How Every Zodiac Can Heal Again Before Spring
Aries: Exercise
As the first sign of the zodiac, you have the essence and energy of a young child, dear Aries. And, as a fire sign, you’re very passionate and physical. You, perhaps more than any other zodiac, need to exercise regularly to release tension and boost your mood. The endorphins from a quick run, a gym session, or even just a few jumping jacks at home will give you the mood boost you crave.
Taurus: Eat Something
You’re the first zodiac to get hangry, dear Taurus, and you probably know yourself well enough to carry snacks with you at all times. Eating something, even if it’s just a few bites to sustain you until your next meal, will ward off any crankiness or exhaustion. If you need a big mood boost, order a decadent meal from your favorite restaurant. For a little pick-me-up, be sure to keep a stash of granola bars, candy, or another yummy snack in your bag.
Gemini: Journal
Guided by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, you always have a lot of complicated thoughts swirling around in your head, clever Gemini. You’re a gifted communicator, so why not use that skill to make yourself feel better? Journaling about your feelings will help ease some of the pressure in your head and nervous system. Talking things through with a close friend or therapist can also provide some relief.
Cancer: Take a Nap
As the sign guided by the Moon, sweet Cancer, you are a creature of the night. You may struggle with maintaining a regular sleep schedule, as you feel safest and most at home after twilight. You enjoy and benefit from sleep more than many other zodiacs, so allow yourself to indulge in a nap to feel better. Even if you’ve only been up for a few hours (or even minutes), sometimes it’s best to go back to bed and start the day over later.
Leo: Sunbathe
The Sun has magical healing powers (not to mention Vitamin D), especially for you, cheerful Leo. The Sun is your ruling celestial body, so you are particularly sensitive to cold, cloudy weather. If you go without sunlight for too long, you start to wilt like a flower. Spending time in the sun gives you an instant mood boost, and if there’s no sun to be found, stepping into a red light bed or using a light therapy lamp will do your spirit wonders.
Virgo: Clean or Organize Something
Some zodiacs hate cleaning, but not you, meticulous Virgo. You feel soothed, accomplished, and energized by taking care of messes. Lose yourself in tackling a big cleaning or organizing project, or simply set a timer for 15 minutes and do a quick pick-up around your house or work space. You also love taking care of your health, so if cleaning doesn’t work for you, cooking (and eating) a nutritious meal should do the trick.
Libra: Call a Friend
As one of the most social signs of the zodiac, sweet Libra, your relationships are incredibly important to you. You don’t like being alone for too long, and being left to ruminate on unpleasant thoughts isn’t good for you. If you’re struggling with a low mood, call a friend. Either talk out your troubles over the phone or meet up in person for some fun, distracting quality time. And, when all else fails, you know a little retail therapy always works for you – bring a friend along on your shopping trip, or browse online together for an extra mood boost.
Scorpio: Solve a Puzzle
The wheels in your mind are always turning, sly Scorpio, and sometimes you think yourself into a dark hole. When you’re in a bad mood, try using some of that brain power on an enjoyable distraction. You love solving mysteries and puzzles, so indulge in a true crime podcast or play a puzzle game with a loved one. Using your sharp mind to unravel a riddle will not only take your mind off things but also give you a mood-boosting sense of satisfaction.
Sagittarius: Plan a Trip
You love to travel more than anything, dynamic Sagittarius, and not having your next trip booked gives you the blues. You don’t have to spend money on a vacation right now to make yourself feel better – just imagining fantasy trips or starting the planning process is enough to boost your mood. Create a vision board for your next trip, start looking at ticket prices, or talk to a friend about it. Make a special savings jar or account to save up for your next adventure. You could even look through old photos of past trips you’ve taken for an inspiring pick-me-up.
Capricorn: Buy Something
You work hard, clever Capricorn, but you don’t indulge in the material things you love nearly as often as you should. Thanks to Saturn, your ruling planet, you tend to overly restrict yourself. When you’re feeling low on dopamine, it’s okay to splurge a little – after all, you’ve earned it! Splash out on the cashmere sweater you’ve been eyeing, or make a reservation at that fancy new restaurant.
Aquarius: Screen Time
You have a complicated relationship with technology, quirky Aquarius. Uranus, your primary guiding planet, blesses you with talents in the technological world, and you’re great at adapting to innovations. However, with Saturn as your secondary ruling planet, you tend to limit anything too pleasurable or habit-forming. When you need a quick mood boost, it’s okay to indulge in your favorite video games, phone puzzles, or social media scrolling. Let your guilt go and enjoy the dopamine hit that comes with a little screen time.
Pisces: Take a Bath
As both a water sign and the zodiac represented by the fish, dreamy Pisces, you are in your element in the water. Though you might prefer a swim in the ocean or a day on the lake, a hot bubble bath will do just the trick. Use salts, oils, or a bath bomb to make the experience extra luxurious. Soak away your bad mood and let your troubles wash down the drain.