How Each Zodiac Sign Can Welcome 2024’s Fall Equinox (9/22)
The fall equinox shifts your focus to balance and your one-on-one bonds, with the sun electrifying your seventh house of partnerships and relationships. Welcome autumn by reflecting on these aspects in your life. Are you experiencing any disharmony or misalignment with anyone close to you, be it a significant other or a co-worker? Who do you need to come to a compromise with? How can you strengthen your connections to the people you cherish the most in your life? Is there a milestone or shared goal you wish to reach with your partner? You should also make a list of practices and changes you could implement to live a more balanced life.
With the arrival of fall landing in Libra, a sign which, like you, is governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, serenity envelops you. The sun lighting up your sixth house of wellness and daily habits is also encouraging you to better nurture your emotional, physical, and mental well-being, as well as pushing you to become more focused. Spend some time in nature on the equinox. Become inspired by its beauty. As you take in your surroundings, think of grounding practices you can incorporate into your routine during the quieter season. How can you better tend to your inner world? What changes can you make for a healthier, more thriving life? How can you be more intentional with your goals?
Fall lands in your romantic fifth house of creativity and pleasure, making the equinox a great time to connect with your inner child and practice self-expression. Get creative, Gemini. Immerse yourself in creating art. Pour your heart out into writing or journaling. Do some autumn crafts to decorate your home for the season. Get ahead on your Halloween decorations. Paint. Water color. Bust out some magazines and collage. Make a vision board. Whatever you do, don’t strive for perfection. Just have some fun. As you get hands-on, think about how you can incorporate more magic and romance into your life these coming months. How can you start opening yourself up to experiences that center your pleasure?
Your fourth house of home, family, roots, and heart is activated during the equinox. This sector is all about creating a cozy environment and seeking emotional stability. You should ring in the quieter season by tidying up your space and making your house feel like a sanctuary. Clean and organize. Declutter your closet and set aside a pile of clothes for donation. Frame pictures of loved ones. Light some candles. Decorate for autumn. Set up your space to prioritize comfort. Lounge around and rest. Listen to relaxing music. Play your favorite fall movie. As you do these things, think about what practices and changes you can implement in your life to feel more emotionally safe and fulfilled.
As fall arrives, the sun blazes through your third house of communication and sharing. Spend some time being meditative on how you can better express yourself to others. Are there any thoughts or feelings you’ve been holding back from anyone in your life? Are there any difficult conversations that you’ve been avoiding that you need to have in the coming weeks? What truths do you need to confront? This sector in your chart also governs digital forms—things like social media and the internet. It would do you well to do a digital cleansing and detox. Unfollow people and accounts that don’t inspire you and that fail to bring positivity into your life. Block your ex and your former best friend. Declutter your inbox. Become more aware of your screen time. Make an attempt in the coming weeks to spend less time doom scrolling.
Fall equinox is the perfect time to invite more abundance into your life, with the sun moving into your second house of resources, values, and material possessions. In order to do that, you must first be grateful for all the blessings already present in your life, big and small. Welcome autumn by practicing a gratitude ritual. Write a letter to the universe expressing how thankful you are for the prosperity, love, relationships, opportunities, and possessions it has provided you. You can also just go outside as sunset to give your heartfelt thanks as you meditate on everything you’re lucky to have.
Autumn’s arrival aligns with your season, Libra. With the sun in your sign, you should welcome fall by setting intentions for the season and beyond. Focus on how you can foster more balance and harmony in your life. What changes do you need to make? What behavioral patterns and relationships no longer serve you? What unhealthy attachments to the past do you need to release? Your first house of self, personal ambitions, and new beginnings is currently illuminated. Reflect on how you can boost your confidence and honor your individuality. Brainstorm passion projects you wish to pursue. If you want to get more ritualistic, plant seeds of intentions into a garden or pot. Visualize your goals manifesting as you water them and watch them grow. Feeling a bit more creative? Make a vision board to set your intentions! Remember, this life of yours can be just like in your dreams.
For you, fall equinox is a time for deep introspection and serious inner work. The season arrives in your twelfth house of subconscious and spirituality, surfacing unprocessed wounds and suppressed emotions. Slow down, Scorpio. All your feelings are going to be heightened. Welcome autumn in quiet, peace, and solitude. Light some candles, play soothing music, and do some meditation and journaling. Take a walk outside or run a bath, if it will help. Do whatever you have to do to dive deep into the innermost crevices of your soul and psyche. What shadows within you is the sun’s light reaching? What parts of yourself need healing? What draining energy must you clear out of your life? Where do you need closure? How can you become more in tune with your inner world? How can you love yourself better?
You’re feeling even more social than usual with the arrival of autumn landing in your collaborative eleventh house of community and networking. Ring in the season by hosting a feast or a party with your nearest and dearest. Invite some work colleagues and let your different social circles mingle. Bake some seasonal treats, like apple pie or pumpkin bread. Splurge on your favorite wines. Go around the table, allowing everyone to share their intentions for the months ahead. If you’re not in a hosting mood, then just make a reservation at a delicious restaurant. What’s important here is spending time with those you cherish and those who inspire you.
During the next four weeks, your main focus is going to be on work and advancing your career. Before you get into an even more intense hustle mode, you should prepare by letting loose and having some fun. Dedicate the fall equinox weekend to strictly playtime and relaxation. Go to dinner and hit happy hour. Hit your favorite bars. Dance. Make a reservation to brunch and then walk through your favorite art museum. Partake in whatever is going to bring you joy. Whatever you do, don’t think about anything that can wait until Monday. Challenge yourself to be a little wild and carefree.
Fall arrives with the sun in your ninth house of expansion. For the next month, you’re going to be craving adventure and new experiences. Welcome the equinox by making a vision board that encapsulates all the ways you wish to challenge yourself. Place deep thinking into how you can step outside your comfort zone—socially, professionally, romantically, spiritually, personally. Is there a big trip you want to finally start planning for? How can you open yourself to new, eye-opening experiences? What can you do to broaden your perspective and horizons? Do you feel compelled to take a new class or learn a new skill? Don’t just think big. Even something as small as renewing your commitment to your TBR list can go a long way. Which, speaking of, reading is also a great way for you to ring in the new season.
There’s so much potential for the next few weeks to be a highly transformative period for you, Pisces. As uncomfortable as it may get, you have to be willing to do the work. It starts with confronting your innermost darkness and accepting the truths you’ve been escaping. Autumn arrives with the sun in your powerful eighth house of death, rebirth, intimacy, shared resources, and emotional bonds. Take note of what toxic behavioral patterns keep you from growing in these areas. What relationships and situations confine you? What fears prevent you from embracing true vulnerability? What old habits do you need to break? What keeps you from paying your debts? What stops you from accepting the love you deserve? What in your life keeps you from evolving? Let them go this equinox. Perform a release ritual. All you have to do is name them. If you want to be more symbolic, write down what you want to leave behind on a piece of paper and burn it, disposing of the ashes. You can also take a bath and think about all you’re releasing. When you’re done, watch the water run down the drain and visualize it taking those things away with it.