Zen Chung

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Today involves some crucial realizations for the zodiac signs!

As we finish the last day of Leo season, today marks opportunities for us to take surprise moments and create something good from them if we are willing. First, the moon in Pisces forms a sextile to Uranus (the planet of rebellion) in Taurus. This energy can be great for connecting with friends or trying new things, but you could also deal with unexpected moments that push you, for better or worse. Not long after this, the moon forms a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, which gives us a dreamy feel, but we can also fall into delusion and not see things for how they are. 

Then, the moon moves from Pisces into Aries, giving us a fresh dose of energy and excitement in our emotional realm. However, the moon quickly forms a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, which may make you feel sentimental, but also a strong focus on transformation and making the most of the moment are in full swing.

Check your signs below (Sun and Rising!) to see what today has in store for you!


You’re shaking things up today, Aries, and the change of pace is good for you. You may feel stuck in your head earlier in the day due to some unexpected memories that make you want to withdraw and keep to yourself. You may feel more sensitive, especially about your values or beliefs. Later, when the moon moves into your sign, you’ll feel more empowered to step out and take charge of your life rather than letting it happen to you—and you may find going out and connecting with your friends who know you well could be the solution you need to get out of your head.


You may feel some uncertainty surrounding your friend circles today, Taurus. Unpredictable moments can leave you questioning if you know the people you’re closest to or if you’re viewing these connections with rose-colored glasses. Don’t jump to conclusions, but take some time to yourself to reflect on the person you are and want to be and what these associations may do to your mental health and reputation. You have good judgment, so lean into it.


You’re more aware than usual that what you want in life has a cost, Gemini. You have lofty goals (as you should—the world is at your fingertips!), but today may remind you that sometimes you must be willing to sacrifice certain things to get where you want to be. You may go as far as to question if you’re even in the place you want to be, which can feel overwhelming. Connecting with the people closest to you and being reminded of who you are and what matters most to you will help ground your feet again—even if a new path is the result.


Today could show you the realities of where you stand and what you believe in, Cancer. Disruptions within your closer circles, especially surrounding areas of faith or points of view, could be the push you need to sit with how you see the world. You could feel sensitive surrounding your specific views and dismissive or rejected if you feel certain truths contradict them. Ultimately, going beneath the surface level and examining what makes you cling to these ideals so strongly may open your eyes to something new—don’t be afraid to go deeper. 


You’re getting in touch with who you are, Leo, but expressing it how you would like may not be easy. Today could involve a moment where you feel the need to hide parts of yourself (or at least make them smaller) because of how they might be perceived on a public scale. You may even try to delude yourself into believing that you’re okay with that as long as you can maintain power or authority in some way. However, you know that the people who truly know you can see past the facade, and they will push you to embrace yourself rather than hide away—though the choice is up to you.


You’re taking others into account today, Virgo, but at what cost? Today could serve as a learning opportunity from those around you, which you’re eager to embrace—but those connections may not be what they seem, or you’re willing to let them take more advantage of you than you want to admit. Investing in trust is important, but be mindful if others ask you for wild favors, especially surrounding finances. You know the people you can depend on, so tread lightly if you’re unsure of someone’s intentions. 


You have a lot on your plate today, Libra, and you may not even realize it. You want to help and are willing to pitch in, but today could involve you biting off more than you can chew. The temptation to ignore it rather than confront it or maintain the idea you can do it all when you need help could follow you around most of the day. It’s best to tell others how you feel and what you need. Once you take care of things, going out and letting off some steam in unexpected ways with your loved ones will be much needed.


You’re convinced you’ll not find the right connections, Scorpio, but you may not be open to all there is. Today could allow you to venture out and try a different type of relationship or someone outside your usual type, and the results could make you feel like you’re on cloud 9. There is no harm in having fun, but when you reflect on the time spent together, assess whether there is genuine potential for a future or if this is a temporary connection. There’s no shame either way, but it’s better to know what you’re getting into!


Today, you could wonder whether you should chart your own course or follow what’s been laid out for you, Sagittarius. Naturally, you’re an explorer by heart, but security and consistency still hold value, and you don’t want to walk away from something that could be good for you down the line. You may not be able to see the potential strings of that type of arrangement. Later, exploring your options and leaning into what you want can open your eyes to whether it’s the best choice for you.


You’re feeling more creative and inspired than usual, Capricorn. Unexpected creative forces may give you fresh ideas that you can’t wait to share—these may be more sensitive topics or things you feel strongly about, and writing them down or talking about them with those close to you could help them take shape. Later in the day you may long to take those ideas and turn them into something more practical, but don’t force it—not everything has to have a defined purpose outside of your enjoyment of it.


Today could be ideal for self-care, Aquarius. Taking time to replenish and recharge is necessary, and you may even be forced to do it when something you didn’t expect occurs. Being nurturing and compassionate towards yourself is not a crime; we all need it occasionally. Later in the day, you may be surprised how others receive you when it’s clear you’re taking care of yourself rather than phishing yourself to the brink.


You may have difficulty being honest about how you come across Pisces. A conversation could open your eyes to the fact that people may have a perception of you that is different than what you mean, making you feel pretty self-conscious. You may even feel emotional or reactive towards others. However, when you take the time to dig into the “why” behind this, you may discover that you’re projecting things you didn’t realize. It’s good to be aware of what we are sending out into the world, and rather than feeling shame over it, resolve to clear things up and be more intentional about the version of yourself you’re showcasing.