Jeff Isy

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, August 3, 2024

A pleasant surprise awaits, thanks to the Moon’s sextile to unpredictable Uranus at 1:17 am. Extra money could become available, allowing everyone an extra level of domestic comfort. It’s a good time to buy anything that improves the look and feel of home. Anyone looking for a new place to live could find a great possibility in an unlikely neighborhood. It pays to keep an open mind!

At 6:31 am, a Moon-Neptune trine sets the tone for a relaxing Saturday. Instead of tackling chores, get some extra sleep or delve into a creative project. The Moon enters glamorous Leo at 7:10 am, further emphasizing the need for luxurious self-care. Judgmental onlookers may try to kill your buzz, when the Moon opposes forbidding Pluto at 8:19 am. Refuse to feel guilty about enjoying yourself. 

Table of Contents


You recognize what’s truly valuable to you. While others try to fill emotional voids with expensive status symbols, you’re spending time on things that make you happy. Playing sports, enjoying gaming, or exploring an unknown neighborhood make you feel like a billion bucks. Your warm, playful attitude attracts lots of romantic attention, possibly from people who are already attached. Don’t get drawn into a jealous argument; it’s not your fault that your so dang hot.


Don’t deny your love of rest. There’s nothing worse for a Bull than being prodded into activities they don’t enjoy. Give yourself permission to laze around the house. A low-key friend may reach out. Binge-watching some funny shows while enjoying delicious takeout is your idea of heaven. A pushy relative wants you to drop everything and wait on them. Be very clear that your priority is your own happiness. 


Usually, you behave as though your life is an open book. Feel free to keep a secret today, especially if it is related to a cherished dream. The last thing you need is to be talked out of an exciting plan to find a new job, take an overseas vacation, or radically change your appearance. Refuse to entertain self-limiting thoughts, Gemini. You have all the knowledge you need to succeed. 


While you have an extensive group of friends, your inner circle has always been very tight. That will change when you meet someone who lives in a place or works in a field that fills you with excitement. Don’t hesitate to form a deeper connection with this individual. Not only will they give you some great tips and helpful references, but they’ll inspire you to grow and change in ways you never thought possible.


Even though it’s the weekend, you have a wonderful opportunity to pursue your dream career. Filling out an application, compiling a portfolio, and updating your resume won’t feel like work. That’s because the prospect of landing this job fills you with excitement. It’s fun to imagine yourself getting paid to do what you love. Tune out a negative friend who thinks you’re being too optimistic. Your superpower is your positive outlook. 


Getting real-world experience helps you make an informed decision. Whether you’re curious about taking up a sport or want to change industries, ask to shadow someone who is already in that world. You’ll get some valuable insights, as well as some practical tips on making this transition. Be willing to neglect some responsibilities while you go on this fact-finding mission. Chores can wait for another day. 


Money from a legal settlement, inheritance, dividend, or bonus lets you indulge in sensual pleasures. Going to an expensive restaurant, getting a spa treatment, or indulging in retail therapy are among the possibilities. Friends may accuse you of being a spendthrift, but how you use this money is none of their business. In fact, you might want to keep these extra funds secret. Don’t advertise your splurges, either. 


Let someone take care of you for a change. Although you dislike being vulnerable, it’s important to receive the care and affection you always give to others. When you were young, it may have been necessary for you to take care of a needy adult. This phase of your life is over. Stop apologizing for adjusting this imbalance. It’s long overdue. 


Indulge in your favorite food and drink. Depriving yourself undermines your natural optimism. Instead of feeling guilty about consuming extra calories, savor these flavors. Fixing a favorite recipe from childhood will be especially comforting. Don’t be surprised if a vivid memory is triggered in the process. Take this opportunity to revise a painful incident from your past. Imagine yourself telling off a petty critic who felt threatened by your sunny disposition. 


Making time for your favorite creative pursuits isn’t frivolous; it’s fundamental. If you treat romance as a form of artistic expression, set to sweep somebody off their feet. You enjoy using your powers of seduction to melt an attractive person’s reserve. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that matters of the heart are less important than finance. It’s much easier for you to cultivate abundance when you’re passionately in love.  


It’s important for you to have a channel for your love. Lavish your affection on an appreciative person or pet.  Don’t worry; onlookers won’t accuse you of being overly sentimental. On the contrary, everybody will be delighted when you put your soft side on display. If you’ve been thinking of confessing your devotion to the object of your desire, speak up. It isn’t healthy to keep these feelings buried. 


You’re tired of carrying out the same old routine. If you want to change your world, you must alter your thinking. Assume the mindset of someone who has everything you desire. Instead of looking at luxuries and feeling unworthy of them, imagine yourself possessing these valuables. Rather than thinking someone is out of your league, picture the two of you enjoying a romantic interlude in a beautiful setting.