Horoscope For Today: Sunday, October 20, 2024

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Today may feel tense for the zodiac signs!

As Libra season draws to a close, today introduces some significant tension that we want to be mindful of. The moon is in curious, conversational Gemini, meaning we tend to analyze our emotions over feeling them. This can be helpful in some cases, but it’s not always the best to disconnect from how we feel. On top of this, the moon forms a square to Saturn in Pisces, which adds a dose of hefty responsibility and can bring down our moods from playful to depressed. It’s ideal to find ways to ground ourselves and not sink into the heavy emotions, but it will take intentional effort to do so.

Check out the signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!


It’s good to cut through the haze today, Aries. There is plenty heavy on your mind that you know needs to be addressed, and today, it feels as though everything else in life is keeping you busy and distracting you from doing so. While it may feel easier to detach and approach from a logical angle, that doesn’t help when you need to feel things—so even if it isn’t the easiest, allow yourself to feel what you need rather than repressing things that will only build up worse later. 


Your friendships and connections could be weighing heavy on you today, Taurus. People in our lives aren’t meant to fulfill all our needs, nor are they supposed to always agree with us. However, when it comes to personal values at stake, it can feel like you’re on an island, disconnected and uncertain about how you fit into this group. You don’t need to cut off everyone yet, but take time today to get to the root of what’s truly bothering you, and try not to let your anger get the best of you if you get into a disagreement. 


Even at our best, we aren’t always happy with where we are in life, Gemini. Your work and career path may be something you’re skilled with that provides security, but today, you may feel pretty low regarding where you are in life. Perhaps you think you aren’t as far along as everyone else, or you’re feeling the itch to switch things up, and it’s enough for you to reflect poorly on yourself. Stop it! You’re exactly where you need to be, and if you’re unhappy with it, then it’s worth looking into a change—ensure it’s for the right reasons and not just because the grass seems greener elsewhere. 


Where you stand, and the state of the world may feel heavier than usual, Cancer. There is always something in the world that can leave us feeling devastated, and today, those things may feel more depressing than ever. You may struggle with how your beliefs and views align (or contrast) with what’s happening around you; the weight can feel soul-crushing. Take some time to meditate and look for ways you can help, even if those efforts seem small in the grand scheme of things. It’s always a good idea to reflect when things feel heavy, and you may find solace in the comfort of those closest to you, but reflection is in your best interest today. 


The fight between personal connection and being part of a group may feel more pressing today, Leo. The tension between wanting to belong without losing yourself is enough to make anyone feel out of sorts, and you may feel more depressed or disconnected from everything as you process. It’s good to sort out what is important to you and be willing to accept what sacrifices you have to make to keep those priorities in order—remember that ultimately, you have to live with your choices but don’t let fear of the unknown consume you. 


You’re committed to your work, Virgo, but tension may run higher today regarding the people in your life. Whether professional or personal, it may be harder to connect or understand where other people in your life are coming from, especially when the disagreements center around work. It could feel like you have to choose between your relationships and focusing on your career, and it may feel more frustrating than usual. Take a deep breath, and remember that prioritizing and listening will be your two best strengths here, so rather than cutting someone down out of anger, take a moment to figure out the best solution.


Everything feels like a mundane blur today, Libra. Okay, maybe not everything, but it could feel more difficult than usual to be present and grounded. Your mind longs to explore and connect with the world around you, but you feel the crushing weight of responsibility that can make it feel pointless to daydream—the mundane takes precedence over expanding your horizons. While the reality of this can feel depressing, know that even a simple change of scenery, like walking in nature, can help shake you out of the drudgery. Rarely are we actually stuck; we just haven’t pushed ourselves to make any changes, so try something different today.


You would love to keep things light and breezy today, Scorpio, but reality checks can be harsh. You know you are drawn to diving deep below the surface, especially in relationships or creative endeavors. However, today, rather than being able to relax and feel playful, you’re experiencing the darker, heavier side of what it means to feel deeply connected—vulnerability can be a lot to unpack, even if you trust the person. Don’t allow the severity of connection to consume you or keep you from being present with the person you’re with. Be mindful of the signals you’re sending so you don’t unnecessarily overwhelm them.


Determining what you want may feel like a burden today, Sagittarius. The pressure to settle down always exists, but today, it may feel more urgent, especially if the topic comes up with family members. If you’re seeing someone, there could be tension about whether there is “approval” of the relationship, or if you’re single, there could be criticism of your lack of “finding someone.” Either way, you could be hard on yourself, but know that your journey is yours, and it’s your decision to make. Only you know what you want, so don’t succumb to everyone else’s demands. 


Sometimes, it’s hard to be yourself, especially in a work environment, Capricorn. No one doubts your work ethic, but it can be tedious dealing with the same things day in and day out. Today, it’s heavy on your mind that you may not be making much progress in where you want to go—that you’re simply punching a time clock and collecting a paycheck. You would rather be in a field that allows you to express yourself, and while you may not be there yet, it doesn’t mean you never will be. Using this time to set goals and determine what steps you need to take could be a great way to brainstorm rather than fall deeper into a slump.


The pull between being creative and making a living is on your mind today, Aquarius. You know the responsibility of ensuring security and earning money, but it’s also essential to your well-being to embrace your creative side. Unfortunately, our creative pursuits don’t always bring in a steady income, which can mean we must deprioritize more than we care to admit. Today may bring some heavy feelings about not being as active in your creative projects, and you may even feel tempted to blow off responsibility to spend more time investing in it. You’re the only person who can make that decision, but know that jeopardizing your security will only lead to more problems, so think it through before doing something too impulsive.  


It’s easy to be hard on yourself, and today may take that to a whole new level, Pisces. Criticisms about who you are or your appearance, especially from family members, may cut particularly deep. If the harsh comments have been happening for a while, you may feel the pressure to believe them and accept their opinions as reality but know that just because you do something different than what they are used to doesn’t automatically make them right. If possible, put as much space between you and anyone who is trying to tear you down today, and remember that who you are is worth loving exactly as they are.