insights, fun plans, or other uplifting moods with a lover. However, don’t try to detach from your emotional needs. Make it clear what you need to have a good time.


Today, your personal life is the focus. Scorpio, the Aquarius moon will push you to tackle domestic life concerns objectively. To feel more at ease, try envisioning the next steps intuitively. It may be time to move, decorate, or set up other plans to make your house feel like a home.


Today’s Aquarius moon allows you to articulate yourself with precision. Your communication sector is hit, Sagittarius. You know what that means. It’s no longer advised to swallow your true thoughts. Express what you think, need, want, and long for within your daily activities. Don’t leave room for assumptions.


You’re focused on money and practical resources today, Capricorn. To attain emotional equilibrium, you must find a way to work worldly aims with your values. If you sacrifice one or the other, you’ll feel the impacts. Find a way to earn income, invest, or spend that aligns with your beliefs. Your self-esteem will thank you.


Today, the Moon transits your sign. You’re feeling seen, understood, and witnessed by others. Allow yourself to tap into sentimental moods and wear your heart on your sleeve. The answer isn’t always to appear unaffected. To earn the trust of loved ones, you should be transparent about how you feel.


There’s growth in your subconscious sector today, Pisces. This may make you feel low energy, so rest as much as possible. Changes are occurring within, even if you cannot visibly see the results yet. Feel what’s going on within. Matters of the past may arise in your heart. It’s okay to process the past to heal your present and future aims.