TC Agency / Midjourney

Horoscope For Today: January 1, 2024

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2024 is a powerful year of manifestation, transformation, and creation. This New Year, Pluto will move into Aquarius for the next twenty years, bringing with it a revolution in the way the world approaches traditional systems and the status quo. Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius on January 1st, 2024, giving us a head start on smoother communication and more freedom and flexibility in the way we approach new beginnings. Venus in Sagittarius will also square Saturn in Pisces, potentially posing challenges in the way we handle boundaries in romantic relationships, asking us to balance our romantic idealism with more reason and responsibilities, and pushing us to reevaluate our finances to achieve more stability.

Here is what you can expect for your Zodiac sign on the first day of 2024. 


Take a breath, Aries. This new year is a fruitful time to manifest the life of your wildest dreams, but you won’t get there by overwhelming yourself. It’s time to pause and think more carefully about how you’ll balance your self-care and relationships with your ambition this year. As Mercury goes direct into Sagittarius today, it’s the perfect time to take smaller, practical actions toward your goals that will help you move forward without risking emotional burnout. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunity for your natural overachieving ways: Mars will move into the tenth house of your career later this month, asking you to act with more boldness and determination in your career and finances. For today, savor what you’ve already accomplished and stay grounded in your faith in yourself. 


Welcome to January, Taurus! You’ve finally arrived in a year of prosperity and healthy love after a great deal of emotional purging. With Venus in Sagittarius, which falls in your eighth house, the first day of January is calling for transformation, rebirth, and the release of toxic relationships and friendships that no longer serve you. During this transition, you may experience a battle with intimacy and trust in your relationships as you start to mindfully re-evaluate who is truly healthy for you long-term. You may also need to get your finances in order this month so you can reach a point of stability before you start making bigger changes in your career. Don’t worry: Venus will be on your side as she enters another earth sign, Capricorn, during the second half of the month, and will work favorably with Jupiter and Uranus later this year to bring you more abundance in new beginnings. 


Happy New Year, Gemini! Your expansion this past year has been impressive and 2024 is all about skyrocketing personal and professional growth. With the Venus in Sagittarius transit falling in your seventh house of relationships along with the Venus square with Saturn, this will push you to look more closely at the way your relationships function most ideally and ask yourself where your partners and friendships fall short. Today, you will feel called to understand which relationships are most worthy of committing to long-term and which relationships and friendships detract from your true desires and soul’s purpose. This new year, it’s time to detox limiting beliefs about what you truly deserve in love. 


Bonjour, Cancer! Welcome to a brand new beginning in 2024. Your life has had many twists and turns lately and it’s high time for an emotional reset. This year will be all about knowing you are worthy of so much more than what you settled for in the past. But in order to get better, you have to demand better – both in yourself and others. Your romantic idealism and emotional attachments are being called into scrutiny today with Venus squaring Saturn, and you may feel especially motivated to re-examine the past to set healthier boundaries throughout the new year. Ask yourself the ways you have shortchanged yourself when it comes to love and friendships. Have you allowed your emotional nearsightedness to prevent you from holding others accountable for changing toxic patterns? If so, now is the time to brainstorm how to achieve and hold onto higher standards moving forward. 


Another year and another opportunity to shine, Leo. As Mercury goes direct into Sagittarius and you reflect on the past year, take note of the self-destructive patterns you no longer want to engage in and revisit and revise any negative self-talk. With Venus squaring Saturn, you may feel challenged to reconcile your current reality with the ideal love and career you want to achieve. You might experience a slight setback today that reminds you not to rush into anything before you’re fully prepared. Make sure you remind yourself of your wins so you don’t get hyperfixated on what’s lagging behind. The first day of a new year is a beautiful time to set resolutions you know you can stick to, but you’ll need a positive boost of faith if you want to skyrocket your manifestations. It’s time to speak your dreams into existence and birth a new reality that satisfies all your deepest cravings. 


Virgo, this is the year to transform yourself, take chances, and free yourself of commitments. With Mercury going direct in Sagittarius, it’s time to take action and invite some spontaneity and novelty into your routine. You’ve lived the past year sticking rigidly to schedules and deadlines: now it’s time for some lighthearted fun and pleasure. Today, take time to savor the moment and all the little joys. Try something new you haven’t done before. You may notice opportunities to connect to new friends and potential romantic partners today: tread mindfully but enjoy yourself. You’ve earned it!


2024 is all about balancing the scales in your favor, Libra, and January 1st is a fertile time for staging new beginnings. This past year you may have dealt with heartbreak that took a toll and now you’re on the precipice of healing. Today, you will feel most centered in being self-focused rather than ruminating over what others are doing and shifting your daily habits to benefit yourself rather than others. With Mercury going direct in Sagittarius in your natal third house of communication and knowledge, you may feel the impact of the Venus square with Saturn in your career sector especially. It may be time to not only heal from your romantic relationships but also reorganize the way you approach your work relationships so that you feel more uplifted and fulfilled in all areas of your life in the New Year. 


Scorpio, you’ve transmuted your traumas into opportunities this past year. Now you’re about to see the fruits of your hard work and labor. As Mercury goes direct into Sagittarius and Pluto moves into your fourth house, this is the time to roam, expand your internal world, and explore all your options for travel, romance, and adventure. You’re used to cocooning yourself in the safety of your support network but in January you’ll be prompted to venture out on your own and see the world for yourself. Expect to add some trusted new friends to your circle this month and even a potential soulmate. Most importantly, you will delve deeply into self-love this year. 


Sagittarius, lucky Jupiter going direct at the end of December and Mercury going direct in your sign on January 1st are auspicious signs that you’re about to be highly blessed, abundant, and favored this New Year. 2024 is all about reaping the blessings you’ve been working hard to obtain and you’re about to experience an overflow of money and love from all corners. Expect a romantic encounter today that will make you giddy as well as a professional upgrade that reminds you that the universe always has your back. Today, make sure you get into an abundance mindset so you can remain a magnet for miracles. 


Welcome to 2024 and your birthday month, Capricorn! With Saturn as your ruling planet, your hard work is about to pay off today. The start of your New Year will flow smoothly in the realm of communication and meeting your goals. Today is all about receiving the fruits of your labor – so give yourself some grace and get some rest. 2024 will also be a fruitful time for romance and it’s likely you will be serenaded by some suitors soon. You’ve used the Retrograde period productively to address your self-doubt and strengthen your boundaries with others. As you enjoy this New Year, take this knowledge with you so you know how to show up for yourself in relationships and advocate for yourself more powerfully. 


2024 is your time, Aquarius! Welcome to the age of your sign – it’s finally here and Pluto will be here to assist you soon in manifesting the futuristic vision for your dream reality. Today, expect to hear good news that dissipates your fear about an upcoming project. You are here to change the world for the better. As you make moves in your career today that set the tone for the rest of 2024, remember to let go of your limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset. You will be met with the opportunity to recognize where you’re experiencing lack so you can call in prosperity. You are so worthy of reaping abundance, but that won’t happen if you’re still holding back out of fear. Give generously, and you will be given abundance generously in return. 


Expect your emotional turmoil to be eased today, Pisces. A brand new year means inspiration and a cause for celebration. You’ve hidden yourself and your strengths this past year but Mercury going direct in Sagittarius will challenge you to come out of your shell and socialize more today, giving you the chance to shine. However, Venus squaring Saturn may make you shy away from such opportunities and cling to your fear. It’s always beneficial to have standards and boundaries, Pisces, but you may want to balance your opportunities for new connection with your tendency to get attached too quickly so you can trust yourself more in your decisions. So long as you build inner strength and safety, you can find peace this New Year knowing that you can trust your intuition whether it comes to romance, career, family, or friends. You never have to abandon yourself again. You are safe now to thrive.