Thought Catalog Agency

How Each Zodiac Acts When They’re In Love (But Don’t Realize It Yet)


Aries, you become antagonistic whenever you first encounter an energy that challenges your own. It’s not called meeting your match for nothing. The part of love you’ll experience first is seeing your own reflection in the other person. A foil that brings to light every one of your flaws and shortcomings. Your natural reaction is to create a rivalry out of the discomfort—and it makes some serious Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe vibes. What you don’t realize is that this competition is bringing out the best in both of you. That every en garde you see as a threat is really just a playful invitation to grow. 


You stubbornly resist your own feelings when love doesn’t add up to a neat little equation on paper, Taurus. You’ll come up with any excuse to back up a made-up argument in your head. It’s not the right time, these aren’t the right conditions, they’re not the person you were imagining. You’ll get up on your soapbox and let the whole world know you’re not interested while every inch of you is screaming “I want you” on the inside. Your biggest hurdle is just giving yourself permission to feel what you feel without having to provide any explanations to the world or even to yourself. 


You put people into neat little boxes to distance yourself from love, Gemini. If you can compartmentalize that cute new coworker as a “colleague” and the dreamy artist you met last weekend as “so-and-so’s friend” or the barista you’ve designed a Pinterest wedding mood board around as “just-the-person-who-makes-you-coffee-every-morning,” everything and everyone will stay in their own lane where they belong. Because you’re afraid of what would happen if one of these people you’ve converted into a label wants to actually get close to you and mean something specifically to you.


Cancer, you’ll just casually lend someone a prized possession like it’s no big deal while everyone else stares in shock. It could be your favorite book, that sweatshirt from high school your sibling knows not to touch, the designer sunglasses you saved for, or something as simple as your chapstick. You won’t even think twice about it, but the damage (read: romantic gesture) will be done. You’ll have trusted this someone with something important to you, wanted to do something nice for them, granted them special access to special treatment, because even though you’re the last one to notice, they’re a VIP in your life now. 


You’ll start inviting them everywhere, Leo. To every big event, casual hangs with all your friend groups, even family parties. Everyone around you will notice your new arm candy, while you just insist you’re having fun. The group settings allow you to keep any real intimacy at an arm’s length until you’re ready to admit that you’re not just playing hostess. You want this person around more than anyone and enjoy their company in a way that none of your other relationships can fulfill. You’re afraid to ruin something that you can’t find a replacement for. 


You will have nothing but good things to say about them, Virgo, and won’t be able to stop singing their praises. No one typically goes unscathed by your sharp tongue and blunt honesty—unless they’re a stranger or you’re in love. The rest of the world hears it how you see it: straight and simple. You’re not going soft, it just genuinely takes a lot to impress you, and when someone rises to the challenge, you give them the credit they deserve. Sometimes it just takes a second for it to click that what you see as an objectively great person is actually your perfect match.


It will start out innocently enough, Libra. You’ll watch a movie they told you about. Listen to a playlist of all their favorite songs. Next you’re reading their favorite book, and before you know it you’re deep into the 9th season of The X-Files struggling to finish, wondering why David Duchovny had to ruin it for everyone. But you’ve still lost the plot here Libra, much like the lead characters of this ‘90s television show you would have stopped watching long ago if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re madly in love and too timid to do anything about it.


You’ll try and save their day, Scorpio. They went to work without their wallet? Food delivery is on the way. They have a migraine? You’re really good at head rubs. They’re coming down with the flu? You’ll be over with Gatorade and soup in 20. You’ll be super defensive the second anyone suggests there’s more to your good Samaritan act than meets the eye. You will chalk it up to being raised right, but the truth is you’ve taken this person under your wing. Part of you wants to be responsible for them, to take care of them in the most intimate ways. 


You’ll get serious, Sagittarius. You’ll still be a shameless flirt, but you’ll reduce the teasing and obnoxiousness to a minimum and let your softer side shine. You are creating a safe space for the two of you so they can feel comfortable opening up. You want to get at the good bits, the stories about the things that make them cry and make them smile, and that doesn’t happen when you’re too busy doing loud-mouthed impressions of your favorite celebrity. You’ll insist you’re just getting to know them, but sometimes you won’t know all the reasons you love someone before you already just do.


You’ll put in some serious effort, Capricorn, before you realize you’re even doing it. Maybe it starts as a long-distance fling that you get in a car or a plane for every month. Maybe you’re seeing someone with a really hectic, demanding schedule that you jump through hoops for so plans always come through whenever they’re available. You’re patient, dependable, and persistent, everything a partner should be, before there are any strings attached. You are doing the heavy lifting without seeing what it is you’re laying the groundwork for, but by the time you do, you’ll appreciate the support the base you’ve built provides.


You’ll invite them somewhere important with you, Aquarius. It might be the museum you’ve always wanted to visit or the trip you’ve been dying to take. You’ll think it’s a bout of spontaneity, but somewhere in the back of your mind you already know you’re ready to spend extended time together. That this is the person you could be trapped in a car or a room or an elevator with and still have the time of your life. For whatever reason, your brain hasn’t fully formed the synapse linking the idea of this person being good company to the fact they’re the love of your life. 


You’ll tell them your dreams, Pisces. All of them. The weird ones you have every night will make their way into an early morning text sent just to them, and the bigger, more important ones for your life, the way you want everything to work out. You’ll even spill the dreams you’re afraid to admit to yourself. The ones you think are completely impossible but can’t help hoping for anyway. For whatever reason, you don’t notice that this person is yes-and-ing the world inside your head. Is riffing off of your ideas and weaving their own aspirations and fears into this story in the hopes it becomes one you share together.