Athena Sandrini

Horoscope For Today: Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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Tonight could feel pretty heavy emotionally for the zodiac signs.

As we work through the last few days of Leo season, most of the day feels pretty open, with the sun in Leo and the moon in dreamy Pisces. However, once we get later into the night, we have a few aspects that might make it more difficult than usual to stay positive. However, this doesn’t mean things have to be doom and gloomβ€”especially if you know what’s coming. First, the moon in Pisces is conjunct Saturn in Pisces, which can make us feel depressed or disatisfied emotionally. We may take things more personally or beat ourselves up for not doing more. Later, the moon forms a tense square with Jupiter in Gemini, which can make us feel lazy. Even if tempted, it’s not a good time to indulge or gamble, especially when driven by emotion, as things will likely blow up in our faces.Β 

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You may have trouble saying what you’re feeling or even knowing what you’re feeling today, Aries. Particularly when it gets later at night, you could find yourself feeling suppressed emotionally, and you could have trouble figuring out how to communicate that. This may cause tension with others if they notice something is going on with you, but your best bet is to be honestβ€”tell them you don’t know how to talk about things yet. If you ignore it, people may assume you don’t care when you need support and time to process.Β Β 


Tonight could have you struggling emotionally with your friend groups, Taurus. Notably, if there has been any tension or drama in your social circles, the weight of it may feel heavier tonight, especially if you feel responsible for any of the issues involved. You could struggle to know where you stand on an issue or even not have the motivation or desire to figure it out. Try to take your mind off things, but it’s not in your best interest to spend a ton of money or take big risks to distract yourselfβ€”stay in and try to get some rest instead.


Tonight may have you overwhelmed when it comes to your work, Gemini. You could struggle with the weight of responsibility you feel, especially if you’re in a leadership role. You may worry you’re not doing enough, or you could feel pretty apathetic towards your work. You may also feel some tension regarding how you conceal yourself at your job. Obsessing what you can’t change won’t help, and tonight could be a good opportunity to think about taking a small break or vacation if you’re feeling burned out. However, keep in mind that these feelings will pass, so don’t put too much unwarranted pressure on yourself.Β 


You could be feeling in your head about exploring your horizons, Cancer. Tonight, you may feel the weight of not having explored or taken in as much of the world as you would like. You could feel repressed or caged in, and it can be easy to feel resentful. This could activate some baggage surrounding prior dreams you hadβ€”a whole other life you had envisioned for yourself. It could feel tempted to act on emotion, especially as a form of escapism, but keep in mind that all our choices have consequences. You can be thankful for your life and wish to venture out and do something different; both can be true.Β 


The weight of finances and the dependence others have on you could feel heavier than you’d like tonight, Leo. You could struggle with the realities of being a main provider or even sharing expenses in your home, and tonight, you could feel as if there is more you could be doing to make more money and keep up your end of the agreement. You could feel even more tension surrounding the social ideas of the role you’re β€œsupposed” to play, and you may long to take a bigger risk or even gamble some finances to get money quickly. Know that these plans often backfire. Your best bet is to talk to those you share finances with about your worries and try to figure out a way forward together.Β 


Tonight could have your relationships on the brain, Virgo. You could be feeling far more serious about your connections and wrestling with whether they are worth continuing in the long term. The desire to be more secure and rooted could feel bigger than usual. You could worry about what the state of your relationships say about you on a public scaleβ€”but keep in mind everyone moves at their own pace. If you are ready to take the next step, then worrying about what others think won’t help you.Β 


The pressures of your daily life are hitting full force tonight, Libra. You could feel overwhelmed as you’re juggling so many different things at once, and today, it could feel even more difficult to ask for help when needed. You could go as far as to feel apathetic about everything, believing good things aren’t headed your way or that anyone wants to be there for you. Of course, the reality is that you have to ask for the help you needβ€”and no, it doesn’t make you look weak. Rather than letting everything crush you by doing it alone, try to share what you need with the people who love you.


You keep asking yourself why you should be allowed to enjoy things, Scorpio, and tonight, that question is ringing harder in your ears than ever. While you may long to create and delight in things that make you happy or ignite your passion, you feel as though you should have more discipline or be doing more with your creative streak rather than simply doing it for pleasure. You may feel especially burdened if you aren’t making the kind of money you would like or depending on someone else for finances (no matter how generous they may be). Not every creative thing you do has to be done for money. It’s okay to do things for fun or improve on them simply for your own well-being.Β 


Tonight, settling down weighs heavy on your shoulders, Sagittarius. Though you’re free-spirited, the idea of taking root somewhere has its benefits. You’re feeling more pressured tonight because you haven’t made those official moves yet. This may also involve feeling like you haven’t taken the next step with your partner or haven’t yet found someone to settle down with. Know that everything happens in its time, and while it’s good to be proactive, don’t feel bad for not adhering to everyone else’s timetable.Β 


Things feel like they are piling up, and it’s stressing you out, Capricorn. You’re more than capable of handling yourself, but everyone has days when it feels like nothing gets done. Every time you check something off your list, something else pops up, and tonight could leave you feeling extremely discouraged if you didn’t accomplish everything you wanted. Remember that everyone has their off days, and tomorrow is a new dayβ€”maybe try delegating a few of those tasks in the morning instead of biting off more than you can chew.Β 


Finances could be troubling your mind tonight, Aquarius. Money is a common source of stress, but tonight, you could have some lingering nerves around your budget and income. This could be exacerbated by worries that you’ve spent too much on hobbies or having fun rather than saving. The good news is that you can figure out a budget and be more disciplined about your spendingβ€”use this as motivation to get things in order.


You could be feeling things more deeply than usual tonight, Pisces. Whether you’re worried about your appearance or how you carry yourself, you could struggle to feel good about yourself, especially if you don’t have a plan for yourself. Concerns about comments from relatives or close family could fuel the fire in your mind. As hard as it can be, disregarding the negative self-talk and others’ comments is in your best interest. If you’re unhappy about something in your life, you’re the only one who can change itβ€”but if you stay fixated on the negative, you may convince yourself you can’t do anything right, which is far from the truth.Β