Stas Svechnikov

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, August 4, 2024

It’s a playful day, so go out and grab it by the tail! The youthful Leo Moon makes a sextile to rambunctious Mars at 1:54 am, inviting you to roll around with your favorite person. At 7:13 am, the New Moon rises in Leo, causing our creative juices to flow. Everybody is extra fertile now, making it a great time to conceive a baby, art project, or vacation plan.

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A sextile between the Moon and expansive Jupiter at 12:01 pm makes everyone extra sociable. Take this opportunity to meet a friend for lunch or catch up with a favorite relative over the phone. At 10:23, tasteful Venus moves into discerning Virgo, making it a good time to scale back excessive behavior and over-the-top style.


It’s up to you to address the elephant in the room. The other party will be so relieved that you brought up a sensitive issue. Together, you can arrive at a solution that works for everyone involved. If work has been stressful, take time to beautify your office space. Adding items that provide greater comfort, like a mini fridge, fan, or colorful artwork can boost your productivity. 


Earning more money makes you feel secure and successful. A great way to increase your income is to learn some valuable skills. Take a class in a subject that intrigues you. It’s possible you’ll take to this coursework like a duck to water. If you get a job offer today, don’t hesitate to negotiate for a higher salary or additional vacation time. Your future boss will agree to your terms.


You feel outgoing and energetic. It’s a great time to venture into unknown territory. Networking for jobs, finding a new love interest, or trying a different creative medium are among the possibilities. If you’ve been thinking of changing your appearance, go for it! You can embark on a new workout regimen or even affirm your desire for lustrous hair, clear skin, or a toned body. Put your manifestation powers to the test. 


You’re playing your cards close to the vest. This element of secrecy works in your favor, as it strengthens your position to ask for a raise, get a vacation request approved, or receive grant money. The financial resources you want are on the way, courtesy of the New Moon in your 2nd House of Earned Income. Use a lucrative work assignment to fund an activity that gives you pleasure. 


Organizing a big get-together is your idea of fun. Use your extensive connections to create an extravaganza. Anyone who complains about the cost will be shouted down. Secretly, everyone is longing for a little glamour, and you’re just the one to deliver it! Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a new role after this bash. Getting paid to throw parties, shop for clothes, or buy furniture may be your idea of heaven.  


The chance to rest, reflect, and recharge your batteries is finally here. If a loving partner or generous relative offers to host a luxurious getaway, accept with a grateful heart. You’ll greatly benefit from an extended pampering session. While you’re at it, you may decide to update your look. Now that alluring Venus has entered your 1st House of Identity, you’re sure to love the results of a makeover, cosmetic procedure, or new hairstyle. 


Travel, sports, and study can provide the intellectual stimulation you crave. Feel free to follow your heart; it will probably lead you to an upbeat group of people who share your enthusiasm for learning. A lover, child, or pet could pout when you don’t pay them enough attention. Resist the temptation to drop everything for their benefit. Treat this as an opportunity to teach them the fine art of self-soothing.


You’re determined to lead a life of shameless passion, and nobody can stop you. Fortunately, your intensity commands lots of favorable attention. If you want to be an influencer, this is your chance to step into that role. Stop feeling ashamed for wanting fame and acclaim. You’ve been blessed with tremendous talent. Showing off your gifts could lead to a public role that’s very rewarding.


You love the thrill of the chase when a smart and sassy person is the object of prey. Take this opportunity to court someone who makes you look at life from a different perspective. The two of you will generate serious sparks together. If you’re already in a serious relationship, schedule a romantic trip together. Experiencing another culture will be mentally and physically stimulating for you both. 


Being more physically active helps you work through some emotional difficulties. A brilliant idea for getting out of a dead-end situation will occur while you’re taking a walk, swim, or bike ride. Don’t waste any time putting this plan into action; it will bring immediate relief. Your relaxed vibe attracts admirers like a flame draws moths. Let someone with great hair buy you a drink or take you to dinner; you’ll both have a fantastic time. 


Having fun with your favorite person warms your heart. Sometimes it’s difficult for an independent soul like you to connect. That’s not the case today, when you’re receptive to everyone’s positive energy. Beware of making fun of a loved one’s suggestions. By following their lead, you’ll travel an interesting path that makes you less cynical.  


Crossing off items from your list of personal errands feels satisfying. It’s possible you’ll wake up early and finish all these duties in record time. Spend the rest of your day doing things that you love, whether it’s meeting your best friend for brunch or snuggling your pet in a sun patch. Silence the nagging inner voice that says you should be more productive. Your relaxed energy paves the way for a great job offer.