Dustin Adams

Horoscope For Today Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A beneficial trine between the nurturing Moon and original Uranus occurs at 6:37 am, making it a great day to develop innovative projects. The Moon opposes impractical Neptune at 10:05 am, prompting us to abandon chores for daydreams. At 12:00 pm, the nitpicking Virgo Moon squares pushy Mars, stirring up domestic quarrels.

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Later, at 12:06 pm, the Moon makes a lovey trine to healing Pluto, helping to soothe hurt feelings from long ago. At 12:12 pm, Luna moves into gracious Libra, bringing welcome emotional balance. Finally, Mars begins its journey through sentimental Cancer at 3:46 PM, softening this planet’s feisty edge.


You won’t find much sympathy at work today. Rather than lashing out at an uncooperative colleague, solve a problem by yourself. This may involve doing chores that don’t fall within your job description, but don’t let that stop you. By the time you head home, you’ll feel much better about your professional prospects when the chance to work from home falls in your lap.


A chance to expand your horizons will arrive quite suddenly—prepare to take advantage of it. Turning your back on this opportunity will cause huge regret. Friends will try to keep you in the same role you’ve occupied for years. While this is convenient for them, it’s not good for you. Fulfilling your intellectual and creative potential will put you in the path of love. Reach for the stars.


You’re determined to put the past behind you. While you appreciate the people who have helped you along the way, it’s time for a new chapter. Part of that is spending more time on your own. Turning your attention inward will keep you centered, no matter what challenges threaten to throw you off balance. Becoming debt free is in the cards; focus like a laser on this goal. 


Leaning on loved ones has eased anxiety. Contrary to what you think, you’re not a burden on anyone. In truth, people are happy to comfort you, considering you usually do this for them. Devoting more time and attention to your home life is a welcome change. Take this opportunity to redecorate and do repairs. The more comfortable your surroundings, the happier you are.  


Showing off your unique talents puts you in a powerful position. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise or promotion. If your demands aren’t met, you’ll find a better position at cutting-edge employer. Your work duties won’t be well-defined. It’s up to you to develop this role based on what you want to do. In the early stages, work behind the scenes to develop contacts.   


You’re determined to build something of lasting value. Others don’t believe in your ability to turn bricks into straw. Take this opportunity to prove them wrong. One of your biggest detractors is a pushy authority figure. This person always denigrates you to keep you off balance. In truth, they are intimidated by your talent. Use this knowledge to land your dream job in an artistic arena.


You’ve been pushed to the sidelines, which is frustrating. Although you hate working obscurity, you will still use this situation to your advantage. Finding another source of income allows you to eliminate credit card debt. Having a good FICO score allows you to build significant long-term wealth. Think about the kind of property you’d like to buy. 


A business or romantic partner is encouraging you to pursue a lifelong dream. Use their support as a springboard to success. Whether you want to write a book, become an influencer, or earn a degree is immaterial. The important thing is to commit to this goal and act as though you’ve already attained it. Always remember that your imagination is a superpower; use it!


Don’t let restless energy undermine your productivity. You’re capable of doing impressive work, but you must focus. Turn a deaf ear to a rival who keeps trying to distract you. By continuing to check things off your list of things to do, you’ll be welcomed into a group that values your optimistic attitude. One of your new friends will become a devoted admirer. 


Your natural magnetism lures an unusual love interest. Together, the two of you can have wonderful adventures travelling the world. Holding down a regular job won’t be convenient. It may be better to develop a skill or talent that allows you to enjoy a nomadic lifestyle. Trade a no-nonsense life of respectability to one of excitement. You won’t be sorry! 


Joining forces with a stable friend keeps anxiety at bay. Stop treating your bank balance as a measuring stick for your self worth. Not only are you priceless, but you’re also underselling yourself. Correct this problem by feeding your intellect. Taking up a course of study will build your confidence and make it easier for you to command the salary you deserve. 


It feels like everyone is tugging at your sleeve. Instead of trying to be all things to all people, seek to satisfy yourself. Update your journal, listen to music, or try a new recipe. Any activity that appeals to your creative side will boost your confidence. When you’re invited to join a prominent professional organization, say “yes.” This association will increase your earning power