Horoscope For Today: Monday, February 10, 2025
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With the North Node still in exceptionally close conjunction with Neptune at 29° Pisces, we are standing at the precipice of an intense collective spiritual awakening. While this could potentially lead to disturbing outcomes, thanks to the dissolution of boundaries that Neptune is known for, not everyone will be joining cults and getting brainwashed by AI.
For creatives and mystics who are already well-attuned with this energy, it will feel a bit like coming home. This overwhelming wave of romanticism will open the doors of perception to those who are already hard at work on new creative projects, and it will undoubtedly provide a spark of inspiration for those who have been struggling to break through the barriers preventing them from unlocking their highest potential.
This shocking stellium is difficult to ignore. It’s indicative of a global tipping point, one in which some will double down extra hard on their fantastical beliefs and others will be misguided by bad-faith actors. There is a haziness to all of this; at its darkest, Neptune can represent an absolute disconnect from reality.
This morning the moon holds court in the latter degrees of Cancer, where it will make a couple significant trines to placements within the clustered Pisces stellium in the early hours of the day: first, to 28° Neptune at 8:49 AM EST, and then to the North Node at 29° at 10:48 AM.
This is a time to seriously evaluate your delusions surrounding your home and family situation, along with your goals for the future. If you are too emotionally enmeshed, you can easily begin to see people and places through rose-colored glasses.
Don’t make any impulsive, emotionally driven decisions: at 12:01 PM, the moon’s ingress into Leo gives us a collective boost of energy, along with some much-needed confidence after a morning which we’ve spent almost entirely in our feelings. Use this afternoon as an opportunity to bask in the leonine energy and be a bit dramatic, in a fun way. Don’t be bashful when accepting compliments; believe in your own value, and others will be more likely to see it, too.
However, as with everything in life, moderation is key. Too much pride can be the death of a truly talented and charismatic individual, and a rather large dose of humility will be offered at 4:20 PM, when the most significant transit of the day unfolds: the moon at 2° Leo directly opposing Pluto in Aquarius.
The paradoxical drive to be the center of attention whilst existing in a collapsing empire will have many of us scrambling for tabloid drama and luxury goods to distract us from the true problems at hand. Additionally, watch out for emotional reactivity around the home: you or your female relatives might be on edge today, ready to lash out at anyone they perceive as an enemy to the domestic sphere.
This is strikingly tribalistic energy, but if you feel any sort of solidarity to your family and extended community, you would do well to act locally while thinking globally. This dichotomy—of harmony in here while the world is burning out there—will be a recurring theme any time the moon passes through Leo and opposes Pluto over the next twenty years or so.
The final transit of the day comes at 8:21 PM, when the moon trines Venus at 4° Aries, amplifying bad-bitch energy and empowering women to be both sexually forward and courageous in the face of their own oppression.
How will today play out for you on an individual level? Read your following horoscope in accordance with your rising sign for a generic forecast.
This morning the moon in your fourth house makes a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your twelfth, dissolving the boundaries between your physical reality and your dreams and fantasies. When the moon makes its ingress into your fifth house around noon, your naturally playful and optimistic energy will help you find fulfillment in your romantic and creative life, and your children, if you have them, will bring you quite a lot of joy. However, this evening the moon’s opposition to Pluto in your eleventh house gives you a healthy dose of humility from your broader community. Tonight, the moon’s trine to Venus in your first house gives you a jolt of confidence like a caffeine IV. Watch out for excess pride and hold your tongue if you get into a heated debate.
This morning, as the moon finishes off its transit through your third house, it makes a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your eleventh, suggesting a more creative communion with friends who are similarly inspired to take risks. Once the moon moves into your fourth house, you’ll take greater pride in your home and family, inviting others into your space with warmth and hospitality. This evening the moon faces off in opposition with Pluto in your tenth house, sending shock waves through your household as you navigate major transformation in your public life. Tonight, the moon will form a trine to Venus in your twelfth house, reflecting strong emotional and romantic feelings that you may feel as though you’d rather keep to yourself. Show yourself some love or write a letter to your ex before deleting it.
This morning the moon cruises through your second house, making a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your tenth that is guaranteed to amplify your power on the public stage. However, be wary of any financial offer that sounds a little too good to be true. The moon ingresses into your third house around noon, providing you with heightened communication and negotiation skills. This evening’s moon-Pluto opposition on your third and ninth house axis, however, suggests conflicts between your existing beliefs and that which is showing up in your material reality. Sit with the discomfort. Tonight, the moon’s trine to Venus in your eleventh house gives you an opportunity to connect with others who may be sympathetic to your situation and willing to dialogue with you as you work through the cognitive dissonance.
This morning, as the moon finishes off its transit through your first house, it makes a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your ninth, solidifying the spiritual power you already know you possess. When the moon shifts into your second house around noon, your focus will turn to your finances and values, but this evening the moon will face an opposition with Pluto in your eighth, transforming your relationship to such things. Try to embrace the unknown. Even if you suffer what seems like an immense loss, you will learn something profound and powerful from the experience. Tonight, the moon forms a trine with Venus in your tenth house, lending you the confidence to get back out there. Use the resources you have to see your vision through to the end.
This morning the moon completes its transit through your twelfth house, making a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your eighth before all is said and done. This reflects a darker and more introspective mood that may keep you in your own head for most of the morning, dwelling on existential questions and self-doubt. Around noon comes the moon’s ingress into your first house, brightening up your mood considerably and making you appear more relaxed and at ease. This evening your closest relationships will inevitably take a hit as the moon opposes Pluto in your seventh house, forcing you to confront whatever hasn’t been working. Tonight, the moon’s trine with Venus in your ninth house reflects your growing connection with your faith, tradition or cultural identity.
This morning begins with the moon transiting your eleventh house, forming a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your seventh as a bit of closure before it moves on. This indicates a powerful opportunity to blend your social network with your romantic partner, so it’s as good a time as any to make a hard launch. Midday, when the moon ingresses into your twelfth house, you’ll desire more solitude and you will likely feel less sociable, but your habit of ruminating on your own flaws could be your downfall. This evening, the moon’s opposition to Pluto in your sixth house challenges your relationship to your health and routine, giving you a chance to release your frustration and sadness through physical means. Get yourself fully grounded and embodied before lashing out at the first person who crosses your path. Tonight, the moon trines Venus in your eighth house, amplifying your dark and sexual energy—which you can put into practice with a partner or channel through other means.
The moon’s transit through your tenth house this morning is interrupted by a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your sixth, reflecting the creative power you hold in your workplace at present. If you are given the opportunity to pitch an outside-the-box idea to your colleagues today, there’s a good chance they will be receptive. Around noon, the moon ingresses into your eleventh house, at which point your social network will come together to celebrate and uplift you—or maybe give you a little tough love. This evening, the moon opposes Pluto in your fifth house, disrupting and transforming your relationship to any casual partners, romantic or creative. If you have children, they may seem to present obstacles to achieving what you want. Tonight, the moon’s trine with Venus in your seventh house enables you to integrate your larger group of friends into your romantic life. If a partner wants something more serious and you don’t, or vice versa, you’ll be able to rely on your friends for advice.
The morning kicks off with the moon moving through your ninth house, where it will make a trine with Neptune and the North Node in your fifth. The energy is ideal for fusing spirituality with your creative and romantic pursuits, as well as conceiving of new ideas. Midway through the day, when the moon ingresses into your tenth house, you’ll have the confidence required to chase your goals right to the finish line. However, the moon’s opposition to Pluto in your fourth house this evening reminds you not to get too full of yourself: you may have to sacrifice stability in your private life in order to have the public platform you so desperately crave. Tonight, the moon forms a trine with Venus in your sixth house, meaning you’re in for a singularly self-focused and ambitious night. Channel this energy in a healthy and productive way.
In the early morning hours, the moon finishes its transit through your eighth house, making a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your fourth. While you are likely to receive help in the form of financial or emotional support from your family, you might also learn some dark secrets about those you share a home with. Around noon when the moon moves into your ninth house, your attention turns to the practical application of your spiritual, cultural, and philosophical values. This evening, when the moon opposes Pluto in your third house, you can expect to feel conflicting emotions towards your local community and extended family. Tonight, the moon’s trine with Venus in your fifth house creates a pleasant space to discuss deeper topics with a casual partner or your children, who will be eager to talk and learn. Just be sure to step away if things get too intense, as everyone’s egos are going to loom particularly large tonight.
This morning the moon finishes off its transit through your seventh house, making one final transit before it does: a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your third. Communication with your partner is going to be messy and confusing, but on your end, the best thing to do is commit to honesty. Deception will get you nowhere. Midday, the moon’s ingress into your eighth house darkens the mood slightly and puts your focus on more taboo matters, including merging your resources with your partner. When the moon opposes Pluto in your second house this evening, you can expect uncertainty about what truly belongs to you and what is communal, especially if you are in a long-term committed relationship. Tonight, the moon’s trine to Venus in your fourth house reflects the atmosphere necessary for a very straightforward and direct conversation about love and sex.
This morning the moon cruises through your sixth house, forming a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your second, so be wary of becoming too emotionally invested in a specific opportunity to make money that comes your way. You’re particularly vulnerable to deception right now, and pyramid schemes are getting savvier with marketing. Around noon, the moon ingresses into your seventh house, prompting you to spend more time with your partner, but when the moon opposes Pluto in your first this evening, you can expect to feel torn between your own personal desire for autonomy and the demands of the relationship. Tonight, the moon makes a trine to Venus in your third house, encouraging dialogue between you and members of your local community. Your extended family, too, might have a few things to say about your current partner, even if they’re difficult to hear.
This morning, the moon makes its way through your fifth house, where it will form a trine to Neptune and the North Node in your first. The climate is perfect for creative expression, especially through fashion and makeup, so get a little inventive with your style today. Midday, the moon shifts into your sixth house, putting you in a more focused and productive state of mind. The moon will, however, oppose Pluto in your twelfth house later on this evening, reflecting the harsh reality check that you are likely to receive if you have been sacrificing your physical health in order to get as many things checked off your to-do list as possible. Give yourself a break before you fully crash out. Tonight, the moon makes a trine to Venus in your second house, offering you a blessing in the form of a financial reward.