Zyla Rohly

Horoscope For Today: Monday, August 19, 2024

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Today is feeling tense for the zodiac signs!

Some harsher aspects are at play today that are worth paying attention to. First, the Moon in Aquarius opposes Mercury in Leo, pitting our emotions against our intellect and reasoning. We want to have it all, and we have to strike a balance, and today demands this from us more than usual. Additionally, the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo form squares to Uranus in Taurus—the planet of rebellion. Our hearts and egos may take some unexpected hits in ways we can’t see coming, making us feel moody and more impulsive. Later in the afternoon, the full moon in Aquarius reaches its peak, pushing us to address areas in our lives that require our logical side and what’s best for us and the collective—not one or the other.

While these aspects may seem heavy, they allow us to figure out what deeply matters to us and challenge our desire to stay set in our ways. If we can approach the day with open hearts and minds, we may experience a better sense of clarity at the end of the day.

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising) to see what today has in store for you!


Today pushes you to examine your personal desires and security versus the bigger picture, Aries. You can feel the tension growing between what you want and what is best for others, and it could make you feel things intensely. You have strong beliefs and social causes that matter deeply to you, but part of you would prefer to lean deeper into personal security and indulge in what is best for you—there could potentially be some shaming from certain people because of it. The full moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking brings these themes to a head as you are called to do something bigger than yourself. Balancing between what you desire and what is better for the collective isn’t always easy, but keep in mind that pouring into others doesn’t have to mean you’re always losing out yourself. There is room for everything if you can make the space for it.


Who you are feels at odds with who you long to be, Taurus. The mounting pressures between who you are to the public and who you are at home feel more tense than usual today. You enjoy the validation and attention you receive for your work and dreams, but it could disrupt the life you have at home and the image you’ve always portrayed of yourself. With the full moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, the spotlight shines on you now more than ever. This is your moment, and you deserve to embrace it—but you must be willing to decide what you can sacrifice to do so.


Where you long to go versus where you’ve already is playing a significant role for you today, Gemini. As someone who always strives to take in new information, you can’t help but want to explore all the possibilities that exist. Yet the pull between venturing out and staying tethered to what you know shows up unexpectedly today. With the full moon appearing in your 9th House of Travel, Philosophy, and Higher Education, it’s time to take a leap of faith into the path you know is meant for you. Even if it takes you from what you’ve grown used to, it’s worth pursuing your growth during this time. 


Your inner self versus connection is on your mind today, Cancer. What we owe to others and what we owe to ourselves is always a push and pull, and it’s louder today than usual. Your inner feelings and desires weigh heavily on you as they contradict or oppose your comfort and your acceptance by others. With the full moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources, you may find that it’s time to settle debts—financially or emotionally—that you feel hold you back from being who you are. Those who wish to keep you entangled don’t want you to be authentic, and it’s best you connect with those who have your best interests at heart rather than those who may take advantage of you.


Your relationships are a big priority for you today, Leo. The pull between the needs of those you love and your needs feels heavier than you want to admit—you want everyone to be happy. Additionally, the amount you’ve invested in your relationships makes you feel you can’t fully pursue your dreams and goals the way you would like. With the full moon in your 7th House of Partnerships, it’s time to figure out how to balance their needs with yours. It’s worth figuring out what you are willing to compromise and who is willing to work with you instead of against you. You can find a path that works for everyone involved, but you must be willing to go to the table. 


Your workload is weighing you down, Virgo. The pull between taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally versus getting everything on your to-do list checked off overwhelms you more than usual. On top of this, you’re longing to venture off and do things outside of your same routine, and it’s shaking you up in ways you aren’t prepared for. With the full moon in your 6th House of Habits, Wellness, and Routines, it’s time to finally figure out your goals. Not just what you have to do to get through the day, but the stuff you want to work towards long-term. If you keep living your life day to day, you aren’t going to get where you want to go.


You want to indulge, Libra, but it’s easier said than done. You have a stronger desire to lean into creativity and romance, but your friendships and social circles are pulling you to devote more of your time elsewhere. You’re also struggling with whether you should be able to lean into more pleasurable moments when you have some heavy inner emotions and unexpected shakeups in your connections happening around you. As the full moon shines in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, making space for yourself the way you do for everyone else is important. While it’s good to care about others and necessary to take things seriously, it’s also important to tend to yourself and let loose now and then. You can’t help anyone else if you’ve neglected your well-being.  


You’re trying to protect your privacy today, Scorpio. Your desire to stay in and care for yourself goes up against the responsibilities you have at work and the commitments you’ve made to other people. It’s hard to know when you should retreat into yourself or when you need to suck it up and follow through on what you’ve agreed to. As the full moon appears in your 4th House of Home and Roots, know that taking time to yourself to recharge and rest at home is necessary. If you have commitments you can’t get out of, you should honor them but still take time for yourself when you’re able—if you constantly do what everyone else wants, you’ll run yourself into the ground before you know it. 


Everything is catching up with you today, Sagittarius. Despite your desire to constantly be on the move, today reminds you that there are important things to handle right where you are. If you’ve been avoiding taking care of tasks that have felt menial, it’s time to buckle down and do them despite the longing you have to be anywhere else. You may experience disruptions in your work environment that add even more stress and more to your to-do list if you keep putting things off. As the full moon appears in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, you’ll be reminded why you are in the place you are at this moment in time. While it may not be permanent, know that you still have a story left to play out here, so stop running from it.


Your security and comfort are on your mind today, Capricorn. The tension between your personal finances and values versus what you owe and share with others is eating at you, especially knowing how hard you work to create a stable life for yourself. On top of this, you may have unexpected moments that push you to want to pursue more creative or playful avenues in your life, even though you know it won’t give you the same level of security that you have now. As the full moon appears in your 2nd House of Income and Values, it’s time to better understand what security is and what it means to you. How do you take care of yourself while also being responsive to others? It’s okay to take care of yourself and want a comfortable life, but you must accept what you risk to have the life you imagine—and whether that’s a sacrifice you are willing to make. 


Being true to yourself is weighing on you today, Aquarius. The tug of war between your needs and the needs of others is pushing you to evaluate what you genuinely need in life. You value your relationships deeply, but you know your feelings matter, too, and striking the balance can be difficult. You’re also trying to take care of things on the home front, even when, at times, it feels as though you have to set your wants aside to do so. As the full moon appears in your 1st House of Self and Identity, it’s important to remember that your needs deserve attention. You’re not wrong for prioritizing yourself sometimes, and communicating this to the people you love is the only way you can make this happen without damaging your relationships to the point of no return. 


You may feel the need to be alone today, Pisces. Your mental health needs your attention, but the busyness of life keeps pushing you to put it off until later. You’re fighting negative thoughts about yourself in the process, feeling like you can’t do or be enough to care for everything involved. As the full moon moves through your 12th House of Isolation and Subconscious, it’s time to sit with your thoughts and feelings and take time to recenter yourself. There will never be a perfect time to take a moment for yourself—there will always be something to do. So take the moment for yourself now before you dig yourself into a hole you can’t get out of.