Horoscope for Today: Thursday, May 2, 2024
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The emotional Moon’s tour of cerebral Aquarius invites us to examine our feelings. Instead of treating moods like jail sentences, we remember they are temporary. Knowing this makes it easier to manifest mindfully. That’s way better than realizing our deepest fears.
Transformative Pluto goes retrograde at 1:46 pm, slowing the inevitable decay of outmoded structures. A building or company slated for destruction could get a stay of execution. At 2:52 pm, the Moon glides into intuitive Pisces, forming a sextile to seductive Venus at 10:21 pm. A romantic encounter can bring the evening to a satisfying conclusion.
Big expenses make you feel like you’re not making enough progress at work. Stop focusing on minor setbacks and look at the big picture. You’ve made incredible strides in the past year. The momentum will only continue, especially when to abundant Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th. At that point, you’ll see some impressive rewards for all your hard work.
It feels like everyone is staring at you. Your perception is correct; people are amazed at how much progress you’ve made. Stepping into your power has improved your financial prospects, attracted romantic prospects, and expanded your sphere of influence. Friendship could turn to passion tonight; be ready to take a relationship in an exciting new direction.
Don’t share your heartfelt desires with anyone yet. The last thing you want is to be talked out of an exciting plan. While you may lack the knowledge and experience, that won’t stop you from achieving success in unconventional ways. You may be offered a lucrative freelance assignment. This job will make it easy to afford at least one fabulous luxury.
It feels like it’s taking an agonizing amount of time to realize a dream. Instead of focusing on the passage of time, imagine how it feels to have all you desire. This is the fastest way to get what you want. When self-doubt rears its ugly head, watch a funny movie. Laughter always helps you feel centered again. It also makes you magnetic to luck.
Although you’re usually very popular, that’s not the case today. Unfair criticism throws you off balance, making you question your future at work. Reconnecting with an old friend puts life back in proper perspective. Instead of getting defensive, stand your ground. Radiate your star power. Soon, the people blocking your success will yield to your authority.
Working around the clock won’t make you invaluable. It’s better to hold back. When your employer realizes how much you contribute, their respect will increase. You could get better assignments or a raise. Are you looking for a job? An old friend can point you toward a promising position. Be ready to apply for it.
Mourning a former lover is a waste of valuable time. You deserve a passionate, supportive partner who takes you to new heights. Embrace the power of now. The sooner you stop dwelling on the past, the faster your life will take flight. Get ready for an admirer who loves to pamper you with great meals, long massages, and expensive gifts.
Your living situation feels claustrophobic. If you want to move to greener pastures, envision exactly how your dream space feels. What kind of light filters through it? If you want a partner, imagine a big master bedroom suite. Picture yourself walking through the rooms. The more vivid the sensation, the faster you will manifest your new place.
While you enjoy being spontaneous, it’s sometimes helpful to have a routine. If you’re looking for a job, set aside a certain time of day to assemble an online portfolio, update your CV, and apply for work. Want to improve your health? Decide when you’ll get the most from an exercise routine, then use that time to work out.
It’s time to put limiting beliefs to bed. The idea that you must work around the clock to make money is foolish and outmoded. There are many examples of affluent people who don’t work at all. The fastest way to join their ranks is to immerse yourself in the feeling of being prosperous, apart from any job you hold.
You’re sensitive about your appearance. Instead of dwelling on features that make you unhappy, give yourself positive reinforcement. The best cosmetic is healthy self-esteem. Money for something you deeply desire is on its way to you. Resist the temptation to spend this windfall on something boring like bills. It’s time to pamper yourself with a luxury purchase.
It’s better to know the truth than imagine terrible possibilities. Confront someone who has been avoiding you. You will be surprised why they have kept you at arm’s distance. A new path is available, but it takes courage to walk through it. Stop clinging to the past and take a gamble on the unknown, like moving to a beautiful new area.