Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Monday, February 26, 2024

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Today is an exciting, emotionally active day for the zodiac signs!

To start the day, the Moon, which governs our emotions and inner world, moves into the diplomatic, balanced sign of Libra. This can inspire desires for harmony and make us more open-minded to hearing others’ views and feelings. We may feel more social and open to connection, romantic or otherwise. 

Later, the Moon forms a supportive trine to Pluto in Aquarius, which may add unexpected energy and instability to our emotions. We may feel our emotional desires increase deeply or the willingness to explore and experience new adventures (potentially with new friends or introductions). You may also desire to change your home or appearance to align more with what feels right to you.

Check out your signs below (Sun and Rising) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re feeling pulled in a new direction by the people you meet, Aries. With the Moon in your 7th House of Partnerships forming a trine to Pluto in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking, new introductions and new friendships may awaken something exciting and different than you’re used to. While you are down for an adventure, you may feel a stronger urge to explore someplace new or take extreme actions to match your emotional energy. The feeling is worth pursuing, but remember that unpredictable things can get out of hand fast if you’re not careful.


You may experience some shakeups at work, but it’s bound to work in your favor, Taurus. With the Moon in your 6th House of Routines, Habits, and Wellness forming a trine to Pluto in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, you may become aware of new approaches or experience a curveball in how you usually handle things at work—but you’re more than able to handle it and smooth things over. What usually disrupts you feels much more in your wheelhouse. You may become more aware of the emotional investment you place in your career, particularly from your day-to-day efforts, which may help you reevaluate your place within your chosen profession. While it’s not what you expect, some balance will likely be restored before the day ends. 


You are feeling excited about what the world holds for you, though you aren’t entirely sure what to do with it, Gemini. With the Moon in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure forming a trine to Pluto in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel, you may become more aware of new experiences and opportunities to expand your horizons and feel more impulsive about seeking them out. Given how much joy and excitement you experience when learning something new, you’re even more tuned in, but it may involve putting yourself out there more than you’ve been used to. Don’t hold yourself back, but also keep in mind that these experiences may turn out differently than you anticipated—they could still be worth it, nonetheless. 


You may be feeling more introverted and in need of some rest and reset, Cancer. With the Moon in your 4th House of Home and Roots forming a trine to Pluto in your 8th House of Shared Resources and Intimacy, emotional ties to family and those you’re deeply intertwined with may feel more heightened than usual. Rather than distracting yourself, sitting with the feelings and taking refuge in your home feels more aligned with your best interests. You may feel inspired to change things up in your home, notably the desire to discard what is no longer needed to make room for newer things. Some personal introspection may deliver surprising insights into your deep ties and what created them, but knowing this can only help you navigate those dynamics with a clearer perspective. 


You’re in a communicative mood and hoping it’s reciprocated, Leo. With the Moon in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community forming a trine to Pluto in your 7th House of Partnerships, you could feel more eager to connect with others, notably your close friends, partners, or siblings. You may get what you asked for, but the convos could bring up some unexpected emotions or realizations for you—which isn’t a bad thing, but could require some processing. If you feel you’re not getting what you hoped for out of these talks, ask yourself if maybe you’re getting what you needed instead. 


The confidence from the weekend’s full moon in your sign is carrying over, Virgo. With the Moon in your 6th House of Routines, Habits, and Wellness forming a trine to Pluto in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may feel a stronger desire to learn or perfect a few new skills in your wheelhouse—and maybe even hope to make some money from them in the process. You may surprise yourself, but don’t stock too much in getting these skills down fast—the excitement may make you want to rush through, but taking the time to hone your craft will be better down the road. 


You’re feeling yourself today, Libra, and you should! With the Moon in your 1st House of Self and Identity forming a trine to Pluto in your 5th House of Creativity and Pleasure, you are feeling more emotionally in tune with yourself, which may lead to some unconventional self-expression. You may feel drawn to wildly different types of creativity or exploring new things you’ve deeply wanted to try but didn’t feel courageous enough. Embrace yourself and give it a shot—you may uncover more about yourself than you expected. 


You’re feeling more reserved than usual, Scorpio, but for good reason. With the Moon in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation forming a trine to Pluto in your 4th House of Home and Roots, you don’t just want, but need, your personal space today. You’re likely experiencing some emotions rising to the surface that you’ve tried to keep at bay, and home (or the place that feels like home to you) feels like the safest place to unpack them. You may feel more inclined to change your home space to feel more grounded and secure. The good news is you’re in a great place to tackle this, and while it’s not always the easiest to embrace stillness and work towards healing, your future self is already thanking you. 


You are feeling inspired to connect more than usual, Sagittarius. With the Moon in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking forming a trine to Pluto in your 3rd House of Communication and Local Community, the excitement of feeling seen and cared for by social groups or friend groups is more powerful than usual, though you may feel that you’re more interested than others. New realizations are on the horizon, and you may find the most unusual or eccentric support from those you live close to—even people from your hometown. While you may not always think where you are can be a source of adventure, be open to the unexpected—you may find your people are closer than you think.


You’re defining your worth in new ways, Capricorn. With the Moon in your 10th House of Career and Public Image forming a trine to Pluto in your 2nd House of Income and Values, you may experience some positive feelings tied to your career or chosen path, while simultaneously reevaluating what brings you security and value. You may need to discard specific ideas of what makes you feel secure or how you manage your finances to make room for healthier, more beneficial ones. If you know what deeply matters to you, taking proactive steps to match in the future is easier. 


You’re undergoing some transformation regarding your beliefs, Aquarius. With the Moon in your 9th House of Philosophy, Higher Education, and Travel forming a trine to Pluto in your 1st House of Self and Identity, your ongoing understanding and changes you are making to the self get a dose of emotional connection to what you believe in. You may feel more deeply impacted by faith or belief practices you hold dear or inspired by new points of view that help you further embrace the person you want to be. While some discoveries of yourself may feel overwhelming, you are moving in the right direction. 


You’re tuning into your intuition, Pisces. Your season is already giving a healthy dose of this, but today may feel more intense. With the Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy and Shared Resources forming a trine to Pluto in your 12th House of Subconscious and Isolation, you may feel more attuned to spiritual experiences or feel emotionally tied to seeking them out. You’re redefining what healing means to you, and today, some emotional wounds could resurface and demand your attention. While it may feel overwhelming to combat so much, taking time for yourself and working through the feelings will be worth it in the long run.