How Each Zodiac Is Making Moving On Harder For Themselves
Thought Catalog Agency

How Each Zodiac Is Making Healing Harder For Themselves


You won’t be able to heal if you keep trying to distract yourself. While it’s natural to want a break from the tears, you need to give yourself the time and space to process your emotions. You can’t keep busy forever.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep reliving the past. Although it’s healthy to think of the good times you shared and natural to replay the worst moments to figure out what went wrong, you don’t want to be so stuck on yesterday that you forget about today.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep jumping into new relationships in order to forget about your old relationships. This isn’t fair to new partners and it’s not fair to you. You need to learn how to be happy on your own for a while, then you can move onto someone new.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep treating yourself like a punching bag. No, maybe this person wasn’t able to see your worth — but that doesn’t mean you’re worthless. Their opinion of you is not the right opinion of you.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep trying to ‘win’ the breakup. Your ex is out of your life now. They aren’t your competition. You can both be happier without each other. In fact, that’s the reason why you broke up in the first place. 


You won’t be able to heal if you keep pretending everything is fine. Your emotions deserve to be expressed. Your messy feelings might not be comfortable, but they’re essential to moving on. You need to process them in order to heal from them.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep comparing your life to the people around you. Just because other people your age are married doesn’t mean you need to be. Everyone finds their person in their own time. Remember, you aren’t in competition with anyone else.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep stalking your ex. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve moved on. It doesn’t matter whether they’re happy without you. You need to focus on your own journey, on finding happiness and fulfillment on your own.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep rushing yourself. You aren’t meant to get over a relationship overnight. This is going to take some time, so be gentle with yourself. Don’t put your healing on a timeline.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep isolating yourself. While it’s fine to take some time alone, you don’t want to remain alone. Don’t push your friends and family away. Don’t stay cooped up in your room forever. Go out there and have some fun again.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep trying to find closure. Sometimes, you aren’t going to get the answers you’ve been seeking. You simply need to accept that they’re gone and you’re never going to know the full story.


You won’t be able to heal if you keep in constant contact with your ex. You need to distance yourself from them — at least until the feelings aren’t so raw. You need to remember what it’s like to live without them.