Thought Catalog Agency

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, March 10, 2024

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The Pisces new moon peaks today, creating a beautiful interplay of emotional compassion and deliberate daydreams. As the new moon shadows the night sky, humanity is left out in the dark. Our hope is found within. We can turn the luminescence on from the inside out. As we jank our internal lamp’s chain, brightness flickers and dances up to the heavens. We can clearly see with our inner guidance. Spiritual vision grants us a particular aim.

Read your horoscope for your sun and rising signs below for today’s new moon energy forecast.


The Pisces new moon welcomes profound insight. However, your soul can only whisper it in a hushed tone, strictly for your own ears. Others cannot understand the channelings you receive today. Regardless, nurture the intuitive messages safely within. With time, they can bloom into full fledged manifestations.

Rushing around drowns out the wisdom of your intuition with crowded noise. This lunation highlights your solar twelfth house of the subconscious and solitude. As you identify unconscious blocks that hinder your growth, you begin to defeat self-sabotage. Reclaim your power. Inside, out. 


A new moon in your solar eleventh house of sociability? Sounds fun. This new moon allows you to intuitively sense where you belong, and with whom. Similar goals, future visions, and values magnetize like minded individuals to you. Today, the key is to keep your eyes on the sky and feet on the ground.

The day sweeps you away in activity. Mental stimulation keeps you focused and running along. Invitations and friendliness find you. As you think of your objectives, know you’ll go further with others than riding solo.


There’s a sense of responsibility that comes with empathy. Today, you’re more in tune and understanding of the needs of those around you. This intensified compassion leads you to feeling the urgency to make something helpful happen. As you step into a healing authority role, you have the potential to inspire anyone, yourself included. 

As the new moon hits your solar tenth house of purpose, insight hits. Like an instant download, Sunday shocks you with newfound social awareness. You clearly see the role you want to play in society. Today is the day to get out in public to make favorable first impressions. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Everything else will fall into place.


As much as you can see the world from many perspectives, not everyone shares the same openminded lens. People can get fixated on what they believe, even when it comes from ignorance. Your morals are valid. Even if others cannot see your perspective, you have the right to make today’s decisions based on your own code of ethics.

Just as heightened emotions rise like the ocean’s waves, they disperse just as quickly when they run onto the sandy shore. Allow others the chance to feel what they feel. Although these feelings can seem out of nowhere or overwhelming, they pass as quickly as they arise. You may find yourself having open dialogue after. Conversations held with integrity heals.


The new moon hits your solar eighth house of shared finances and empowerment. Are you ready to transform your relationship to your interdependent resources? Money, possessions, and belongings activate a very sensitive, survival part within. As we lend or share these items or resources to others, it can be triggering. Will they respect it as if it were theirs? As you share what you own, literally or figuratively, relax.

While today can bring up a lot of big emotions, lean into feeling them. Perceptiveness is the key. As you watch your instincts swell up, you can observe with clarity. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you express it. Use your internal and external assets to connect you with others, not create distance. 


A lot of love is lost in the game of who can care less. This Pisces new moon hits your relationship sector. Your poker face fails and cannot hide how you truly feel. The same will apply to your loved ones. As you navigate unexpected choppy waters in conversation, be compassionate that both of you weren’t expecting a storm of emotion. You may both feel lost at sea.

Connect the dots in all of the ways you relate to another in your feelings. As soon as it becomes a competition of who feels more, both sides lose. Today, you’re granted the opportunity to start fresh in how to give and receive care. It’ll feel good to melt the walls down and be seen at your soft center.


Today, remind yourself that productivity is not the same as burnout. Every successful person knows when to pause. As the Pisces new moon activates your solar sixth house of health, your mind, body, and spirit call for a break. Slow down. Rest.

You may have been too tough on yourself lately. Today reminds you that it’s okay to be human. Everyday life should make room for human error. If your routines, habits, or structures don’t make room for mistakes, it’s time to reassess. You cannot expect perfection of yourself. To do so would neglect your needs.


A new beginning is incoming, one where happiness is your number one priority. Your new moon experience occurs in your solar fifth house of fun and romance. Your lover spoils you in a special way today. For single Scorpios, you may find yourself swooning over a new sweetheart. Love is on your mind and your intentions with it become crystal clear.

Hobbies, creativity, talents, and other leisure pursuits become activated. You find yourself craving to just simply enjoy life. Take a break from worrisome responsibilities. To do-list can wait. Your life is waiting for you to start living it. 


Everyone needs somebody. Sagittarius, you’re known for your witty spirit and individualistic mindset. While independence is great, it doesn’t negate the human need for connection. When today’s Pisces new moon hits your solar fourth house of personal life, you’ll be hit by humbling, sentimental waves.

This Sunday, reflect on your deepest relationships. Your family, chosen or by blood, may rock you into deeper peace. That is, if you allow them to. Wear your heart on your sleeve. Don’t expect people to know you how or when you want them to show up for you. Take the first step. The more open you are to sharing heartfelt expressions, the sooner your new beginning can find you.


Communication is not only in our spoken words. It is also found in our silence, or body language. It can be written, it can be sung, it can be found in the media we consume. Today, take the time to express yourself in a way that goes beyond the limitations of language. Show others what you mean, with an emotive angle.

As you allow others to take a step in your shoes, beyond intellect, you feel more understood. Take the initiative to listen to your loved one’s favorite song, read their posture, and interpret all of the things they convey without using words. Surely, they will feel all the more sure about you and your intentions when you respond.


Self-esteem is found in the situations you accept. As today’s Pisces new moon hits your solar second house of values, you are called to introspect. What do you need to feel emotionally fulfilled? What about practically? Are you getting your needs met? And if not, what role are you playing in getting in your own way?

New moons are known for fresh starts. However, first comes the seed planted within. As you are hit with new realizations, new responsibilities come with it. Now that you know better, you’re urged to do better for yourself. Even if you question if you’re worthy, fake it til you make it.


Today, you are the main character. Pisces, you’re known for putting everyone before yourself. However, this is your time to really understand the person you’re with everyday: you. The call for self-awareness will hit you with new waves of spiritual realizations. A prophetic moment may find you, awakening you suddenly.

As you lean into intuitive intelligence, trust your instincts. You may feel called to switch up your appearance to validate your internal world. Or, the reverse may apply. You may find yourself looking for new experiences to bring you confidence from the outside, internally. As you forge your updated path, get ready to meet the new version of yourself.