jasmin chew

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Today, the Moon enters Leo. The faithful luminary seeks lighthearted joy in this Fire sign, beaming with self-expression. Pursuing passion comes second nature. As the Moon merges forces in conjunction with assertive Mars, our instincts take over. Following our hearts and desires is essential while maintaining agency, self-control, and emotional discipline.


The Moon enters Leo, shining light on Aries’ pleasure sector. There’s excitement to explore. Romance is tempting, creativity peaks, and manifesting desires feels essential. This isn’t a day to be lowkey. Go out, have fun, and reconnect with your inner child.


Taurus is focused on their loyalty to loved ones today. As the Moon enters Leo, their personal life and relationships are impacted. If someone they’re devoted to needs emotional support, this zodiac sign will be busy spending quality time with others. However, some may opt for a chill time with close company.


The Moon enters Leo right into Gemini’s communication sector. Conversations are fueled with passionate flames. For dating endeavors, flirting comes naturally. It’ll be easy to sweep a lover off their feet with charming words. However, their gift of gab will also extend to all social encounters, knowing what to say when someone needs to hear it most.


Cancer is focused on practical matters as the Moon enters Leo. The passionate flames of this Fire sign push this zodiac to feel it all. However, La Luna requires practical problem-solving solutions for Cancer to accommodate these realizations. It’s time to spend wisely, invest intentionally, and save where needed.


As the Moon enters their sign, Leo feels empowered. The luminary allows this zodiac to express their innermost desires without a second thought. Their vulnerability and relatability create transparent interactions and hope in their relationships. Expect to shine bright. Others are eager to gather around your warmth.


The Moon enters Virgo’s subconscious sector, creating intensified self-awareness. It’s important to sit with your emotions. With the Moon in Leo, feelings can take over your being, carrying theatrical, intense passion. The good news? There’s a silver lining. By confronting your shadows, you immediately transmute darkness to light in countless ways.


The Moon enters Leo today, shedding light on Libra’s social sector. Friends gather closer, acquaintances offer support, and like-minded people create meaningful plans as a team. There’s a sense of comrade for this Air sign. As they map out their next moves, having people who get it makes all the difference.


Scorpio becomes increasingly aware of their public image and how it comes off today. The Moon enters Leo. This zodiac begins by showcasing their true colors, emotions, and intentions to avoid misunderstanding. Their heart is on their sleeve. This brave vulnerability is rewarded, gaining trust and investments from others witnessing their bold expression.


Sagittarius is looking at their beliefs through a different lens today. The Moon enters Leo, shedding light on their philosophies. Exploring options opens their mind. Their soul needed to get out of their typical routines or environments to learn this incoming valuable information or shift.


As the Moon enters Leo, Capricorn is passionate about transformation. Rather than putting their feelings aside, they want to be in the driver’s seat. If they practice transparency, intimate relationships will deepen. However, it’ll be essential to avoid ego games. See power battles as they are and create boundaries to preserve yourself and your connections.


Aquarius is focused on their social life or relationships today. The Moon enters Leo, creating an open-heart policy relating to others. Rather than playing it cool, this Air sign craves to be understood. Displaying their emotions allows loved ones to witness their inner world and emotional needs.


The Moon enters Leo, making Pisces passionate about their daily routines. They don’t want to take a backseat in reaching for their goals. It’s time to work towards their goals with fierce dedication to reach the finish line. To progress, Pisces must validate their need for boundaries and prioritize the health of their mind, body, and spirit.