Tony Frost

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday January 1, 2025

After one last fond look back at 2024, the New Year gets off to a promising start. At 1:02 am, the old-fashioned Capricorn Moon makes a sextile to sentimental Neptune. Then, at 5:50 am, Luna moves into visionary Aquarius, helping everyone to embrace the fresh energy that 2025 brings. 

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Deep insights about what we’d like to accomplish bubble to the surface at 7:45 am, when the Moon makes a conjunction to desirous Pluto. Despite the upsetting Mars-Pluto opposition at 8:53 am, we shouldn’t fall victim to deep fears failing to achieve our desires. The very fact that we can conceive of a wish means that it is already ours. Instead of striving for what we want, it’s best to claim it. 


You long for a life filled with passion and creative inspiration, but fear that you’ll just be stuck in a humdrum existence. Instead of dwelling on your fears, act as if you’re a person who is artistically fulfilled. Imagine what it feels like to be a popular and commercial success. Assume your new identity and watch your circumstances change. When you see it, you’ll believe it. 


Revolutionary changes are occurring in your public life. Instead of fighting them, embrace them. Although you’re not obsessed with fame, you do like it when your talent is appreciated. When you get an opportunity to show off the fruits of your labor, take it. This will let you take on rewarding assignments that allow you to create what you want. 


It will take longer than expected to achieve expertise, but don’t let that stop you from pursuing your dream. The sooner you get started, the faster you will realize your goal. Besides, the point is not to reach the destination. You’re supposed to enjoy the journey. That shouldn’t be difficult, as you’re always happiest when you’re learning.


Although it’s very important for you to achieve financial security, that doesn’t mean you should take jobs just for the money. Instead, spend as much time as possible on the activities you love. Nothing cultivates abundance like happiness. If you’re stuck in a dead-end job, get out of it by spending 10 minutes each day reveling in the sensation of doing what you love for a living.


When it comes to finding love, it’s important to remember that you don’t chase; you attract. Rather than devise ways of trying to catch someone’s attention, turn your focus inward. Develop a self-concept of being charming, irresistible, and alluring. Imagine the object of your desire being utterly captivated by you, showering you with the kinds of attention that you desire. 


If your daily routine no longer works, it’s time for a change. Stop focusing on all the reasons why you can’t enjoy the lifestyle that makes sense for you. Think about how it would feel if you had the freedom to do exactly what you want when it’s convenient. The longer you immerse yourself in this sensation, the faster your circumstances will shift. 2025 promises to show you the value of practicing mind over matter.


If it feels like a loved one doesn’t give you the respect you deserve, don’t issue ultimatums. Instead, practice appreciation. Think about all the qualities you love about the person in question. Contrary to popular belief, nobody has power over your feelings. You’re the one with the ability to set the terms of your relationship based on your perception of others. 


The moment you release limiting beliefs, the easier it will be to enjoy career success. You don’t need to know the right people or have a particular background to gain a foothold in your desired industry. Instead, you must assume the identity of somebody who gets paid extremely well for doing the work they love. Stop putting yourself in a pigeonhole and pattern your attitude after a professional role model. 


Serious news makes it difficult to move forward with a plan of action. It’s time to take the unconventional route. Rather than going through the formal channels to reach your goals, see if you can call in a few favors, enlist the aid of a lawyer, or petition an agency for special consideration. An inventive approach will pay off faster than you expect. 


Although you’re driven to make a lot more money in the New Year, it feels like your expenses won’t let you hold on to what you make. That’s a sign you should change your perspective about money. Instead of looking at your finances like figures on a balance sheet, take an emotional approach to abundance. Cultivate feelings of being wealthy and having more cash than you can spend. Your situation will soon improve. 


You can’t force anybody to do what you want; you can only control your own behavior. Practicing detachment will be the most empowering lesson you can learn in 2025. This means feeling content regardless of your circumstances. Whenever you’re faced with problems, affirm, “I am abundant, I am healthy, and I am happy.” By repeating this often enough, you’ll manifest the life you desire. 


Friends will reassure you of your value, creativity, and talent. Just because they don’t understand you at work doesn’t mean you can’t thrive in different environment. The trick is to stop looking for validation at your job and start spending more time with people who do appreciate you. Whether this means joining a support group, joining a club, or starting your own business, you will fare much better after leaving a toxic professional environment.